The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Cut short in the end

2001-05-17 - 10:11 p.m.

Okay, so I didn't do as much house cleaning as I was planning to. Eh, okay, so I was lazy and avoided doing housework.

I cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, cleaned off the counters and the stove, washed the kitchen floor, and that... that limited amount of shit, nearly wiped me out.

Atop that, I also made dinner.

I hate it when my back tells me I can't spend five minutes straight cleaning a counter. *shakes her head* It's really pathetic.

But, I'm still alive.

My knee has been bothering me lately. THe right knee. Both ankles have been barkin at me and my back just does NOT want to be nice. *le sigh*

I think I'm going to put in for a replacement work up. *chuckles* Go in to some street doc and have him replace my normal parts with cyber-enhanced...... oh, wait... that's in ShadowRun. Oh well. I guess I"ll just have to swim along with what I've got.


So, I get to watch my nephew tomorrow. Yippee skippee. Yvonne and Brandace are going to Portland on Brandace's school field trip. They're going to Omsi, which, if I remember correctly, is like the Science Center place. I think it's actually stands for Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, but I"m not sure.

When I lived further north, closer to Seattle, one of my favorite things was to visit the Seattle Science Center. It was so cool. You'd traipse through four or five different buildings and get to play with all sorts of cool toys and gizmos. It was a lot of fun.

However, the two of them leave tomorrow morning at 6 am. And, Since Damien isn't going, he has to be watched by someone... me, of course. *sighs*

I fully agree with having relatives look after children, but sometimes it just gets really irritating to me. Specifically now that I'm fighting off this nasty cold that wants to attack me, and back pain.

There's a history of back problems in my family. THe matriarchal line. Gram, my great aunts, Mom, Aunt Cheryll and me. *chuckles* Seems the men in the fam don't get back trouble.

Of course, from Gram's line, I'm the only grand kid. *shrugs*

Well, okay, that's not exactly true. I'm the only biological grand kid.

Gah, I know this entry isn't making any sense. Not any at all. Suffice it to say, I'm alive and functional, tho today was painful. I have to vacuum tomorrow. That one always gets me. Dunno what it is, but I completely expect some pain in my back tomorrow too.

However, I promise I'll be in a better mood, as I'm going to take my St. John's Wort. For those of you not in the know, St. John's Wort is an all natural mood stablizer.

In other words, taking one of those aweful-tasting pills each day, makes other people nice to me. *smirks*

I was sitting at Chuck's the other day, when conversation came up about Amy, who used to waitress there, but has moved on to better employment.

Regardless, there were folks speculating about what was going on in her life. Well, I was there yesterday while these conversations were going on and I mentioned that I"d seen and talked with her just Monday evening.

So, I was therefore pumped for information. How was she, what was she doing, is she still dating that one guy or is there someone new in her life, etc etc.

I gave a brief update, that she was healthy, happy and wasn't dating anyone at the moment.

Then, one of her ex-boyfriend's acquaintances started talking trash about her. *shakes her head* I didn't know the facts, so I wasn't able to defend her the way I wanted to.

One of the regs asked me if what the other guy said was true. I stated pretty much that I didn't know, but that it didn't sound like that to me. It just wasn't something that the woman I knew, would do.

I got to talk with Amy last night, via Messenger. I asked for the whole story. The ex-boyfriend's acquaintance was wrong. Lying even. *shakes her head* That bugs me.

Of course, I keep in mind the fact that Amy could have stretched or altered the truth a bit, but I just don't think so. I trust her. I don't trust the other guy.

Value judgement? You bet your ass.

Anyway, Joey is telling me he has to go out now, so I have to cut this short.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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