The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

2000-12-02 - 02:16:16

===Sliding into my brain... Like The Rain: Clint Black===

Mmmmm, so, I'm listening to this stuff again. Tell me you love me, folks. I'm one of those low self-esteem kind of people. I need the constant attention and adoration. AND, since I've lost a lot of readers this week, I really need those of you left to tell me I'm wonderful.

See, you're supposed to validate my existance. Didn't you get the handbook? Hmmm, if you didn't, then send me an Email, I'll send it out to you pronto. *grins*

I went out today, left the house at about 11 or so in the morning. Walked down to the bank and grabbed up some cash. My own, of course. It's not like I robbed a bank again........ Oops, did I let that slip? Shame on me.

Regardless... I went and checked my mail, nothing of great importance. Meaning, nothing that wasn't form letters or junk mail. *pouts* Then I went and got myself a new notebook. *grins* I love notebooks. *laughs* Those are some of my favorite things.

I once bought a 10-pack of three-subject notebooks from Costco just cause I wanted the notebooks. *laughs*

Then I got a new pen and walked down to LBT to give my back a rest and grab a Pepsi and lunch. I blew through 40 bucks today with virtually nothing to show for it. *grins* 'cept the new notebook, pen and a jar of jelly bellys.

===Sliding into my brain... I Wish It Would Rain Down: Genesis===

Seriously. *smirks* See, for those of you not familiar with the "bar" scene.... in most of the places up here they have a form of gambling called "punch boards". Those are notebook sized (see a trend maybe?) with a whole bunch of tiny slips of numbered paper accordian-folded and hidden in a honey-comb-esque fashion in this board. You have to push the little slip of paper through the punch board, then unfold it and if your number matches, you get the prize.

Some punch boards are a dime a punch, some are a nickle, some are a quarter and some are even a buck per punch. Regardless, there was one punch board, where the prizes were jars of Jelly Belly jelly beans. Now, one of my greatest weaknesses is jelly beans. I love them. So, I punched out a dollars worth, didn't get the number necessary... and I continued in that fashion for 8 bucks. *laughs* That's 80 punches, folks.

I FINALLY got the damned jar of jelly bellys. *grins* Yes, I could have purchased a jar for about that much money. But, it's more fun to punch for it. *grins*

===Sliding into my brain... Hold On My Heart: Genesis===

Lunch was about 10 bucks. Chicken strips and fries. And, about five bucks for the juke. *chuckles* 7 for the notebook and pen. 3 bucks for a tip. I tip big. I don't like that chintzy 5% tip BS. I'm a waiter/waitress's dream. I generally tip between 15 and 30 percent. If it's bad service, sometimes as low as 10. But that's for really bad service. And, there's only been maybe twice when I didn't tip at all.

But, anyway. I wrote for a while and munched my food, drank my Pepsi and then walked home. In the rain. *grins* With my jelly bellys. *smirks*

It was a gentle mist. Not an actual rain. It wasn't quite fog, but the precurser to "walking clouds". I loved it. All tolled, I walked about a mile or so.

===Sliding into my brain... In The Air Tonight: Genesis===

I really do have to talk with my doc about my back. It just hurts so much. I don't like that part, ya know?

Anyway, it was really quite a peaceful day today. Diane keeps calling, asking when I'm gonna go back to work. I'm gonna start up again on Monday. I really thought she didn't need me anymore. But, I'm gonna beg off for the weekend, cause I really just wanna veg for a few days. I still need to clean my room. I only got it partially done, then I've spent this past week doing nothing on my room. *smirks*

And I feel so incredibly juvinile. *laughs*

Oooohhh, I got jelly bellys.

I'll share them... but you have to promise to eat them one at a time.

Ya know what? Jelly Bellys now come with "recipes". *grins* They've got pictures of all 40 jelly belly flavors and they've got recepe mixtures. In order to get lemon merangue pie, you need to eat two lemon jelly bellys with two cream soda jelly bellys. *grins*

My favorite tho, is the Cafe Mocha. *smirks* Two Cappucino jelly bellys, one chocolate pudding jelly belly and one cream soda jelly belly. *smirks* Nummy, nummy.

The only hard part is figuring out which jelly belly is which. I mean, the pics are pretty clear, but sometimes there's a little confusion. For instance, the lemon and pineapple jelly bellys are really similar in color and if you don't have really good light, you might get the wrong one. *smirks*

===Sliding into my brain... Kiss The Rain: Billie Meyers===

Damn, what to write about... Joey is currently knawing on a bone. Dad just brought back the beef that he had butchered (and DAAAAAAAAAAAMN the steaks are good) and got a bonus. The butcher gave Dad a whole bunch of bones for Joey. They're all cut for like... a Rotty (Rottweiler), but Joey doesn't know the difference. And he loves having the stuff to chew.

To all of you confirmed vegans... sorry to dash your hopes, but I'm definately carnivorous. *grins* I would prefer to have no vegies in my diet at all. Just steak, man. *grins* Okay, once in a while a salad, but only if I've got my special dressing. AND sunflower seeds, croutons, Goldfish or some other salad topping.

Hell, I used to work at my father's butcher shop. I'd go out with him on the Kills. *grins* I loved those. I loved skinning out the beef. Tho I didn't have the physical strength to lift it or anything, I could do the light work of skinning it. Dad would do the actual butchering of the beef and I would wrap it.

===Sliding into my brain... You Still Move Me: Dan Seals===

However, all of you out there who are thinking about becoming a butcher because it's so romantic and you make so much money.... stop. *chuckles* It's not a business where you get rich. It's dirty, smelly, hard work. Very long hours for very low pay. But you get to see all sorts of people.


For instance, there was this one kill we went on where the owner lead us to where the bull was. The owner said he was going to "moo him in". *rolls her eyes* We figured (Dad and me) that this guy was gonna make a specific call or something and draw the bull toward us and the kill truck. There's no way Dad was gonna drag a 1700 lb, dead bull half way across a field. *chuckles*

So, this guy hunkers down, puts his hands up to his mouth and says... "moo". *rolls her eyes* No shit. He just said the word. The bull turned his head, looked at the guy and lazily turned around, moving away from us.

*laughs quietly*

The guy said he didn't know what was wrong. My thought was this...

Hell, man, you've got a guy with a gun, a big truck that looks like it used to be a bread delivery truck, and an old, drunk-looking farmer-type guy saying "moo". Of course that bull isn't gonna voluntarily come over. Cattle are not as stupid as you might think.

I didn't say that tho. I was only 18.

===Sliding into my brain... If I Had Only One Friend Left: Dan Seals===

So, if you're thinking about scrapping your $150,000 annual sallary in order to take up the butcher business... don't. *smirks*

Well, we're heading into that nasty, nasty, nasty X-mass season. *chuckles* Tis the season to be gridlocked, stress about budgets, presents and who is getting what for whom. There are people running around as if they were the sole support of all the financial gains in the retail industry.

Interesting, neh?

===Sliding into my brain... WildFire: Michael Martin Murphy===

So, what are you getting me for Christmas? Probably the same thing I'm getting you. Well wishes and happy thoughts.

Okay, so my concentration is shot. I so love this song. This song and Jelly Bellys. *grins*

So, how many of you think that we will slide into the new year with no pres?

Nevermind. I don't want to talk politics. I don't care enough about the political hoopla to actually converse on the topic. I'd be doing a lot of listening. Which would probably be a nice change, eh? *smirks*

*listens to this song, and the next, before coming back to the entry*

===Turning my heart inside out... River Of Tears: Eric Clapton===
===Turning my heart inside out... Old Love: Eric Clapton===
===Turning my heart inside out... Little Hands: Duncan Sheik===

Okay, so I spent a little more time listening than writing. I"m sure you'll forgive me, right? Please? If I beg? *sighs* Okay, I suppose I could just close this entry and all that.

I'm really in a good mood. I like it when I'm in a good mood. I got some excersize, I got some fresh air. I got to walk in the rain... well... mist. I got to talk with my Mother for a while. And I'm curled up now with my blanket over me, typing away, listening to Duncan Sheik in the near dark. What could be better?

Yeah, okay, so there are quite a few things that could be better. But we're not getting into those at this time.

I just..... feel good. *grins*

I think it's the Jelly Bellys.

Yup, It's the Jelly Bellys.

Love and all to you and yours. Peace unto thy hearts. Know that all will work out for the best.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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