The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

random musings and strange thoughts

2000-04-10 - 18:54:38

Mmmmmmmmmm, sleep deprivation... my favorite.

I was having a discussion with a friend today, talking about depression and the like. living with disappointments and the like. My quote...

"burnttiger: Sure you will. You COULD change it today. It's all dependant upon your personal outlook. And before you bitch at me about how I should take my own advice, I know how extremely trite that little tid-bit sounds."

He was very nice. Didn't tell me to take my own advise. Didn't even tell me to kiss his ass. *smirks* It was, all in all, a great conversation. But we got to talking about one of my previous posts... Where I was talking about being bi-curious.

*laughs quietly*

He wanted to know more about that.

So, I'm just gonna post the convo.

so how are your diaries?

http://TigreFatalis.Diaryland.Com and, ya ever feel like a Snicker's bar in a bucket of Razor Clams?

a what in a what?????? *laughs*

burnttiger: A Snicker's bar (candy bar) in a bucket of Razor Clams (the sea food)

um,,,,, no never even heard of razor clams bi curious huh

hmmm *grins* Not me

burnttiger: *laughs quietly* Well, the bi-curious thing was a few posts back. The Wedding post is most recent.

I know *grins* so tell me about this bi curious thing, I'll read it as soon as I finsih writing down this poem that just came to me

*laughs softly* Mmmmmm, Bi curious. Well, You know about the threesome with the Ex and Shari... Well... It's just a power thing, mostly. I'm just.... I don't know.


burnttiger: It's something I won't ever do again IRL, but I still have interest in girl on girl action.

Can't say I blame ya having grown up in our culture woman are thought of as more asteticly pleasing, have a much nicer form and more beauty than the male form

burnttiger: *shakes her head* It's not that at all, hon. It's purely the power thing. I know exactly what to do to make a woman moan. *shrugs* Cause I know what works on me. And having Shari moan and scream my name for 45 minutes straight, helped. *chuckles* I also know how to make men moan, but most men are more interested in women that look "right".

*chuckles* true It fuckin pisses me off but I'm somewhat that way too no matter how hard I try its ingrained into me

I can overcome some of it but not all of it but yeah I definetly love the power of giving a woman pleasure of making her moan or of doing nothing more than talking with her and making her smile, or realise something about her self, realise her own beauty

burnttiger: *nods* See... It's a hell of a lot easier to get a woman to succumb to your touch than it is to get a

man to succumb.

true personaly I'd much rather give pleasure than receive it *chuckles softly* though giving me pleasure is easy enough, give me a smile, or kiss me and I'm extremely happy

burnttiger: With most men, they are visually orriented. Most women are emotionally orriented. Therefore, it's easier for a woman to be turned on if you use the right words, the right touches, etc. With a man, you have to appeal to him physically before you can appeal to him sensually. *smiles* AND, that's a generalized statement. Not a specific statement.

Anyway... he had to leave after that. But the point I wanted to make here, was the difference in the way men and women are "turned on" or attracted to each other.

NOW, this is generalized. NOT specific.

But, men are most often attracted by the visual. I mean, hell, think about Uncle Bob's comments about his wife... What attracted him to her... The fact that she was blonde, blue eyed and had a huge chest...

Men, most commonly, are visually stimulated. If the female does not LOOK attractive to them, it's really hard to turn them on. Whereas females are emotionally stimulated (again, this is generalized, not specific) therefore, those who may not be attractive visually, can be extremely attractive emotionally.

Okay, as an example. If a man treats a woman with kindness and tenderness... if he is gentle of tone, soft spoken and speaks with key words...

How do you feel?

You make me feel happy.

You are a beautiful and intelligent woman.

I am so proud to be seen with you (because women ARE aware that men are visually orriented, they FEEL secure when the man is proud to be seen with them)

Your feelings are important to me.

Talk to me, (enter name here). I would like to listen to you. (that's a big one)

Anyway... those are honestly ways men can "get their foot in the door" so to speak, with a woman they're interested in.

Oh..... shit......

Sorry folks, have a minor RP emergency I have to see to. I will continue this path as soon as I've dealt with the dorks bothering a character friend of mine.

Love and kisses to you all.

Peace unto thy hearts.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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