The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Letha's Char Sheet

Monday, Feb. 04, 2002 - 8:35 pm

Well, you�re getting a bogus entry tonight. Since I had to spend time doing up my character sheet/profile for my character in the RP club, I figured I�d share it with all of you. I have to edit down the history section because it�s just way too long for the space I�m given, but I think I�ll make a brief summary and then have this history posted as an addendum. Dunno for sure yet.

I�m feeling a little icky tonight. Too much coffee and asperin this morning I think. I can�t think of any other reason my tummy is upset with me. It�s not like I ate a whole pizza. (only a third, heh).

Anyway, this is what you get. So there.

Letha�s Profile/Character Sheet

Name: Forveleth Therace Calistron (for-veh-lehth tear-ace cal-i-strohn)

Nickname/s: Letha, TC, Lee - only to two people so far call her that, Edward and her Father (the only one she�s ever known)

Birthplace: Southern Shore, Horahk

Age: 24

Height: 5�8�

Weight: 130/140 (she puts on about 10-15 lbs when she isn�t traveling)

Eye/Hair color: Vibrant green/dusty-copper red

Class: Bard/light mage

Skills: Singing/song writing, story telling, performing, dancing, persuasion (non-magic), acting, near-photographic memory, reading/writing, scribing, history, physical flexibility, fishing, herb-lore (specifically southern and Horahk herbs), sailing, rope tying/knots, rock climbing, swimming with/against current, voice/accent mimicry, script mimicry/forgery, minor lock/pocket picking. Light magic - heightened senses, persuasion/captivation of audience, mind speach (with those who are receptive), affinity to/for animals, *healing, distraction/confusion.

History: Forveleth was born to (can�t remember the original names and I can�t find the old file, so... I�m making this up fresh) Grastroa Theracia Ra�lash (mother) and Draskol Calistron (father). She had two younger brothers Gavin and Thomas, nine and twelve years younger than she, respectively. Her father was a good and wise fisherman, owning three boats of his own and overseeing a large portion of the immediate harbor. Her family was not rich, but they always had enough.

From a very young age, Letha learned to sing and play many instruments, but her favorites were guitar and pipes. She learned to fish at her father�s side and was taught to read the sky, tides and wind. She was considered an oddity in her home village, as both her parents were dark in hair color, eye color and deeply tanned, while she was of fair complexion with bright green eyes and red hair; she was highly accepted and adored by all in the village save her mother.

Grastroa had always wanted a better life for herself. She continuously held to the notion that she was noble born (her great, great grandfather was a duke of Northern Horahk who had gone mad, slaughtering his entire family.) but she was actually descendant of one particular dalliance on the cusp of his madness. To hear her tell it, the offspring of that dalliance had fled, settling in Eastern Horahk and changing his name in the hopes of some day reclaiming the Duchy. Yet there is no actual proof of any true bloodline connection to Mad Duke Ragreiglash. (Rah-gray-i-glash)

When the bard was 20, her father died from wounds inflicted when a mainsail boom pulled free of its lashings. He was mourned well and burried at sea with Letha singing him to his rest. Within six, short months Letha grew more and more uncomfortable. One evening, in a fit of pique, Grastroa told her daughter that she had no reason to mourn Draskol any longer as he wasn�t her true Father. After much shouting and wailing, primarily on the older woman�s part, Letha discovered that her birthfather had been a traveling bard with bright, copper red hair and intense green eyes.

From that point on, Letha made plans to seek out her father, intending to leave on her 21st birthday. To her confused disappointment, her mother seemed to eagerly anticipate the departure and gifted Letha with an old guitar string, claiming it had been a gift from her true father. She packed her most prized possessions, all the money she had saved and the whole of her dowery, setting off into the west. When the young woman finally left the shores of Southern Horahk, Grastroa didn�t even bother to see her off.

Within four months, she had made her way west and then north, selling her small boat and traveling inland on foot. She spent the majority of her time walking through the woods, getting a feel for the great forests and marveling at the unusual animals she met along the way. She would spend one or two nights a week in a town, singing for tips.

She met a stranger along her path one afternoon, early in her journey. They struck up a conversation and wandered together. Over the following eight months, they spent every day together. He taught her to defend herself with sword, dagger and in hand-to-hand combat.

Friendship quickly bloomed into a relationship, though both were reticent to make long term commitments as she was still so very young and he couldn�t remember anything of his past. Their love for each other was intense and eternal, yet there came a time when parting was necessary. He left her in the night, gifting her with a handsome purse and ways in which contact each other when the time was right.

Once he had departed, Letha once again turned her journey west, this time ahorseback. She crossed paths with a lessor Baron of Drewan, earning his favor and an invitation to his Barony in southwestern Drewan. For a month she stayed in his Baronial castle, entertaining the court and nobles. Upon her intended departure date, she was gifted with two scrolls and a week�s provisions.

Again she traveled west, nearly two and a half years later, making her way into South Karik. She stopped for a night at the Silver Wolf Inn in the town of Illither, performing her songs and telling her tales. That first night, the Wrath of Strength attacked the Inn and the Wrath of Wisdom told Letha and the few remaining patrons to flee toward the Temple where they would be protected as long as they stayed three nights.

Letha has no true religious affiliation though she is partial to The Grandfather whispered of among her people.

* healing only applies with someone she is deeply bonded to and they must be in a life and death situation; if she cries over them, using all her magical ability, she can stablize them... keep them from dying.

And that is where the tale begins in earnest.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own