The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Brusha, brusha, brusha and more dream rantings

2001-06-05 - 10:09 p.m.

Ever have one of those days where you notice a "stupid" thing about yourself that no one else can feel on you, but can feel on themselves?

Well, I just went through one of those. It was just one of those nights where I absolutely HAD to brush my teeth. I mean, not that I don't brush them every day, but I mean... well... It's one of those, "I have to brush my teeth right NOW" kinds of things.

I'm one of those American slackers who doesn't brush their teeth after every meal. I don't know WHEN I'm going to eat, so I don't usually carry my toothbrush with me. *chuckles* I brush in the morning and in the evening. But still... there are some times when my teeth scream at me to brush them.

I had one of those tonight. *chuckles*

Ya know... it's been a couple hours since you ate, you're running your tongue over your teeth and WHAMO, you realize... Damn, I gotta brush my teeth RIGHT NOW!

They just need to be brushed. *chuckles* So I did that tonight. And now, I can't quit playing my tongue over my teeth cause they're all "slickery".

Yeah, like you needed to know that.

Anyway, on with the dream explanation and all that stuff.

Submission for the most bizarre dream ever

Just woke up, eyes are still barely open.

the dream...

We're in the woods, three of us. Two males I've never seen before but who are good, platonic friends. Bad guy is up the hill from the three of us. Big, very big, bad guy. the two male friends standing towared the right, rear quarter pannel of the car, by the tail light. I'm next to the passenger door. I'm not seen yet by the big, very, very big, bad guy. The forest is carpetted. (!??!?!?!?!??!?!?)

Bad guy is being mean to friends. shooting at them. I grab the .22 rifle from between the seats in the front of the car. But the car actually has a bench seat.

I sneak back to the rear of the car, friends are still as statues. completely still, but alive. like they've been frozen in a game of freaze tag.

bad guy has shot my dogs which are female cocker spaniels and are laying at the foot of a pair of ascending staircases, like in an apartment complex... or rather, like an apartment complex construct.

I'm crouched behind the friends who seem to be frozen. I'm looking at this bad guy and I have the .22 I start firing at him. i load two .22 bullets into the double barrel (side by side) rifle, expend the rounds, hitting the bad guy in the head. I'm shooting up hill, bad guy isn't falling, but each shot hits him. I keep reloading... empty the spent casings, load, snap the rifle closed again, fire...

I go through the process probably 6 or 7 times until finnally the bad guy is out of commission.

Then, friends are still frozen, I go to my dogs. They're cocker spaniels. the one at the foot of the left, ascending stair case is lying at a strange angle. She's (they're both female) bloody, but not in a pool of blood or anything. I think she's dead, she opens her eyes and it's Pepper, but with Joey's coloring. Same with the other one.

I very carefully begin to gather her to my chest, then shout to the frozen-friends that we need to get the dogs to the vet. I'm pissed that the friends aren't moving to my dogs' rescue.

Then I wake up.

Now, I know that this is so incredibly disjointed and confused, BUT, I had to get it all down. That's the complete dream from the point it started til I woke up. I'll explain it a little more clearly when I get back.

I have to let Joey out and then do my own "business", but I"ll be back and I'll edit this entry by making the above maelstrom seem a little more coherent.

AS a teaser... I FULLY understand that there is no such thing as a double barrel, side-by-side .22 rifle. However, this whole dream was like some kind of twisted movie scene it's pathetic. So, I'll be right back.

I really have to go, folks. And I do put the emphasis on "go".


Okay, so I'm back, and it's not quite RIGHT back, but I"m back anyway.

I wanted to explain a little bit about the dream, maybe make it a little more coherent, as I was still half asleep when I wrote up that entry this morning. Anyway, the whole dream was like a movie scene or something... as if it were taking place on a movie set.

That's the only way I can account for having carpeting in the forest, AND a dual, ascending apartment stairway. Hey, don't complain at me. I'm sure that about 90 percent of the movies that get released now-a-days are inspired by fucked up dreams like this. *Smirks*

Anyway. The car was this big, land-yacht type thing. It was an older beastie, probably mid 60's model, something that was kinda long and wide... probably something Chrysler or Chev. Dunno, wasn't paying any attention to that aspect. All I know for sure is it was long, wide and a two door. There was a bench seat, but when I went to get the "rifle" it was between bucket seats.

Let me amend my previous statment of this dream being like a movie set... It was more like a bad B movie set. *Chuckles* Those little bucket seats/bench seat inconsistancies and such. *Grins*

The two "friends" were and are still completely unknown to me. I have no idea who they were in the dream. I know that they were friends. (I think Sympatico's interpretation may be very accurate, but we'll get to that later)

Anyway, in the dream they weren't hurt. They weren't shot, they were just frozen. Kind of like manicans, but not? I don't know how to explain that any better. There were two of them, they were just plain, vanilla human beings who just happened to be frozen.

Kind of like extras. Sticking with the movie analogy.

So, the bad guy... He was huge. I mean, really huge. Like Paul Bunyon huge. Or, Bluto huge. Ya know, Bluto of the Popeye cartoons. But he was big. Imense. Just really tremendous. *Chuckles* If I"d had to fight him hand to hand, I don't think there's any way I could have won.

Regardless, The dogs, there were two of them. It was kind of like a mirror image type thing. Two dogs, two ascending staircases, one stairway "room" Or maybe "area" would be a better word. Dunno. It looked kind of like the stair well you'd find in some hospital or something when you went through the emergency exit. Except, it was just one flight, and they were side by side ascending. Not one going up and one going down, both going up.

The dogs, who looked like twins, were laying partially against the wall (again, imagine the mirror image thing.). They had Joey's coloring ("parti-color" white and brown with a few tan accents. White was the base color, but ya can't really tell cause of all the brown) But, when the dog opened her eyes, I just knew it was Pepper.

Pepper was my first dog. Or rather, my first REAL dog. She was a Cocker Spaniel too, but she was black with tan accents at her eyebrows, muzzle and paws and a white stripe along her throat. But she had eyes unlike anything I've ever seen before or since. She was truly and completely a one-of-a-kind.

Anyway... I call the dogs the Pepper/Joey amalgum because, well... it's the two dogs in one.

Now, my favorite part... the "rifle". Now, I know full well that there is no such thing as a side-by-side double barrel .22 rifle. It just doesn't exist. *Chuckles* However, I've shot a .22 enough to know exactly what .22 rounds look like. There isn't really any other bullet that looks like a .22 round.

Anyway, I"m not exactly sure what the type of action is called. I just can't remember. I think it's breach, but again, I'm not sure. Since the "rifle" looked like a shot gun, I've been going over the different kinds of Shot Gun action in my mind, but I just can't think of it. I know that my father's old .22, the one I practiced with as a kid, is a bolt action. The .22's I practiced with at Summer Camp were semi-auto with five round mags.

But again... the shot guns... The way this dream "rifle" worked... you released the lever and the barrel dropped down on a hinge. You slip the rounds into the dual chambers (remember, it's a side-by-side double barrel) then snap the barrel back up and fire. I can't remember if that's breach, or if it's called lever action or what.

Anyway... I had to load, dump the spent shells, reload about six or seven times. So that was at least 12 rounds I fired.

The bad guy... My shots all hit their target. But the bad guy just wouldn't fall. Now, I was shooting at him from below, so the shots traveled up. The bad guy was on a hill in this carpeted forest with an old land-yacht and dual ascending staircases. *Chuckles*

I return to the movie analogy because there was a close up of every shot that connected with its mark. I got one shot just to the left of the bad dude's throat. Two or three to the right cheek, a few more to the left cheek, a couple more to the jaw on the left side... etc.

I have no idea what shot finally took him down, or if he died at all, but I know he was "out of commission". I think he just ceased to exist, but I don't know for sure. All I know is that it took a hell of a lot of effort and my "friends" were stone still throughout the entire dream.

When I finally got through with the imediate threat (the bad guy) I went to check on the dogs. Not the friends, I didn't even consider the friends during this "attack". My focus was on ending the attack. I wasn't pissed off about being attacked. I wasn't pissed off about the friends' lack of motion or activity. I wasn't pissed off about anything until I got to the dogs, needed to get them to the hospital but could only carry one. (Vet, I mean)

So, I took the one that was Pepper. Somehow I know that the other one was Joey, even tho they looked exactly alike. Pepper was different. When she looked at me, I knew it was her. I knew. Dunno how I knew, but I did.

Anyway.... *sighs, taking in a few deep breaths*

I was discussing this just a little bit, with Sympatico this morning. I asked him what he thought it meant.

I personally think it means that I had a wierd dream. End of story.

BUT, I am seriously giving thought to considering the fact that with some study and contemplation and consideration, maybe Sympatico's interpretation is accurate. *Chuckles*

Who knows?

BUT, I've included his interpretation cause I think it's great.

And, with that, I'm simply going to close this entry, it's long enough, demmit.


chance_tempter (10:46:14am) : Your in the woods with two other friends, both guys, both people you don't know. Perhaps that reflects your desire for more male friends? Twords the end however they get shot and frese in place, unable to help you save the mix of joey/peper, the one true friend you say you have. The inaction of the guys reflects your feelings of how often men have let you down

red_wraith (10:47:14am) : *looks at you* Woah.

red_wraith (10:47:23am) : That's really cool. AND, probably very accurate.

red_wraith (10:47:25am) : *chuckles*

chance_tempter (10:47:39am) : *smiles proudly* Yeah, I am actuly pretty imprssed myself at that

red_wraith (10:47:56am) : But who does the bad guy represent? He was very, very, very big. like paul bunyon big.

chance_tempter (10:48:21am) : That is just what I was thinking...cause it took you a long time to take him down...

chance_tempter (10:51:20am) : He shot your friends, then your dogs....He is taking the things you love or want away from you

chance_tempter (10:51:35am) : *is kinda drawing a blank, knowing there is a conection somewhere*

red_wraith (10:51:54am) : *nods thoughtfully* Perhaps he symbolizes my father?

red_wraith (10:52:42am) : I've described my father as a big, Bluto-to-popeye type before, and that's one of the thoughts I had before settling on the paul bunyon comparison.

chance_tempter (10:52:45am) : Maybe...I think it might be more emotional though. Cause note you did defeate him finnaly...the dream did not end with him killing you...he didnt even get away, you stoped him

red_wraith (10:53:07am) : *nods*

red_wraith (10:53:09am) : Hmmmm.

chance_tempter (10:53:17am) : When I say emotional I meen more of a represented emotion then a person

red_wraith (10:53:30am) : Perhaps the bad guy represents fear?

chance_tempter (10:54:08am) : Yes, there we go. The fear that you will not get what you want in life. The fear tryed to take away your friends and your dog, but in the end you defeated him

chance_tempter (10:54:18am) : Thats a good sign as far as I am conserned

red_wraith (10:55:36am) : *nods* Yupyup. But it's still a very cool and strange dream. *grins* You know, I"m going to feature this convo on the diary. IF that's okay with you...??

chance_tempter (10:56:45am) : Also, somehting I just noticed...the dream ended with you taking the dog with you, but your friends were still frozen. It reflects that you feel you can trust Joey more then you can your human friends...many of which have hurt you before

chance_tempter (10:56:51am) : Yeah, sure babe

red_wraith (10:57:56am) : *nods* Yeah, that's true. THe first concern was for the Pepper/Joey amalgum than the friends.

red_wraith (10:57:58am) : *chuckles*

red_wraith (10:58:02am) : Very, very interesting.

chance_tempter (10:58:08am) : *nods* Yeah

red_wraith (10:58:19am) : Heh. You're good at this.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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