The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

The Trek...

2000-07-28 - 01:26:50

Well, hello my neglected friends. I'm sorry for my neglect. Please don't call CPS. *chuckles*

At the time of writing, I've just gotten back from Longview. That's about 70 miles from here, give or take 5, one way. I'm very tired. And it's been a long day. And my trip to Longview was a total wash out.

I left the house this morning, after my typical 6 1/2 hours of sleep, at about 9am; filled up the car with diesel fuel, tranny fluid and oil; went to Fort Canby (a campsite about five miles from the house), to see if I could locate my Mother (whom I've not seen since 6 Tuesday Morning), Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother (who are down here visiting for a couple days), before they went back to Bothell (aproximately 230 miles NorthEast of us); drove around Ft. Canby for nearly half an hour, searching them out.

I didn't find them until I was leaving. We passed, on a fluke, and stopped so that I could say hello. I've not seen my Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother in nearly a year. *smiles softly* I miss them greatly. BUT, my Uncle looks great: for a man who has just come out of the hospital with a new heart not three months ago.

Anyway, I finally started off to Longview around 10:30am. Now, some of you may think that a 60 mile drive should take about... hell, at most, 90 minutes. *laughs softly* HA! You don't know about my beastie. *grins*

I drive an '83 Cadilac Seville. She's old. She's tired. She's falling apart. She's in need of retirement. She'd be a good car for a little old lady who just wanted to get from home to church twice a week. *chuckles*

BUT, she's still running, and that's a tremendous bonus. Regardless, she climbs the hills at about 25-40 miles an hour. 40 for those not-so-steap hills. *chuckles quietly* 25 for everything else. *grins* So, with having to slow down to go through the towns on the way, having to go up the mountains...

=== I use that term very, very, very loosely... It's the Coastal Range I have to pass through. The Olympics. *rolls her eyes* They aren't mountains. They're tall foothills. And, I'm sure that at one point one could consider them VERY tall hills. But that's it. They're not real mountains. Not like the Cascades. And not like the Rockies. *sighs softly* But, I digress. yet again ===

...So, having to go up the mountains was tough. That poor car must have chugged at 25 miles an hour for two miles. *chuckles quietly* She doesn't do steap grades very well at all. BUT, the brakes held, and nothing fell off her as I was driving, so it's all good.

But, I get to Longview at about 12:30 or so, find the place I'm supposed to be (Sleep clinic at St John's Medical Center) and try to find a place to park. *rolls her eyes* I was NOT going to pay to park in the garage. Specifically because I only had three bucks to my name. (Thank God I was able to charge the fuel, tranny fluid and oil).

So, I find a place to park and let Joey out for a little bit, I know it's tough on him. Hell, the weather here at the beach was a nice, cool 65 degrees. But, in Longview, it was about 85 or so. Possibly a little warmer than that. *shakes her head* Damn I've been spoiled. I don't want to live inland anymore...

Regardless, I knew he was going to have to wait for me. I figured my appointment (initial consultation) would take about 20 minutes. I figured I could leave him in the car that long, with the window down and the sunroof open.

*shakes her head* Unfortunately, Joey decided to show me that he was an accrobatic dog. *sighs* He squeezed himself out of the window (he's leashed inside the car because he likes to climb out the sunroof and stand atop the car) and stood outside the window, with his little paws on that edge, his forepaws atop the car, barking at me, begging me to come back. To not leave him. *sighs softly*

Ya know, if I were anyone else, it would break my heart to hear him do that. BUT, since I'm me, it only pings me a bit. I turned around to go back and get him IN the car, then rolled up the window a little more so he couldn't get out. *sighs* He's a damned genious. *chuckles*

SO, finally, I get into the hospital and ask the first receptionist I come to, where the sleep clinic is. She gives me directions and it turns out... (trudge, trudge, trudge, grunt, pant, pant, pant) that the sleep clinic is about half a mile from where I parked. Oh, yeah, that's good. Let's make the fat chick walk half a mile when she's hot, her hip is already bothering her and her toes are going numb with every step.

===my injuries from the wreck two and a half years ago have been acting up. Since I watched those ....... um........... children...... last week, my hip has been aching and my ankle has been weaker than usual. And, my toes are again going numb every once in a while. I think I had some additional Sciatic nerve trouble. That's what causes the numbness... regardless... on with the tale===

Anyway, I get to the sleep clinic, enter the doors at about five of one. My appointment was at 1pm. HA!!! That's what I thought. Turns out my appointment was actually at 2pm, BUT, it didn't matter, because since I didn't call to confirm the fact that I had an appointment, they gave it away. *sighs, shaking her head*

And, there was no chance of me getting snuck in or anything as the doc was running late anyway. *sighs softly, shaking her head* So, I rescheduled. And the next available time was October 26th. *shakes her head again* I'm really beginning to hate docs.

BUT, then I had to make the trek back to my car. So, another half mile. Pain now shooting throughout my leg, my lower back sending spasms of pain through my spine with every step, and a little doubletime thing with my pulse. *sighs*

Joey was happy to see me returning after only 20 minutes tho. AND, I found out that the intial consultation is not going to be a mere 20 minutes, but it's going to take damned near an hour. An hour. For what????? What the fuck do they need me to come in for an hour for? And why the hell do I have to wait another three frickin months for a reschedule for a sleep clinic?

Because my doc thinks that I need to be seen by the clinic to decide whether or not I have any sleeping disorders. Apparently, if one has a sleeping disorder, it is possible that that single problem will negate any weight loss program.


Personally, I think that there has to be another way.

OH, and I have to go in for that special exam next week. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you don't need to know. Most women immediately understand what I mean. I've never had one. Ever. Before I was married, I was a virgin. Never needed one. I have never, ever, ever let anyone look in that area of my person.

My ex never did that cunnilingus thing so he never looked there either. I really, really, really, REALLY don't want to have this exam. I've been completely celibate for nearly three years. Isn't that enough time to qualify me for virginity again? Is there any way I can avoid this exam???? Gawd I don't wanna do this.

Of course, you folks probably didn't want to hear about any of that. But, tough shit. You opt to read this diary, even when I'm being rediculous and petty. So, you must deal. *smirks* Of course, since I've said that, most of you will probably begin looking at me in a new light...

I can hear it now, secret conversations on the other side of these cyber walls... "Did you hear what the Fatal Tiger said?" "Did you know that the Fatal Tiger is an egomaniacal bitch?" "Hey, I ordered fries with that!" *shakes her head* Oh, sorry, sorta lost my train of thought for a moment.

*sighs softly*

Anyway... I've been expecting a call from a friend of mine. One of the few, and I mean VERY few females I really like. Jess is one of those females I just... really enjoy. She's sweet, kind, tender and overtly flirtatious. *grins* I love that. She and I will flirt back and forth and it's an absolute blast.

Anyway, she's out here visiting and she's supposed to call me tonight. She might be able to make it out here for the weekend and that would just rock. I hope she can make it. I want to stare at all the cowboy butt with her. *grins*

The Rodeo is in town this weekend. She and I would sit out there, watching the cowboys. Damn... those boots, the tight jeans showing off thighs, the sweet button-downs, the hats....... mmmmmmmmm. Hot damn. I want a cowboy. *chuckles*

Actually, I don't want a True Cowboy. But I want one to just look at. I want one to grab me up and kiss me hard then let me go and walk away, that knowing smirk teasing his lips... then he should turn around, wink and walk on. *laughs at herself*

Anyway, I figure, who better to stare at cowboys with than Zara, Tiger's partner in crime. Hell, our RP characters have turned more than 100 heads in our time in the Lair. *grins* She was always so catlike and sinewously sensual. Tiger was always... so... "in your face, baby" sexual. *laughs* Hot damn we were a pair.

Anyway. Check out her diary. She's way cool and deserves your love and attention.

I've put a mile and a half on my feet and hip today (walking) and 160 miles on my car. I have to go up North to work again tomorrow. Damn, I should have gone to work this morning instead of wasting ALL DAMNED DAY on a drive to Longview. But, I'll live.

Oh, there's a possibility that another friend of mine will be coming out sometime in the next couple weeks. He's close, tho. In Olympia. As time goes on, I'll tell you how that thing progresses.

Now, I must go write an entry for Tiger as I have neglected her diary for way, way, way too long. Please check out these diaries. Tell em the Fatal Tiger sent ya... *grins*

My Addiction
Everyone's Favorite Uncle
My Melly Girl
Tiger's Son, Chance
Tiger's Daughter, Carrisa
La Blue Girl???
Da Crack Head
The Dragon Lady
D. S. Vic, my poetry and stories. I have a few new ones up
The Guitar Man
The Stone Builder

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own