The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Fat Bitch...

2001-02-08 - 02:14:25

Okay people, what is wrong with the teens of this world? Fine... besides the fact that they're teens.... I'm railing against the pipsqueak teen-age boys in particular.

I was walking, yesterday evening on my way to LBT, and a group of teen boys, not a one of them was over 19, drove by me. They were whoopin and hollarin about how fat I was. The repeated, shouted words were, and I quote, "Fat bitch! Fat bitch!! Fat BITCH!!!"

Yes, quite complimentary, I know.

Then, today as I was waiting for the bus, another group of boys... maybe the same boys, who knows, and who cares?...

Anyway, they went past in a pickup and actually SANG, "Who's the fat bitch? That's the fat bitch. Fat Bitch! Bitch!! BITCH!!!"

Mighty crescendo.

I don't think I'd be half as irrirtated if they had even an inkling of musical skill. But they didn't.

Is there some school we can send thses social rejects to? Some strict boarding school type thing? There has to be some class or something. And, while we're at it, let's send all those women who find it necessary to purchase a new pair of shoes in order to properly celebrate the recent acquisition of ... shoes.

And, the parents that find it necessary to remind their step-children that said child is not worth their effort or money.

Yeah, lets send all these people to this school.

We'll have Kevin Nash and Steve Austin as instructors. Those fuckers are tough enough to beat some sense into the boys. And we'll have some of those tree-hugger plant-right's activists there too, tho whether they're there to attend classes or teach them is still unknown.

While we're at it, let's send all the damned politicians to this school too. AND, we'll put the school on that island that Tom Hanks was on in Cast Away. Or something.

OOOOOHHH, and those bathroom-in-pairs chicks that really irk me. And all those guys who were mean to me from last night's entry.


Well, I can't think of anyone else right now, but I'm sure I've pissed off the majority of the population out there, so I've done my job.


In other news, Sympatico was pouting briefly last night because he didn't make it on my list. *chuckles*

He said he got a low placing on a mutual friend's list and he didn't even get on my list. SO, I want to explain that a little.

See, dear heart, you don't want to be on the list from last night. Trust me on that one. Only those people who will NEVER have a chance at a relationship with me (or never again in certain cases) were on that list. There's still a chance for you, babe. *grins*

In fact, on my list of people I would date, you're number two. You know who number one is, nuff said.


Now, for a list of popular figures I'd date...

Just cause I'm bored and this entry is sorely lacking in length and verbocity....

1.) Tom Skerrit. I don't know if he's married now or not. If he is, then I wouldn't date him, but I would like to go to dinner with he and his wife, just to talk to him and find out who and what he is.

2.) Adrian Paul. Likewise, I don't know if he's married or not, but I"d really like to meet him and see if he really can use a sword. I would love to just watch him work out if he actually KNOWS the katas and such. I watched him as Duncan McCleod in Highlander for years. I think his motion is so incredibly poetic. Liquid motion.

3.) Mikael Barishnakov (sp). I don't care if he's married or not, I just want to watch him dance. He is so incredible. I must have watched White Knights a million times just because he danced in that flick.

4.) Michael Flatly. Same reason... He's an incredible dancer and I just want to watch the way he moves. There's something almost spiritual about his motion.

5.) Andrea Bocelli. I want to sit and talk with him for hours. About music. No man who sings that amazingly could ever tire of talking about the passion of music. Of course, I'd have to learn Italian first... but I'm willing. Damn he's so very incredible.

6.) Lorenzo Lamas. Course, I know he's married. I don't want to go to dinner with him unless his wife is there. I want to talk with both of them. I want to find out why he chose the roles he has, etc. I think I covered all of that in my obsessive babbling about him in regard to my dream. *chuckles*

7.) Eddie Vedder. Damn, I want to sing with him so damned badly. Meaning, the desire to sing with him is intense, not that I want to sing badly. *chuckles* I love his vocal quality and I want to see if he has the same timbre when he's speaking.

8.) Ryan Stiles. Damn, that man is hillarious. I want to just sit back and listen to him. I want to know what he's serious about. I want to meet his wife too. Just to talk with her and find out what she loves most about him and vice versa.

9.) Val Kilmer. Cause he's gorgeous. *chuckles*

10.) Steven Segal. Cause he sits his horse well. Stupid reason, I know, but when I saw him riding his horse, I just was really impressed with that. He looked so incredibly relaxed and at ease in the saddle. And, he's got such an aire of confidence and self-control without being a snob. I really like that. Another thing I like is that even tho he's been in some really impressive movies, and quite a lot of them, few people actually hear about his life outside of the flicks. I want to get to know who he is. AND, I want to know why he divorced/seperated from Kelly LeBroc. *chuckles* Damn she's gorgeous.

Anyway, that's my list and I've eaten up alittle more space. So I'm just gonna hang this up for now.

Remember, folks. Do NOT drive past me singing about me being a fat bitch if you can not sing in key. I hate that. If you're gonna call em as you see em, at least merely call em. Don't sing em.

Peace unto thy hearts.

PS... And people wonder why I had such a low self-image for so long. This is not the first time such actions have been perpetrated against me/in my general direction. It's not something I enjoy, but I can deal with it. C'est la vie, non? Oui.

This just in... A friend of mine, Xeyli just sent me this URL. I had to post it. Check this out...

Jetta Pic This is well well well worth your effort to view. Don't ever do this to your car!!!

Love to you, folks.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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