The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Tig's Bitch Out -- Men (prepare to be slammed)

2000-04-14 - 10:40:55

Tiger's Bitch Out -- [email protected]


Alright men, prepare to be slammed!!!

I'm not a "girly" female, so maybe I put off a different bive. As I've said before, I like Football (Go Broncos and Raiders) and Hockey (Go Avelanche). I hate shopping, enjoy hunting and fishing, and I don't do that million pairs of shoes thing.

I do have emotions, though. I do love. I do believe in heterosexual relationships. I do cherish monogamous sex. I speak clearly and have a large vocabulary (though my spelling sucks -- thank Microsoft for Spell Checkers). I can carry on an intelligent conversation and comunicate my ideas and thoughts.

But, I've only met two men of fairly comparable age who have similar values and relationship goals. Neither of them is close enough to date. Am I doomed to spend the next 50 or 60 years of my life alone? Must I sacrifice my standards in order to have a boyfriend? Am I required to pretend I'm an airhead to draw the interest of immature men?

Why is it that you men are interested in blow jobs, sex, big breasts, alcohol and TV; in that order? Why is it that you don't give a rat's ass about conversation or intelligence? Why don't words mean the same to you as they do to us?

And please, explain this to me! Why do you men put on an act while dating? Why do you listen and pay attention to females -- holding hands, kissing us with passion -- while you're dating us, but as soon as the ring is on the finger, we don't exist anymore? Why are you attentive and loving, gentle and kind, during courtship, then gone after marriage? Why do you believe us and enjoy our company when we're single and then ignore us after we've said "I DO"?

Is it all a ploy? Do you men just say and do whatever you have to to get us in the sack? Is there a "Men's Club" where you discuss the different ways to eliminate women?

I bet you men set up this marriage thing so that you could keep tabs on all the "foolish little girls" who buy your lies. You keep women as pets, to perpetuate the species. You lie to us with your actions, giving us the impression that you give a damn, when in all actuallity you're merely fulfilling your Men's Club quota.

Or, is it that you just like the Game so much? Is your goal to see how quickly you can "bag your doe"? Does your Men's Club membership require you to "take down" as many women as possible? Is there an incentive bonus for breaking hearts and crushing a woman's spirit? Do you need to date, just to trick women into thinking you're a man of integrity?

I bet you "He-Man, Woman Hater" males (paying homage to Extreme's Pornograffitti album) long for the cave-man days, when all you had to do was club a woman over the head and drag her off to your cave. I bet you guys would snag the "babes" for your harems. I mean, we're all there for you, right? Women don't think or feel or care, right?

Just keep her in silk and lace in the bedroom. When she gets fat, put her in the kitchen to cook and clean. When she gets bitter and resentful because she's swallowed your lies, ignore her and jerk-off to the porno flicks. When she cries because she never thought her life would ever be like this -- because she thought you were different -- laugh at her. When she dies from neglect, you're free to find another.

And you start the cycle again.

So, until there's a man of value and honor, a man who is smart and kind, a man who is honest AND truthful... I tell you in the words of Mimi Bobek, "BITE ME, DOUGH BOY!!!"

Til next bitter time...

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own