The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Saturday v. Sunday church stuff

Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002 - 7:30 pm

Being as how it�s Saturday, and I have some interesting news, I figured I�d try for the Saturday vs. Sunday church thing. I also want to explain, since it�s been commented on a few times by a few different people, one of the comments I made in my previous multi-part entry.

First, the �disclaimer� so to speak. I mentioned that Jesus condemned sinners. I didn�t mean that he went out and said the whore was a sinner. I was speaking of one (the only example I know of) time when He dealt with the money changers in the temple. I think that perhaps my use of the word �condemned� is wrong. As I don�t believe Jesus ever condemned someone for an action or attitude.

However, He did tell people when what they were doing was wrong and He told them how to do it the right way. With the money changers in the temple, however, He overturned their tables and told them they were defiling the temple. That�s what I meant. In entirety.

Just because Jesus told the money changers they were wrong, doesn�t mean I have the right to tell other people they�re wrong. Besides, Jesus is the only human to live a sinless life. I was not sinless until I was baptized and cleansed by the blood of the Christ. But that branches into another tangent I�m not ready to get into at this time. *chuckles*

Anyway, that�s my brief disclaimer. I didn�t mean to say that Jesus roamed the world, pointing the finger at all the poor, pathetic sinners. I meant that when the money changers were in the temple, Jesus overturned their tables, and told them they were wrong for defiling the temple in such a way...

In my opinion, to turn that example to present day... I imagine that that specific instance would apply to those people who offer theological degrees through Email spam. heh. YES, I have been spammed with �Get your doctorate in theology� Emails. They�re making a business out of religion and that has never been the purpose for religion; again, in my opinion only.


So... onward.

~~~Frank and bold talk of Prayer Power Follows~~~

The wonderful thing that happened yesterday:

For the past nearly three weeks, Diane and I have each been trying to get a hold of Diane�s Tax Accountant. Susan handles all the tax stuff, the pre-tax payroll and manages the pay stub things. We�ve left messages for her and she hasn�t responded at all. Yesterday Diane finally called all the numbers she had for Susan.

The office number: Machine.

Home number: Machine

Daughter�s number: Machine

Best Friend�s number: Machine

Diane was very concerned and there was a feeling of anticipation and dread. She looked at me saying that she was very worried about Susan. It wasn�t like the woman to ignore her clients and business. it wasn�t like Susan to not give some kind of call back within a day or two.

I nodded and then excused myself. I went outside and from her porch watched the water rolling in on the bay. I began to pray, out loud. I called upon the name of Jesus and I summoned the Holy Spirit. I stated that I had the blood-bought right to control the tides. I stated that because Jesus had died and washed me in His blood, purifying me, that I had the blood-bought right to ask for healing on behalf of Susan and her family.

I stated that I didn�t know what was wrong. I said that I didn�t know who was hurt. I stated that God did. I stated that when I was younger and felt the demon watching from within that eagle at services, I didn�t know what to do. I didn�t know how to deal with that, but I knew now. And, because I knew, I was going to do what I was supposed to.

I prayed with conviction. I stated that I was dressed in the raiment (sp) of God�s Holy Spirit, from head to toe, surrounded and filled with the Spirit. I stated, aloud, that because I had the blood-bought right to control powers and principalities, I commanded the demons surrounding Susan and her family to release their hold. I demanded that they be broken from their grasp. I demanded that they be bound and thrown away never to bother anyone else ever again.

I demanded, because I have the blood-bought right to power over all things in the earth, that Susan and her family be healed. I demanded that the demons be gone. I demanded that the demons of fear, confusion and ill health be gone. I demanded, because I have the blood-bought right to bind demons and banish them, that the demons be bound and thrown away, never to return.

Because I have the blood-bought right to command the Holy Spirit, I sent ease and peace of mind to Susan and her family. I stated that though I didn�t know then, how to stand up to the demon in the church, that I knew now and I was standing up, bathed in the Power of the Holy Spirit, bathed in the purifying blood of Christ.

I thanked God for listening and I thanked Him for already having answered my prayer. I thanked Him for the right, for the blood-bought right to command demons and to bind them. I thanked Jesus for sacrificing, for giving everything and for enduring the most extreme pain anyone can ever endure, so that I could stand up on behalf of Susan and her family.

I stated that I didn�t know their religious affiliation. I stated that I didn�t know if they even believed there was a God. I stated that because I believed, however, and because I had the blood-bought right to demand and expect healing, that Susan and her family be healed.

I thanked God for having already healed her. I spent many minutes simply standing in tears, thanking Jesus for giving up His everything so that I could be equal to Him. I thanked Jesus for pulling me into His arms and making me His sister in every way. I thanked God for bringing me to His feet, to sit in His throne room and rest as His child beside Him.

I thanked Jesus for again, already having healed Susan.

My words flowed quickly and came straight from the Spirit inside me. I felt so... energized. I felt like... let me see if I can come up with a good comparison... I felt like I do after working out for 45 minutes. I felt warm, my synapses were firing, my skin burned with an incredible rumbling heat and I felt... hmmm... There is no appropriate comparison. I was on fire with the Spirit. I was completely and totally alive.

I thanked Jesus for holding me and caring for me and keeping me safe. I cried as I concluded my prayer, and I thanked God for tears. I wasn�t loud, I wasn�t audacious, I wasn�t showing off and I wasn�t trying to make a scene. I was standing on a porch of a house on top of a hill overlooking the quietly rolling bay as rain slanted down out of the sky. It was something tremendously peaceful and loving, and I felt so.... *sighs softly, smiling* I felt so pure; so good; so whole.

I concluded my prayer and walked back inside. I called out to Diane and told her that Susan would be fine. She looked at me and asked if I�d been communing with nature or something. She was joking. I said, �Sort of. I prayed about it. Susan will be fine. She is fine now. It�s okay.�

Diane looked at me in that Okay, I�ll play along kind of way but nodded and said okay.

I went back to work.

But it�s not over.

Ten minutes later. No lie, ten minutes later, Diane gets a phone call from the best friend.


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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