The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Update, houses and thank yous

2001-08-17 - 9:48 p.m.

I updated my diary rings a bit. I'll be updating the links probably tomorrow or Sunday. There isn't really a whole lot to talk about tonight. I'm kinda sleepy and it's only not-quite-ten. Isn't that pathetic? I go to sleep at midnight last night and am draggin all damned day.

*shakes her head*

I got a message on my guestbook from Alexis today. I'm not exactly sure what to make of it. Alexis seems to think that in her dreams, I'm male. This is a scary proposition, folks. The last time I checked, I was still female.

*shrugs* Who knows... perhaps something magical happened. Or perhaps it was simply a dream. Regardless... go visit Cucumber and let her know that there ARE people reading. Not because she needs the affirmation, but because, well, um..... I don't know why. Nevermind.

The 'rents and I... and my sis, went out to look at the new house. This is the first time, since Mom found the place, that I"ve seen the inside. I like it. It's very clean and whole looking. It's quiet and on a large, grassy lot. With tons of huge trees.

I really like it.

There's a pond out back and the bay is just half a mile up the street. It means the trek to the bus will be a lot longer. It will be nearly a mile to reach the bus, each way, actually. But still, I have a private entrance to my room. It's like a "mother-in-law apartment".

I get to paint it and furnish it in whatever way I want to. AS long as I don't paint the walls black. *grins* That was Mom's caution.

There is a hole in the wall, Not like so you can see the outside, but someone cut away part of the drywall to expose a pipe. Since I know how to hang drywall and then tape and spackle, I get to repair that. *smirks* Then I get to paint it whatever color I want.

I'm not sure what color I want the walls to be yet. The ceiling is low enough that I doubt I'd need a ladder to paint. Hell, I won't even need a ladder to cut in the corners.

If you couldn't tell, I"m excited about this. It's going to be my private area and I'll get to actually do structural changes. Well, okay, not structural, but still...

It's got locks on the exterior door and the door into the rest of the house, so I can have actual privacy and since I'll be paying rent and stuff, It will literally be my own apartment.

Okay, so I'm done gushing now. Charles says that I"m "nesting". *chuckles* That might be it... I don't know. I don't really care. It's just... this will be a place that's mine. ANd that's something I have wanted for a long time.

I'll be able to get furniture and paintings and pictures and all sorts of different things. I'll get to make it mine. I won't have the ex telling me what goes where. I won't have the 'rents telling me that I can't have posters on the walls. I won't have the landlord telling me that I can't have a pet.

*smiles softly* It's a little piece of privacy without having to actually, ya know... have a place where I"m alone. This is wonderful. The next step in my journey to independance.

By the by, Since Janurary, I"ve lost 40 pounds and I can now walk about a mile to a mile and a half with only a couple rest periods. I"m getting healthier. I feel good.

I like life.

Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. I'm so happy and satisfied with the direction my life is going. Having you as my audience has really made a tremendous difference in my life. You might not realize it, but I do.

Thank you.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own