The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

I is in da house?

Sunday, Sept. 16, 2001 - 5:31 pm

I was in chat last night, talking and enjoying myself. Ranul, Waldon and various other people were chatting, goofing off... just in general blowing off a little steam.

Now, I've had some interesting days lately... as have we all, of course. I still haven't reacted, per se, to the attack. But the point of this diatribe is this... while chatting someone came in using that internet shorthand that really ticks me off. It's not that shortening words bothers me, I mean, I use BRB and AFK often. But those are abreviations which substantially shorten the word. (For those not in the know... BRB means Be Right Back and AFK means Away From Keyboard. (As a side note, AFFK means Away From Fucking Keyboard)) That kind of abreviation doesn't bother me unless it's used excessively.

Likewise, typical internet shorthand doesn't bother me too much as long as it's not used excessively or as a new language. The examples of shorthand I absolutely detest... "wut (or wot) r u ^ 2" meaning "What are you up to?" or something more along the lines of... "i gotz da mad sklz ppl" meaning, I think, "I have/got the mad skills, people." I'm still not sure what "mad skills" are, but that's beside the point. I'm also frustrated with such examples as this... "u no wutz goin wit n e 1. If ur duin n e thin i b goin 2." As best as I can guess, that means... "Do you know what is going on with anyone? If you're doing anything, I'm going too."

That frustrates me to no end. I have spoken of this many times before. Many, many times. In fact, I wrote about it on Rant of the Day once. I really, really hate that kind of internet shorthand. And, despite what anyone says, to someone of any maturity, the above examples make the typist sound juvinile, petty, stupid and completely immature. Let me tell you something, people. You do not sound "cool" when speaking this way. You do not sound "tough" or "elite" Sorry... "1337". You sound stupid, uneducated and extremely petty.

Ask anyone in a position to hire you for anything other than shovelling shit if your "special" language will get you hired.

Now, before you bite my head off, I know that there are people out there who earnestly and honestly have incredible computer skills. The majority of those who remain legal are above such pettiness as intentionally misspelling words and phrases. Those who are extremely good, but not always legal, tend not to draw attention to themselves with such pittiful and sorry attempts at "communication".

Now, the entire point of that... When I was in chat with the fine folks mentioned above, there was an individual who entered chat. He was speaking in that pathetic version of internet shorthand. And, I stated as much. I stated that such abreviations tended to make someone sound foolish, immature and petty.

This individual was unhappy with my comment and private messaged me with "nigger fallz". I have no idea what that means. And, because I was feeling bitchy, I stated in the room that the DIQ (dork in question) had felt the need to private message me with "nigger fallz" and I didn't know what it meant.

The DIQ was vociferously irritated at that. He claimed loudly that he said no such thing. I claimed he did. I wasn't able to copy/paste the private message. I wasn't able to save it. (PS, Andrew... you really need to put some /save command in the chat system... or something) Ranul was polite and avoiding taking sides directly. She stated that she didn't think I would lie about something like that. Waldon was trying to remain inobtrusive. *Chuckles*

The DIQ then sent me another private message and wonder of wonders it appeared just under the original message. I then, in the room, stated that he had just sent me a second message stating ... "u nigger". Of course, this one I figured I knew the meaning of. I was offended. Therefore, I said that I was NOT some stupid, petty individual who expected the rest of the world to pander to my every whim.

(in my personal opinion that is what a "nigger" is. Someone who complains about everything in their life, demanding that someone else pick up the pieces... demanding that someone else make everything better. Tough shit, bubba. It's your life, you do something about it. AND, for those of you starting to get pissy about my use of the "n" word... back off. "Nigger" in my book, does not refer to someone of a specific skin color. It refers to someone of a specific mentality. I've seen white, black, mexican, indian, asian and any other ethnic group you'd like to name... "niggers")

Then the fur really started to fly. The DIQ was blustering about how he never said anything like that and why was I perpetrating all these lies against him etc.

Ranul said something akin to (paraphrase here) "Watch it, if you said it she'll have it up all over the internet."

Waldon was polite and still trying to be inobtrusive but he wasn't all that keen on someone throwing the "n" word around so liberally.

Me? I was in a mood, folks. I was there. I was challenged and when I get that way, watch out, bubba. I don't give a damn what fucking word I use. If it helps me get my point across, I'll use it. *Nods matter of factly* I'll even create a few new ones if I have to. *Smiles sweetly, with teeth*

Okay... the whole point... *smirks* You knew it was coming, didn't you.

So, then the DIQ posted a private message pseudo apology. One of those, if you really think I did it, then I'm sorry. Kind of things. *Chuckles*

Through continued conversation with Waldon, he, my new hero, showed me how to take a "picture" of my screen. HEH. I love it. So, I took a couple snaps of the first three messages the DIQ sent. Then sent it to Waldon so he could transfer the .bmp file to a .jpg Trust me, when you're working a machine as antiquated as mine... you need all the help you can get.

So, we were conversing for a while, Ranul, Waldon and various other chatters and myself. Then, the DIQ came BACK into the room. (He'd left for quite a while) And, wonder of wonders, he posted two new messages to me via private message. *Rolls her eyes*

So, I took a snap of that too.

Therefore, I give you the proof that the DIQ was a DICK. *Smirks*

DIQ 2 Dick in 5.2 seconds

There's a cheater link to return you to this diary so you don't have to open in a new window or anything.

So, I fully and completely understand that had I not been so vociferous about the absolute pettiness behind such unnecessary internet shorthand, the DIQ would not have reacted in such a way. Atop that, I'm fully aware that when someone calls me a "nigger" it really is a show of just how obtuse they are. However, I was in a bitchy mood. I was willing to take up the challenge. I was willing to do a little fightin dirty. And, this was such a completely worthless thing to fight about, and in such a manner, that I wasn't worried about actually getting hurt in some way. After all, I don't like getting hurt and I really don't like hurting someone else.

If they completely destroy the entire flow of humanity, however, by being such slack-jawed dimwits, then I think they should simply expect poor treatment upon waking each morning/afternoon. I was very definately being bitchy. But damn it... if you foisted your foolish and petty attitude off on the people twice your age and attempted to gain shock points by using a "bad" word, then you must understand that most people aren't going to give you a second glance.

Usually such treatment from a DIQ is grounds for immediate ignoring. However, as I stated many times before, I was feelin fiesty. Therefore, you have the proof, the back story and probably a whole hell of a lot of worthless information you didn't really want at all. Or something. I did, however, completely fill up yet another Entry box. *Grins brightly* Gee thanks for listening and stuff.

And, for all those who doubt it... Waldon is INDEED my new hero.

Sympatico is and will always be my hero... but there's a new face in town. I'm like that. I'm wonderful and stuff. You can't help but love me, don'tcha know? You love me to bits and like it. Heh.

*Grins, winking at all*

OH, by the by, Witchy, Waldon missed you. *Grins* Almost as much as I missed Dev's shoulder. He does have an awesome cyber shoulder, folks. Just perfect to rest your temple against while listening to those in chat. Highly recommended.

Anyway... I'm out of here for the time being. I have to go make dinner now. *Grins*

Our first dinner in the new house. WOOHOO

Love and all


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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