The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

What I wouldn't give for a ......
what was the question?

2001-04-21 - 12:51 a.m.

Okay... Sorry folks, but I have a couple different things to say today and none of them are connected. *chuckles* So, deal with it.

First off. I finally got my package that Brian said he'd sent. WOOHOO. Eric Clapton and Bob Dylan. Not JUST Bob Dylan, but a two-CD set. Woohoo.

I've been listening to this Clapton CD forever... well okay, only for the past seven and a half hours. Interspersed with the two Bob Dylan disks of course. Ain't it convenient that I've got a three-disc machine? Yeah, I thought so.

Anyway, he also, the marvelous man he is, sent me a gift certificate at Boarders. So NOW, I have to FIND a Boarders and go there and buy music. *grins brightly*

If he weren't on the other side of the country, I'd give him a kiss. So, here ya go, Brian. Mmmmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm cruisin with Clapton and I'm lovin every second of it.

And, to be completely and totally honest... this is the first time in my life that I've actually listened to more than one Bob Dylan song in a row. I've only heard a couple of his tunes, actually. And before now, I wouldn't have been able to recognize him if I heard him.


Yes, I know that's like one of the most intense insults to the music world ever, but deal with it.

I LOVE it. yeah, his voice is a little annoying for the first few minutes. But his music is great and the voice matches his lyrics and all.

Thank you so very, very, very much Brian. You're a great friend. I really appreciate this. More than you realize, actually. And, I'm itchin to find a Boarders out here. I might actually have to wait til I get up to Tacoma next time, but I AM goin. And I"m goin to get music. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Second item up for bid, this has been an awesome day. I'm positive and happy and feel good. I attribute this to yesterday's realizations. To put it in the most clear and bottom-line fashion I can...

I realized that it's okay for me to want something. It is okay for me to make a decision based on what I WANT. AND, it's okay for that decision to be wrong.

These are things which might be blatantly obvious to everyone else, but I only realized this stuff yesterday. I've spent the largest part of my short life believing that regardless as to what attitudes I put forward, I was supposed to make choices to please other people.

And, this is being boiled down to the most basic/general levels. No massive explanations.

So, this realization that I can make choices based on what I WANT, rather than solely what's going to be the best in the future, is a great, great, great breath of fresh air. I have a greater sense of freedom.

I do NOT intend to just go off on a rampage of rash decision making. But now that I truly and honestly believe that it's okay for ME to make choices based on what I want, I feel more complete. Like I'm not lying to myself anymore. Strange as that may seem

Cryptic? Yes, most probably.

And, thing three...

My dear, dear, dear friend, Preacher Bob has maligned my dear, dear, dear friend Uncle Bob. This is a difficult thing for me. BUT, I must say... If you don't like what you read, don't read it. I personally think Uncle Bob is great. I still do. I probably always will.

I agree that his entries have changed. But I do not agree that Uncle Bob is behaving childishly. And, in my understanding, Uncle Bob has been quite supportive of Bobby.

I just wonder, out of the side of my mouth, sorta... if this is Preacher Bob's attempt to get me to mention all three Bob's in one entry. *shrugs* Who knows.

What it boils down to is this... I like Uncle Bob. AND, I thought his spoof of Survivor was hillarious. There were a lot of people who were offended by that specific entry. Those of you who have been hanging around Dland for a long while, will know what I'm talking about..... Those of you who are knew, probably don't care anyway.

Suffice it to say... I have a different view point. I still like Uncle Bob. I am still a member of his Army. And I still think he's a great, great guy. I think that Bobby is great. I read his diary often. And I think that the things he comes up with, are quite cool. He's got a great mind and the ability to say what he thinks and bring out what other people think and observe as well.

I also cherish my dear Preacher Bob. He's been my addiction for a long time, and he's the one who got me started with Dland to begin with. I did, however, feel the need to defend my Uncle. I simply don't think that Uncle Bob was wrong or bad for writing up the Diaryland Survivor thing. And I haven't seen childishness much.

I do think, and my apologies to those who might be offended by this... but it's only my opinion... I believe that one of the reasons so many people were offended, is that when Uncle Bob wrote up the Diaryland Survivor thing, he really did peg the personalities.

Not necessarily the personalities that the Diaryland-ites exhibit offline, but the personalities they show and share through their diaries... I think Uncle Bob pegged them exactly. And the fact that his observations were right on the mark may have offended people.

Again, that's just my opinion.

I don't mean to offend you at all, My Addiction... but I don't agree with your assessment.

OOOOOOOHHHHHH, and on another note... totally unrelated to anything posted above...

I'm posting my works... poems, short stories, prose, novels, lyrics... at I LOVE it. It's a forum where I can post and actually get reviews of my stuff.

I also would like y'all to check out Lost Boy's work. My God, he is incredible. This man writes a lot of "mature" content, but damn, he's absolutely incredible. His work is emotionally founded.... and written quite well. I have been extremely impressed.

While you're at it... check out Sympatico's work. Please, check out this stuff, rate it and review it. Your comments help the writers to better their work.

BUT, please, if you're going to review a piece don't just say something trite or spiteful. Actually make a comment. It's so much fun to get the comments in my Email box. *grins* I love it.

Peace unto thy hearts, folks.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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