The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

iambic pentameter? Wooff

2001-01-01 - 02:16:25

So, it's like this, I'm talkin with Charles, who updated today, by the by, and we're talkin bout this whole New Year's thing... discussing the fireworks and all... I was talkin bout when I was a kid and my Mother deemed fit that my brother and I should remain safe and with all our fingers, so we got sparklers and that was it...

And what does Charles say in response to that? Hmmmm? Can you guess? My dearest, most precious and all-around-sweet friend (don't tell him I said that) said... AND I QUOTE!!!!!!!!!... "Sparklers can be used to make a variety of interesting explosives."


*blinks again*

*blinks a third time*

I think I'm actually going to start recording my favorite quotes. I mean, cmon... is that not good? It's so.... Marcinko. It's so..... Well..... Charles. I absolutely love the way that mind works. *laughs*

I was laughin for quite a while.

Oh sure, so you think I've dipped into the sauce just a little too much, eh? Sorry, no deal. I haven't had anything alcoholic since the chocolate liquer I had two weeks ago. (a chocolate, shaped like a miniature bottle of liquor with alcohol inside it... they're most generally nummy)

I'm not high, and I haven't taken any medication. I'm not writing under the cloud of Green Death flavor NyQuill. I'm simply me.

Quite a long time ago, I posted a list of all the things that I liked about Charles. Or rather, a whole bunch of the things I like about Charles. It's right...........




Wait for it




no jumping to the end now





So, anyway... I think I have to add something about explosives and such. And, I will never be able to look at sparklers in the same tame, mundane fashion. But that's not all bad. That's what friends are supposed to do isn't it? Open your horizzons? Get you to look at things from a different angle?

So, I was talking with Charles, and I had asked what he did when something he was writing was getting really slow... bogging down... dragging.

he said to stop and unplug... do something else.

Well, that's good and all, but if I were to do that, then I"d have to claen my room and I don't wanna... so there. *smirks*

So, we talked about how we write. Not really an indepth conversation, but I described the way my mind works. It's hard for me to write some stuff cause I have to keep a specific goal in mind. I guess I'm more the shotgun type writer. I look at the page and start writing and wherever it ends up... that's dinner. *chuckles*

But some people have a specific goal in mind. They kinda are bullet writers. They know where they're going and they take the most direct route. *chuckles* That's SOOOOOOOOO not me.

Oh, you didn't know that? Hmmm. Well then, perhaps you'd like to go back and re-read some of these entries. Some that are more normal. *chuckles*


Yes, I figured that sigh deserved its very own place.

So, I want to write, but my mind is kinda... well... empty right now. I expended a lot of energy on the story today and I"m still not happy with what I turned out. But, I gotta get it done before I do the re-write, or I'll never finish it. I just "know" that.

I just asked two people what their favorite colors were. Charles said, "of what?"

Glenn said, "yellow"

You NEEDED to know that. Trust me. *tries that Crocodile Dundee hypnotic thing on ya*

Okay, so I"m totally failing this writing thing right now. my brain is maxed out, I guess. Maybe I can get Charles to ask me a couple questions... Lemme see...

He's either AFK or doing a lot of thinking, cause he hasn't responded yet.

Okay, the question... "If you could be any color of home appliance, what country would you be made in and why? In iambic pentameter, for bonus points."

There's somethin wrong with that.... but I don't know what...

Hmmmmm, any color of home appliance, what country and why...

I suppose I'd be made in Germany. Cause they tend to make things bigger and a little more durable... more sturdy. Atop that they've got some pretty good beer gardens, I've been told. *shrugs* I definately would NOT be made in China or Taiwan or Japan cause most of that stuff, tho built pretty well, is rather small, compact and extremely intricate even tho it works the way it's designed to. And I tend not to work the way I'm designed to. Or at least that's the way it feels inside this strange, scrambled-egg brain of mine.

Or something.

So, now that I know what iambic pentameter really is... (thanks, Charles for saying "Shakespear" which prompted visions of vociferous sonnets and such... Hey, I don't know jack about Shakespear or "literary style"... so sue me)

I make absolutely no guarantees about this... but hell... it occupied my time and kept me from pestering Charles. *grins*

It would seem fitting, if only I dared
To come upon some rhyme
But my thoughts carry this way and that
And I am pressed for time


Suffice it to say, please, my dear
Were I to choose the place
Germany would be upon my list
Please, do keep the pace

The Germans do, I have found
Create a broader base
And tho I am quite stunning here,
I will not run a race

Therefore, with butt and bod so wide
Tho I rarely will admit
In Kraut design and beer stained plans
I actually could fit

So there.

And, with that attempt at iambic pentameter, I'm jettin out.

Love and all to you and yours, my dearies.

Peace unto thy hearts.... or something else equally fitting.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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