The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Uh..... mebbe I'm in a pissy mood

2001-01-06 - 02:54:41

So, I'm coming to you after a party for my nephew for which he never bothered to show. Aren't family get-to-gethers so much fun???

I love my family, and family is important to me, but I get so tired of them, so quickly. I've always been a fairly reclusive person unless I don't know the people I'm around. Actually, even then I'm reclusive. Perhaps exclusive? Dunno for sure.

I'm big on privacy. I like my privacy, and I really try not to infringe on other's privacy. It's one of those things that's totally foreign to my sis. She doesn't care about privacy at all. She's also one of those people who will talk about personal problems and such. *rolls her eyes* I really don't want to know about someone else's difficulties during their menstrual cycle.

I don't want to advertise my personal problems. I really don't. I mean, like physical activities and such of a personal nature. Hygiene habits, bathroom habits, shaving tips... I really don't like conversations about those sorts of things. If I wanted to see and hear about that stuff, I'd be surfing for porn. That simply isn't my gig.

My nephew just got back from an extended period away from home. No need for details, but we were having a Welcome Home party for him tonight. It was set roughly for 5:30p. He didn't show. Round 6 we ate. He didn't show. We called. No answer. Sometimes I wonder if he's ever going to bother coming back.

I thought up a few reasons why he'd blow off his own Welcome Home party....

Too far to drive. (he and his wife live a little less than two blocks West of us)

Food wasn't good enough. (pizza)

Not enough presents (there were presents for him)

Dunno... personally I think that he's just re-consumating his relationship with his wife and blew off the family thing cause he was either sleepin or doin the horizontal mambo.

That's just my opinion, tho.

So, If you're reading this... YOU SHOULD HAVE COME TO DINNER!!!

Hmmmmmm... What to talk about.

I'm sitting here in my room, talking with Charles via Yahell Messenger about the movie CastAway. He hasn't seen it yet, but he did say that he knew I'd like it.

*shrugs* I wouldn't go as far as to say that. Yeah, it was a good movie... but it was too long and there was too much that was just..... dunno how to descirbe it. It was just too hollywood, I guess. There were a couple parts that were totally unnecissary and it was just..... too long.

Mom loved it, of course. And she saw it twice. *shrugs* It's a movie I"d see again, but only if I had something else to do. I got bored. Left to use the facilities and wake myself up, even. *shrugs*

I am SO not into "chick flicks". Give me a Segall flick any day. I don't like Van Dam... he's too.... *shrugs* "pretty", I guess. I do NOT think he's good looking. Yeah, he's got a bod, but frag that crap. I'm so not into that.

Don't get me wrong, I admire a male physique, but that's not where it's "at" for me. I much prefer seeing a man's eyes than his bare chest. *rolls her eyes* And that six pack stuff? Nice for Arnold. Not my gig.

I guess I should purge my irritation. My day was really quite good until this evening before the "party" was supposed to happen. I had walked back after writing and all. I was downstairs with Mom and Joey was playing with his cow.

The house was just cleaned today, so I knew Mom was gonna be a bit hyper-tense about that. *shrugs*

Long story short, time.

One of Joey's cows... (they were a pair of cow slippers that I had (and loved) that Joey adopted as his. He's used them as chew toys. He loves them and has torn them apart over the past year.) Anyway, one of Joey's cows has been so chewed, that one of the horns has come off.

Joey was tossing that horn around, throwing it up into the air then jumping for it, the whole thing... He dropped it to the floor and pounced on the rest of the cow, playing with that. Mom said she didn't want to have to put up with the crap on the floor, pointed out one piece of fuzz and the cow horn. So, she picked up the horn and threw it in the garbage.

That pissed me off. I told her she couldn't throw it away, it was Joey's. She said she could too throw it away and that was that. Then she bitched about the fuzz on the carpet. I got up, picked up the fuzz and asked for the horn back. She refused. I demanded it back, grabed Joey's remaining cow and then my bag and went upstairs.

NOW, I know that I over-reacted. But damn it. He's MY dog. And that was HIS toy. And just because Mom is pissed off about no one showing up to the fucking party yet does not mean that she's gotta take and throw away MY DOG'S TOY!!!!!!!


Now, if it had been something of mine that she had thrown away, I would have accepted it and left. I would have pouted in my room for a while and then, after she was asleep, I'd have gone back and taken my thing out of the trash. (it was an empty trash can, not the actual "garbage" can)

BUT, because Joey is my dog and the only friend I have out here besides my mother... seriously, he is the only other person I talk to with actual speaking. Hell, he sleeps with me. We spend about 22 hours a day together. Those other two hours are usually the times when I'm walking to and from LBT where I write during the afternoon.

No one fucks with my dog. Not even in jest. I don't like it. And I'm extremely protective. I get very loud and very mean looking when someone tries to hurt my dog.

SO, the point.... I know that I was over-reacting to Mom's throwing the horn away. It's just a horn. It's not like Joey's going to miss it. Or even know it's gone. But, damn it. It wasn't hers. It was Joey's. And he has the right to rip his fucking slipper to shreds if he wants to. I pick up after him. I pick up the little pieces of fuzz and stuff that he rips out of those slippers. I pick up the little pieces of flotsam and jetsam that he leaves around.


*clears her throat*


So yeah, I was over reacting to the situation. I should have responded more politely, more gently. I think it's all Russell's fault. I really do. Last night in RP we were talking, in character, about what a hot head is. A hot head is a person who... at the most basic level, reacts instead of acting.

I reacted to the insult of someone totally ignoring my dog's possession. I don't go into my mother's room and throw away her things. I don't throw away her bird's toys. GAH.

So, I reacted in a hot-head manner. I'm sorry, Mom, that I reacted the way I did. I should have simply gathered up my things, and those of my dog and asked you politely for the toy back. Then, if you hadn't given it, I should have gone upstairs, and come back down when you were asleep and taken that damned, fucking horn out of the damned fucking garbage can!!!

*smiles sweetly*

I think that would have been a little less hot headed. Most likely, tho, it would have been warm headed. *smiles sweetly again*

Anyway, I'm through with venting. I just had to bitch about that a little. I know that my actions were.... well.... foolish and most likely incredibly irrational... but I do get to have a "female" moment every once in a while.

YES, I'm a tomboy. YES, I like the rough sports. YES, I like "guy" movies. But don't you dare cross someone I love cause I get pissed. And you ain't never seen Mama-bear-pissed until you've crossed my cub!


*in an almost sing-song voice* Peace unto thy hearts.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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