The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

And now, a word from our Sponsor...

2000-04-23 - 11:24:18

mmmmmmmmmm, mushy-head-from-too-much-HTML disease... my favorite.

Yesterday was an awesome day. Absolutely awesome. Except for a few things. *chuckles* But today is starting out really great. I went to Uncle Bob's site and then to his message board... and ya know what I discovered??? He likes me. He really likes me. I think I'm going to have his cyber child.

Oh.... wait.... maybe I'm reading too much into this. *chuckles*

Anyway, Uncle Bob is way cool and if you haven't read him yet, PLEASE do. I'm one of those people who hate what's popular. One of those who just detests being a part of the "in" crowd cause it's usually just a bunch of bullshit and hedonistic crap that doesn't mean anything when it is applied to "real life".

However, I think I may be doing away with that prejudice/bias real soon. I think there might be something to this popularity thing. I mean, hell... he's gotta be popular for a reason. Read him and you'll find out why he's popular. Uncle Bob just rawks, folks.

Okay, so shameless plug for me... Check out my guest book, the vote thingie and the "talk to me" message board. If you sign it, your name goes up with a link to your site/diary and ya get plugged. Not with a lead slug or anything that gruesome, but something will happen that's rather positive.

And another thing... Dunno what it is, if people just hate writing to me, or if Diaryland Mail really sucks, but I've written to a number of people at their Diaryland Email addy's and have received NO replies. For information sake, my own Email is as follows: [email protected]. I used to have an official Diaryland Email addy, but I noticed that nothing I tested with EVER got through, even after I changed the recipiant addy. So please, folks, double check your Diaryland Email servers and let me know if it's just my retarded system.

Most specifically, my comment is directed at Methy cause I've written her about seven times now and not one response, no mention on her diary... I'm starting to feel unloved. *pouts* Really unloved. *pouts more* Really, really unloved. *peeks to see if anyone is noticing*

*sighs and gives up the pouting cause it's never worked for her*

So, anyway... Methy... write me, send me a "Hey Bitch, 'Sup with yer Fat ass" or something like that.

I'm thinking about going out for coffee. It's a kinda slow day to begin with and there's no reason for me to be awake anyway... 'cept Joey wanted out.

HEY, I have an idea... I haven't had any "real" email from my best friend in almost a month. How would you guys like to help me get a letter from him? *grins wickedly, thinking she's about to be pummled by her best friend* How bout if all of y'all write to him and tell him to write me????

*grins wickedly-er*

*grins wickedly-est*

So, write to him and tell him to write me. Or, Instant Message him on AOHell Instant Messenger. Bryan's Email AOHell IM: Fussball21. Let's see if he'll actually write me, huh? I'll report the results in this diary.

Refer to me as Tiger or Chica. *grins*

Now, I'm fully aware that this just might piss him off. But he hasn't written to me in about a month and he's got a girlfriend now and he's more than a thousand miles away so I'm not really worried about what he'll DO to me. *chuckles* But, damn it, he really should write me. I mean, is this any way for a friend to behave?

So, be my messengers of good tidings and all that bull. Convince Bryan that he should write me. After all, I'm worth it aren't I? don't hate me because I'm beautiful...

Oh wait... that's a different commercial.

Well, I've pretty much used up this entire entry on nonsense and useless ego agrandizement. Oh, and terrible misspellings... but I never claimed to be up on that grammar, spelling thing.

The puppy is begging me to play. Begging rather roughly... by jumping up onto my bed, leaping at me and landing hard on my keyboard. The backspace key is my friend.

Happy Passover/Days of Unleavened Bread/Easter/Spring/Bunny Day to all... Whichever your religion, may you celebrate your day and find peace and happiness in whatever you put your hand to.

Love and kisses to you and yours...


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own