The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

BBW club cheater entry

Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2002 - 11:57 pm

The following, italicized things are my answers to two recent questions asked on the BBW club board. I thought these might give my readers a little more... hmmmm, broad, a picture of who I am.

And, basically, I'm tired of not writing anything in here, though I still don't have anything of true merit to write.

Of course, I could plug the people I've been reading lately, but I don't really feel like all that work. I mean... that requires the HTML code to make a link and I just don't have the interest drummed up for one of those kinds of entries. HOWEVER, tomorrow, I'll be writing up a long entry, in an old style. *chuckles*

Just you wait.

For the time being, entertain yourselves with these little peeks into who and what I am.

This first was in answer to a question about the nicknames each of the people on the board/in the club have had.

Ugh, do I hafta?

Getcher coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, whatever. This is a looooong post.

As a small child, Jenny-Any-Dots because of the poem. I didn't have other nicknames until I was 10 and went to Summer Camp. That's when one of the counselors, frustrated with trying to remember which Jennifer was whom, started calling me Red (hair color, folks) After that the nickname thing just took off.

It started at age 10 with Red, then came:

Wheazer (after a bad asthema attack) -- Rose Marie (Parents gave us the opportunity to choose new names if we wanted them. I chose Rose Marie, my brother chose Brownie. Due to his choice, our parents then chose NOT to give us the opportunity to change names) (oh, and my brother was 12) -- Flame -- Kitt (anyone remember that car?) -- Kitt+ -- Kitten (No idea where that one came from) -- Grinch (cause of my stance on X-mas -- received at age 14)

Loner -- Wolf -- Horse Face (cause I would brush my cheek against my horse's nose often - it was actually my neighbor's horse, but I rode it daily) -- Sniffles (due to allergy to said horse) -- Rosie Me (spin off from Rose Marie) -- Beller (due to being the only one on the cheer squad who could be heard) -- Squawk (due to the day after cheer practice/games and being hoarse)

Age 17-26 -- Redd -- Vocals (due to being a voice major in College) -- Fire Fox Mistress (no idea where I got that one.) -- Red Wraith (A friend decided "Red" was too old and I needed to have a more "mature" nickname) -- PVT (Power Voice Technique - another college thing) -- Gigantrix (Due to going from 4'9" at 16 to 6'0" at 17) -- Busty (another college thing, go figure) -- Jessica Ann Saunders (first writing pseudonym)

Power Hitter (Two different meanings for this one. First, some guy in a bar thought he'd reach out and touch me... He brushed his fingers against my ass. I didn't like that and told him to back off. He did it twice more, so I spun around and cold-cocked him. *bats her eyelashes* Don't touch my ass. I don't like that. *smiles sweetly* Second meaning: Karaoke crowd - for singing with a very strong voice) -- Amazing Red (Karaoke again - Got that after getting a standing "O" for Amazing Grace in a bar) -- Gospel Red (same situation, different crowd)

Flame Wraith (some guy trying to impress me with how suave he was. Would have worked had he not immediately afterward emptied the contents of his stomach on the stairs) -- The Mouth (long story, positive name, "adult" reference, 'Nuff said) -- Mouse (long story, negative name, 'Nuff said) -- Many unprintable names due to censorship issues, generally negative and gifted me by the now-ex. -- D. S. Vic (second and "mainstream" writing pesudonym)

Age 27-31 (which is current age) Internet Names/IDs -- Red Wraith -- MissTress Fire (intentionally spelled that way) -- BurntTiger (RP-Role Play Character) -- Tig -- Tigger -- Spirit's Falcon -- DawnFire DeathMaker -- Corrin Le Beaux -- Ember Wolf -- Jessie Lee -- Simtra Chronical

Well hell, there are more than 40 other names and offshoots of names. The one I use most frequently now, though, is TigreFatalis AKA The Fatal Tiger. Most common shortening of that is Tig. It works and it's comfortable. Kinda like "home" so to speak.

There are some people who still call me Burnt or Burnty, but they rarely, if ever, get responded to. As far as I'm concerned, Tig, Tiger or TF work best if you want my attention. Red still works, always.

*knocks on your screen* Wake up, I'm done.

This next one was a question regarding what different "relationship" terms mean to each of the posting members. So, these are the terms and their meanings to me.

Relationship terms, hmm?

To me, this is how these specific terms are interpreted:

1-Love -- A promise of life-long dedication/commitment to the marriage/relationship. It is Not an emotion or a "feeling", it is a mental choice, a decision, a contract.

2-Trust -- The ability and desire to rely upon what another says. If he makes a promise, he keeps it. If he can�t keep a promise, he doesn�t make one. Trust is that which rides in tandem with love, coming with complete honesty and admitting when one has overextended themselves.

3-Integrity -- Pretty much the same as the above, but with more emphasis on the honesty part. Integrity does not lie and is not facetious. Integrity is character, high character.

4-Honor -- Hand in hand with Trust and Integrity. Honor is a part of character. One does not make promises they can�t or won�t keep. One does not chase after other wiggling butts. One does not put his/her own needs before those of the relationship.

5-Companionship -- Personable, friendly, comradic. Companionship is that experience where you are comfortable and happy being in the presense of another. This is NOT sexual, it is a mental connection. Being in the physical presense of another person. (at ease with conversation, silence, movies, long walks... whatever the two individuals enjoy doing, it�s that ease and comfort of being around another person without stress)

6-Friendship -- The above but without the physical presense being necessary. Also, there are many forms of friendship. There are solid friends, and acquaintences. Each having varying degrees of responsibility.

Just my 10 dollars worth. *chuckles*

The Fatal Tiger
Link to my diary (You're already here, by the way)
Link to club pertinant page (It's just info on me for those who want to know more information than a yahoo profile allows.)

And that's it. If you want to know more about me, you're welcome to check out the above BBW link. If you do look and find any problems, such as text disappearing, let me know and I'll fix it.

And, for that matter, as far as the people in the club are concerned, I'm liked better by the women than the men. *chuckles* Ya think that little bio/profile thing could be too bitchy for most men??? *smirks*

I am most definitely not what most of the males in that club are looking for. Not because of my size, but because of my attitude. The fact that I have a fairly stand-off-ish persona on the board.


Figure the odds, right?

Remember... feel the lurve.


If any of you are interested in checking out the club, by all means do so, those who are both "fat chicks" and "fat chick" admirers. Those who just like being around people are welcome too. It's a huge club and there are many, many, many people who never post, but it would be interesting to see some more familiar faces around.

Tell em I sent ya.

BBW club

Peace unto thy hearts, folks.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own