The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

More bitching and bitching and bitching about things
that will piss people off and possibly
garner me a whole lot of angry responses.

2001-04-12 - 12:30 a.m.

Soooooo, how are you this evening? ...... That's good to hear. Well, not for you, I know the pain will pass, but for you... that's good. I'm thrilled that you're doing so well.

Oh, sorry, was that a foolish thing to do? Eh, sue me.

So, I'm planning on writing this entry that I think might very well piss quite a few people off. I've posted entries like this before, but hell, I'm willing to take the risk yet again....

Today, I'm attacking, or rather, bitching about, under-age sex.

YES, this is a "hot" topic. A lot of people don't wanna talk about it cause almost every one knows someone who is personally involved in some sort of under-age sex thing.

Oh hell... so that didn't make any sense, deal with it.

Where do I stand on Under-age sex? I'm against it. Of course.

This is a bias of mine.

But of course, I'm against anyone having sex outside of marriage. That's just my own personal thing. As I said with the whole Anime entry... if you're into it, don't tell me about it. I just don't wanna know.

If you are a person under the age of 18, you might want to completely skip this entry. I'm not going to be nice, or sugar coat anything. I'm in a fairly confrontational mood, so I'm just going to spout my opinion as if there were no one listening. *chuckles*

Should make for wonderful "flame" fodder. But, don't flame me. This is JUST my opinion.

Okay, have all you people who might get offended, gone elsewhere? No? Then go somewhere else now, or keep your bitching about my bitching to a minimum.


So, what is my perspective on people under the age of 18 having sex? With anyone, regardless as to age... Obviously by the "disclaimer", I'm against it.

As if that were rocket science to figure out.

Anyway, what is it that I'm actually against? The act of sex is something that many people don't understand. Hell, each time you have sexual relations, you're opening yourself up to a raft of physical, mental and emotional issues that most people 40 years old can't handle, let alone a teen.

What in bloody hell gives 12 year olds the idea that they're mature enough to handle the act and the subsequent ramifications thereof? How does one know when they're ready to have sex? Is there some test out there that I've never heard of? I mean, has Cosmo put out something that's supposed to tell me when I am old enough to partake in the act of sex?

It is my firm opinion that more than half of the problems in marriage are caused, in some way, by sex. Either sexual relations that the parties had before marriage, or some problem or affliction involving sex within the marriage. Granted, that�s just my supposition, but bear with me here.

When did our children become mature enough, at 12, to decide what is and is not good for them? For all of you out there who think I�m a fool and meanie-head because I consider people under the age of 18 to be children, don�t get pissed off yet, there�s more.

Not only do I consider those under the age of 18 as children... I consider most anyone under the age of about 24 as being a child in their thought patterns and idealism. Hell... I believe that my own thought patterns and ideals are still rather child-ish and I�m 30.

I�m not talking about maturity. I really am not. Maturity has absolutely nothing to do with how long you�ve been alive. Maturity is strictly a character issue. I know some people who are under the age of 12, who have a surprising amount of maturity. I also know some people over the age of 60 who have a surprising LACK of maturity.

specifically, however, I am thinking about these stupid, stupid, stupid children who are between the ages of 10 and 16 who think that just because the equipment works, they should be able to use it. BULLSHIT!!!

Just because the car works, doesn�t mean that a four year old should be driving it.

Now, I�ve seen plenty of TV rag-shows (Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, Ricki Lake to name three) that are really a source of bitch-fodder. I have only seen a handful of shows in the multiple years I�ve been unlucky enough to catch them on, where there was anything of merit as the topic of discussion.

I�ve seen these shows where 10, 11 and 12 year old girls are dressing up in make up extravigant enough to make a whore wince, and proclaiming that they�re out there makin �booty calls� and such garbage.

First off... Where the fuck are these kids? I have never seen one IRL. (In Real Life for the uninitiated among you). I don�t know if it�s all acting, or if just because I grew up in small towns I wasn�t exposed to such bullshit. I don�t know if perhaps these juvinile whores are real people or just characters that the TV rags use to get ratings.

Hell... do any of you know a 12 year old kid that thinks s/he�s hot shit and ready to unleash his/her sexual prowess on the rest of mankind?

Secondly, where the fuck are the parents????

I tell you this, if my child were 12 years old, dressing like a whore and proclaiming that she was fucking every man in sight, you can bet your child�s last dollar that that child would be shut up in their room wearing a chastity belt. Don�t doubt it, folks. Any �man� that my child had been with would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and don�t even let my husband hear about it. I promise you, the man I marry will NOT put up with that kind of bullshit.

BUT, where the hell are the parents of these children? Since when did the parents not have enough time to care about what their children are doing?

Okay, so I know that this is full of tangents and getting extremely confusing and jumbled and shit. Let me try to organize this a little better....

I am focusing on... 1) Children under the age of 18 (because in most states 18 is the legal age of consent), having sexual relations. 2) Parentage of said children.

Children under the age of 18 should not have sex. And this is why...

The first sexual experience, sets the pattern for every sexual relationship thereafter. This is why you see women who are battered and abused, going back to men who batter and abuse, whether it�s the same man or another. The pattern has been set. It takes a hell of a lot of serious and indepth counseling. Sometimes perscribed medication, to break out of the pattern. This is also why you see men choosing women who look, act or sound similar to their first experience.

The physical act of sex releases specific chemicals in the brain which act as bonding agents. This is for the purpose of binding one man to one woman.

The act of sex is supposed to be a special and sacred event between husband and wife. (Yes, I know, that�s my personal belief and most of you don�t agree... as I said, just deal with it... I�m not being tactful today)

Children, no matter how mature or intelligent, are simply not capable of understanding the ramifications of how decisions made at 12 are going to effect their lives a decade, two decades, or more down the road. Hell, 13, 14, 15 and 16 year olds aren�t capable of understanding the �long-run� effects of their choices and decisions either. Fuck... for that matter, 30 year olds aren�t capable of fully understanding the long-term results either.

Granted, at 30, one has the ability to look back on the past decade and see choices that they made throughout their previous, short lives and weigh the results to make an educated guess for the future... but trust me, and this is from me, a 30 year old... I haven�t the foggiest idea what is BEST for me. I know what is better than things I�ve done in the past, and I have a larger pallet of colors to choose from, so to speak, now that I�ve lived with some adult choices. I do NOT have all the answers. I do NOT know how my life is going to turn out in the future. But I damned sure know quite a few things NOT to do. And that�s something that young teens just don�t know. They haven�t lived long enough to have a perspective.

I suppose that�s my real point... young kids just don�t have the perspective. For all of you out there raising your hands, hissing and fussing about how I�m not taking maturity into consideration... fuck off. Teens just don�t know shit.

I AM speaking generally here. There are always exceptions. There are SOME young teens that have a much higher level of maturity. There are SOME teens that can conceptualize long-term effects of short-term decisions. There are SOME teens that can comprehend what is and is not healthy for them, mentally, physically and emotionally. However, that number of teens is small. The percentage (in my opinion) is small.

But think about this. I would really like some feedback from adults. I mean, real adults. People who have lived at least to 35. These are people who have a much larger base for making decisions, understanding the long term effects of short term decisions etc.

I really want to hear from some of you adults out there. You have more information than I do. Greater life experience, more understanding. If I�m way off base here, I want to know.

And for those of you who are 20 or under, don�t tell me I don�t know what I�m talking about. I simply won�t put the same weight in your arguments as I would in someone who has lived through their 20�s and most of their 30�s.

There are different levels of understanding that come with each decade which passes. There are some things that younger generations understand and pick up faster than older generations. However, there is life experience that only long-life will teach. That�s a simple and unavoidable fact. Does that seem too simplistic? Well... sorry, but it�s the way I feel/think.

The way I figure it... I understand now, how wrong I was about many things I believed at the age of 20. How much of what I believe to be truth now, will be proven as not-quite-true when I�m 40? THAT is why I want an older perspective. Hell, what the fuck do I know anyway? I�m just a kid myself. And yes, I firmly and completely believe that. I might not LOOK like a kid, but many of my thought patterns and ideals are still very child-like.

*attempts to haul herself back to her original track*

Alright, so I�ve bitched about why kids shouldn�t be having sex... I am of the opinion, since I�m tired, that I�ve just dance around the topic and not given any real points. If that�s the case, then deal with it. You will see this material again. Most likely, I�ll write about it tomorrow while I�m out. *chuckles* Who knows.

Anyway... to the parentage of said kids....

Where the fuck are the parents?

How could a parent not know their child was having sex? Honestly. I know that there are many things that my parents �didn�t know� about what I was doing, thinking and contemplating. But whenever I did something that I knew they wouldn�t like or agree with... they knew about it. Sometimes they would let me get away with it long enough to catch me red-handed. But my folks did NOT let me get away with serious stuff.

I can not imagine a parent actually thinking it was okay for their child to have sex before the age of 18. I really can�t fathom that. Hell, it�s illegal!!! I�m dead serious. In all but one state (I think it�s only one, not sure tho) the legal age of consent is 18. That means, that anyone having sex with a child under the age of 18 is committing statutory rape.

Since when did this become acceptible??? When did our �adults� put their intelligence in bags and boxes and pack it away?

Again, if I had even contemplated having sexual relations with anyone before the age of 18 my father would have spanked my ass. My mother would have spanked my ass. I would have been locked away in my room. Grounded until I was married. Which would mean that I wouldn�t get married cause I was grounded, thus making me grounded for life. Are you following this?

If I had somehow been able to actually have a sexual encounter with someone while I was under the age of 18, my father would have spanked my ass, my mother would have spanked my ass, and then my father would have taken his gun, hunted down the guy who�d fucked me, taken him by the neck to HIS parents and stood there demanding retribution.

If, God forbid, this theoretical sexual partner been over the age of 18, my father would have taken one of his many guns, hunted down the guy and marched him, double time, possibly tied to the back of the car and dragged, to the police department, and then prosecuted that man to the full extent of the law.

I shit you not.

And that would have been mild compared to what my mother would have done. I do not kid you on that one either.

You ever hear of that whole mother-bear-protecting-her-young thing? Shit, man... a Kodiak would run in terror at the sight of my mother with a man who�d fucked me before I was 18.

Now, Maybe, just maybe, I have parents who actually give a damn, and no one else does. But I kinda don�t think that�s the way it is.

Oh, and for those of you who are curious... If I had been the bad guy, and had instigated the sex with some guy, the Marquis de Sade would quiver in fear at my parents� retribution against me!!!

So, I understand that my view of parents and parental responsibility is quite skewed... but still. Where the hell are the parents? And how could a parent possibly NOT know their child was sexually active? Hell, I knew when my brother was sexually active. I told. OF course, he was already 19 before I knew he was fucking chicks... And, he�d moved out of the house when he was 18 (I was about 17 by then).

Damn it, my ass hurts just thinking about what my parents would have done to me if anything like that had ever happened.

AND, another thing... If I HAD had sex before 18, and was somehow able to keep it from my parents, even if I told them 10 years later... they�d still spank my ass. I don�t doubt that at all. *laughs quietly*

Hell, if I told them NOW that I�d had sex before 18, they�d be pissed as all hell. And I wouldn�t put it past my father to spank me. *laughs* Boy, I�m really glad I never had sex before 18. Fuck, I was 23 before I had sex. And I shouldn�t have had it then. But that�s another entry entirely.

Suffice it to say... when I have children, I will be so involved in their lives, that they will not want to sneak something like that past me.

Oh, and for all of those of you who think that the parents have no choice... uh uh. You�re SOOOOOO wrong. The parents always have a choice.

If heard of some parents who say that they�ve told their kids they don�t want said kids to be sexually active. But that the kid ignores them. Also, that the parent leveled such an ultimatum as, �In my house you live by my rules. If you�re not going to live by my rules, then get out.�

Wrong answer.

Sure, in my house, my children will be required to live by my rules. If they think my rules are unreasonable, they are welcome to tell me so. They are welcome to offer compromises to said rules. And they are allowed to be pissed off and angry that I will not accept said compromises on certain rules.

The whole sex thing is one of those rules. Or will be. Of course, my husband and I will discuss this and agree upon rules between us... but for the sake of argument, I will continue to say �my rules�.

The ultimatum for my child would be something akin to... �In my house, you live by my rules. If you�re not going to live by my rules willingly, then you can sit and sulk in your room. If you give me reason to doubt your compliance, I will accompany you to every place you go. To school, to the local hang-out joint, to sports practices, etc. Whatever you do, wherever you go, I will be your shadow. If you give me reason to doubt your compliance, I will go on your dates with you. And if you don�t want me there, then you can go with your FATHER!!! And don�t you dare think you can slip anything past either of us. I will watch you like a hawk and make your life completely and utterly miserable until you have a job and are supporting yourself all on your own. Do you understand?�

*smiles sweetly, with teeth*

Yes, I plan to be a bitch of a mother.

I am fully aware that I may change my opinion in the future. I am also aware that after confering with my husband, the above ultimatum might be different. However, I will not have my children having sex under the age of 18. I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening.

And further more... Since I didn�t do it. They can�t. *nods*

Okay, so that is petty and childish. I told you many of my thought patterns and such were still quite child-like. *smirks*

Seriously, tho... I don�t understand where the parents of these teen sluts are. And I�m talking both male and female here. The term �slut� does no longer apply to just females.

How could a parent not know? Really. I�m very curious about that. How could a parent actually think it was okay for their child to be sexually active? And even if they don�t think it�s okay... how could they allow it to happen?

Yes, I believe in spanking... but it�s completely feasable to keep your child from having sex without spanking them, striking them or otherwise physically hurting them. Like I said before... I would not hesitate to tail my child. If I thought they were having sex, or had the opportunity to do so, you can bet your ass I would be following them every single step of the way.

And, as much of a stickler as I am for propriety and privacy of space... when my child is going to do something that will fuck up their entire life (or could possibly fuck up their entire life) I will make sure to be there, in their face, standing behind them, beside them, watching everything they do. Hell, the embarassment factor should be enough to disuade my child from having sex before they�re married.

Actually... were I to do that, shadow my child, most likely, the trauma incurred would scar them long enough to actually negate any ability to have sex until well after they were married. And had gone through extensive psycho-therapy.

*smiles sweetly, again with teeth*

And I�d do that because I love my unborn children so very much. *grins wickedly*

Okay, so there. I know that most people don�t agree with me. And, I know that I got into a completely self-centered rant there... but deal with it. It�s MY diary and I can be a bitch if I want to. Or something.

I hope you don�t mind.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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