The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

A little (verbose) commentary...

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 - 12:43 am

Okay... I have a few things to say here...

First off, I really want to point you to both Astral and Dev. Both of these men are people I met in D-land chat. Both of these men are people I would spend time with.

I have long gone through D-land, watching the lives of people unfold. I've seen many people with similar experiences once in a while, but I've not really felt a connection with them. Davey and Lee, however, are different.

Lee told me, the night we met in chat, that he felt familiar with a lot of the things I'd written about. He stated that there were a few similarities. But he also expressed a touch of concern that perhaps I wouldn't be as interested in his life because of certain choices he's made.

This, of course, made me immensely curious. So, I started reading Lee's entries. My first foray into his world was his description of his teen years. Instantly I was hooked. I've spent the past few days (like, a week and a half) going over his previous entries, reading the recent ones, commenting on his guestbook and stuff like that there.

I find that so much of his life fits into the things I'm familiar with. And, just for your information, Lee... Just because I don't do certain things now, doesn't mean I've never done them. *smiles*

Regardless, I am impressed and amazed with the life that unfolds before me. I see situations and problems which arise, are recognized and dealt with. But, I think the thing that impresses me... that honestly impresses me, is the honesty with which he writes.

Lee isn't writing to gain approval. He isn't writing to provide some entertaining tidbit for an audience. It seems to me that he is writing as a way of figuring out what his mind is doing, where he's going, where he's been and how he solved problems. It seems to me that Lee writes because he can't not write.

I may be way off base here, but I just get the feeling that he is telling his story so that in the years to come he will have a mile marker. He will be able to see how far he's come and look back on his life with a feeling of honor, accomplishment and self-respect.

I send my well wishes, prayers and continued support to you, Lee. You are a man of character. And no, I don't agree with everything you do in your life, but I don't know anyone who would agree with everything I do in mine. May your life be everything you ever hoped for.

Now, Davey is also a man I cherish and am impressed with. There are many similarities between us as well, although there are some really big discrepancies as well. *chuckles*

For instance, I'm not a gay male, nor am I of his tribe and I don't have a son or a lover. However, I do view life with an artistic eye and I would very definately be one of those people who had a leaf pulled from their hair due to a pre-church romp in the park. *grins*

Also, he speaks with such passion and with such a lust-for-life that I can't help but be drawn into his world. I catch myself looking at the pappoose on my wall and thinking about him.

---A friend of my father's makes art pieces which are comprised of a pappoose decorated with various furs with hand-painted faces for the infants. They are elaborately done and of very high calibre in my opinion. I have one which features grey fox, bear and ermine furs. The leather and bead work are excellent as well.---

I look at the intracacies of the artistry and think of the passion and beauty which accompany it. Which turns me to thoughts of Davey and how he can describe a glorious sunset. This, in turn, reminds me of my previous descriptions of rain... what I love about it, how it feels, etc.

The passion which shines through in the words comes to me and touches my soul in a way that few other things can. There is such a deep and sacred bond there... it's something that can be shared even if I never speak to him face to face or even voice to voice. It is a bond that can be felt and shared even if I never read another word or see one of his art works.

I respect and admire that connection. And that reminds me, yet again, of the comment an old friend made to me during my graduation party. All the guests were sharing bits of advice. Telling me their "nugget of truth" that they figured would aid and help me throughout my life.

This one woman told me, simply, "Don't ever lose your passion. Don't give it up. Keep your passion."

It hasn't been until fairly recently that I actually understood what that meant. I threw away my passion for a long, long time. When I was suicidal, during this specific time period 11 years ago, I gave up my passion. I threw it away as being something that was useless to me.

Just recently I have started tapping into that passion once again. Reading Davey's entries reminds me that when someone does that thing they were born to do... all is right with the world. Were I to simply tap into my passion and let it fuel me... nothing could ever stand in my way again.

I get the feeling that by watching Davey's passion through my forays into his mind, I am regaining a little more of my own passion. I feel that connection and I want to reach out, grab hold and let the power surge into me...

You inspire me, Davey. When I read your words, I hear a voice whispering in my ear telling me to listen to the way you speak... to listen to the way the wind caresses tender fingers through the lush, thick hair of the trees. I read your words and again feel the power of the ocean, moving ceaselessly, living, flowing, breathing because that is what it was designed to do. I read you and feel a connection to this world, to the spirit which fills me and promises to lift me higher than I could ever imagine.

I can fly when I read you, Davey... I can fly.

I know that this entry has been rather... well... different. But it has also been the same. It is yet another facet in the sapphire which is me.

Peace unto thy hearts.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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