The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Okay, how bout a psychotic, messed up, bizarre, movie-vingette dream to start your day?

2001-06-05 - 9:03 a.m.

Submission for the most bizarre dream ever

Just woke up, eyes are still barely open.

the dream...

We're in the woods, three of us. Two males I've never seen before but who are good, platonic friends. Bad guy is up the hill from the three of us. Big, very big, bad guy. the two male friends standing towared the right, rear quarter pannel of the car, by the tail light. I'm next to the passenger door. I'm not seen yet by the big, very, very big, bad guy. The forest is carpetted. (!??!?!?!?!??!?!?)

Bad guy is being mean to friends. shooting at them. I grab the .22 rifle from between the seats in the front of the car. But the car actually has a bench seat.

I sneak back to the rear of the car, friends are still as statues. completely still, but alive. like they've been frozen in a game of freaze tag.

bad guy has shot my dogs which are female cocker spaniels and are laying at the foot of a pair of ascending staircases, like in an apartment complex... or rather, like an apartment complex construct.

I'm crouched behind the friends who seem to be frozen. I'm looking at this bad guy and I have the .22 I start firing at him. i load two .22 bullets into the double barrel (side by side) rifle, expend the rounds, hitting the bad guy in the head. I'm shooting up hill, bad guy isn't falling, but each shot hits him. I keep reloading... empty the spent casings, load, snap the rifle closed again, fire...

I go through the process probably 6 or 7 times until finnally the bad guy is out of commission.

Then, friends are still frozen, I go to my dogs. They're cocker spaniels. the one at the foot of the left, ascending stair case is lying at a strange angle. She's (they're both female) bloody, but not in a pool of blood or anything. I think she's dead, she opens her eyes and it's Pepper, but with Joey's coloring. Same with the other one.

I very carefully begin to gather her to my chest, then shout to the frozen-friends that we need to get the dogs to the vet. I'm pissed that the friends aren't moving to my dogs' rescue.

Then I wake up.

Now, I know that this is so incredibly disjointed and confused, BUT, I had to get it all down. That's the complete dream from the point it started til I woke up. I'll explain it a little more clearly when I get back.

I have to let Joey out and then do my own "business", but I"ll be back and I'll edit this entry by making the above maelstrom seem a little more coherent.

AS a teaser... I FULLY understand that there is no such thing as a double barrel, side-by-side .22 rifle. However, this whole dream was like some kind of twisted movie scene it's pathetic. So, I'll be right back.

I really have to go, folks. And I do put the emphasis on "go".


Damn, can't think of it... there's pump action, bolt action and.... breach????

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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