The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Enlightenment.... or something

2000-09-16 - 19:22:06

So... I've just apologized to Russell and his character. *chuckles* And he's happy. Good, so I can breathe again.

I read Flatline this afternoon and he was discussing enlightenment. I think that's really cool, as I was talking about enlightenment with a friend of mine in the MidWest last night and right now too. He'd found that high... that incredible high when everything is so much MORE than it ever could be when viewed with 'mortal' eyes..

We were discussing how to keep that feeling. In my opinion, this is the key...

Instead of watching the world and things around you as if you were limited to the physical realities... view the world with your soul. Tap into it. Stop ignoring the perfection of that which lives within you.

So many people seem to think that enlightenment is something external. In my experience, enlightenment is simply one thing... real, honest, forthright and pure truth. Truth in every aspect of life. Realizing that honestly and truly, one is ONLY limited by what they believe. That is the only barrier in the world.

*shrugs* Many may not agree. I would guestimate that most would not agree. And those of you... the more pragmatic of this audience... You might think I'm completely off my rocker. But tell me... how else do you explain colors that are more vivid than vivid? How else do you explain this pure and complete peace?

I'm not on any drugs. I'm not sick. I'm not "coming down with a cold". I'm not taking any medications. I'm not (by any stretch of the imagination) trippin or halucinating or divulging on any under-nourished blood-sugar high.

I'm high on life. Feeling and hearing and tasting everything. Drawing it all in and allowing it to fill my soul, feeding my soul and being fed from my soul.

Some of you may think I've flipped my lid... that I've rocked my rocker for the last time. *chuckles* Believe what you will. I will NOT be tied down by societies implied rules. I will not be limited by what someone else thinks I can and can not be. I am swimming in the sea of wonderful memories. I am reliving every positive detail of my life. And I am feeling this whole, pure truth.

You see... the world at large is not "truth". The world at large is filled with falacy and lies and rules in order to keep everyone complacent. In order to keep everyone bound so that no one is better than someone else. So that no one has to feel like an outsider if they go along with the group.

Hey... If you don't want to fit in... make your own group.

If you dont' like the rules. Change them.

If you don't like what you see about yourself, change it.

Allow the outside to match the inside. And when you do? You will find everything you've been searching for.

And, for those more pragmatic...

Yes, the "real world" requires certain behaviors and attitudes. If you believe you need to function in that "real world" then do what you believe needs to be done. BUT, do not remain in that "real world" mentality all the time.

If you remain in that mentality... conforming to what the world/society around you states, then you lose that which you really are. And you feel the pain of how you don't truly fit in.

And why don't you truly fit in? Because the outside doesn't match the inside.

Don't make your inside change to fit your exterior... for the inside truly does not change. The inside is the truth. The inside, the soul, the heart, the core of who and what you are is what is real. Truly real.

Tap into that.

Tap into the core of who and what you are.

Change the outside to match the inside. Not the emotions and feelings so much as that pure, unadultrated core. The soul of you.

For this entry... that is all.

Peace unto thy hearts. Eternally!

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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