The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

the final installment

Sunday, Apr. 21, 2002 - 2:03 pm

Last night I had the opportunity to spend another few hours with Lee and Karen. When I got there, Karen was down with the boys, watching over them as they swam around in the pool. I got to talk with Lee for a good hour or so before they got back.

I think that was very cool. It allowed Lee and I to actually converse in our quiet way. *laughs* He and I are so very much alike, mentality wise.

I like Karen a lot, but when she talks, I want to listen to what she has to say. When she's not there, the less vociferous atmosphere takes over.

It was a late night. *chuckles* Lee drove me back home so I didn't have to summon the taxi. I got here at about 1:45 or so. I had planned to pop online and write a brief entry about them again, but I was too tired. So there.

I wanted to say, Trinity, if you're reading, they wanted to convey their apologies for not getting out to see you. They tried to call, but weren't able to get a hold of you. Their itinerary changed and they weren't able to make it that far south.

Conversation with Lee is different than conversation with Karen. They're both intelligent and bright people, however, with Lee, conversation takes place in slower, more quiet tones. With Karen, conversation comes quickly and with slightly louder tones. She talks so quickly that Karen reminds me of my sister. (that's where the similarities end)

The only similarity between Karen and my sister is the speed of conversation. Well, okay, that and they're both female. My sister still has to work on that whole sentance structure thing. As well as the completing the thought thing.

I told Lee that I was a little leary about reading their entries about me. I don't have that wary fear now.

They're huggy people though. I'm warning anyone who has any dealings with them in a social situation. Expect at least one hug from each of them. At least one. They don't over do it, though, which is nice. (meaning, since I'm not a huggy person, they weren't forcing me outside my comfort zone. And we all know how important my comfort zone is to me. *grins*)

All in all, I have to say that I am impressed and pleased with the both of them. They are mature, responsible people and they interact 'normal'ly. It is refreshing to have a live, face-to-face interaction with someone normal. Someone not depressed or heavily psychotic.

So, as far as meeting people I've known from the 'Net is concerned, I've had more good results than bad.

Bryan: Not good. Too young, mentally, and too quiet. I took his quiet nature to mean he was thinking about my comments. Now, I realize that he just didn't know how to respond. I was a vacation fling for him.

Charles: Excellent. He was quiet, but because he really was listening to what I had to say. He responded and was capable of carrying on a conversation with intelligence and aplomb. Charles listened to my comments, thought about them and offered observations which actually made me think. Very, very good. He also didn't complain about my foolishness or immaturity. (a very good thing, in my opinion.)

Russell: Excellent. He was more lively and talked more than Charles did, but he also had the ability to form complete sentances and actually be involved in the conversation. He was quick and picked up on subtle jokes. (yes, Charles has that ability too) He offered valid comments in regard to my own comments and we laughed. A lot.

Lee: Excellent. He is a strong man, he stands on his convictions and though he probably wouldn't force his opinions on you, he would definitely defend them. I say "probably" in regard to Lee's opinions because he has this subtle ability to state an opinion of his, even using understated words, and conveying that it's more fact than opinion. *chuckles* Like me. I like Lee a lot. He's one of those people who reminds me of me. *smirks* Lee is a marvelous man. Far better than he believes himself to be. He "knows" he's a good man, he just doesn't believe it yet. *grins*


Lee is the major factor behind my realization that I have intrinsic value. He is largely the reason I like who and what I am today. It was through reading his diary, conversing with him online and examining him that I started thinking that if someone that smart and interesting, thought I was smart and interesting, then perhaps I really was. That thought, of course, lead me through the list of all the special people I had met online and how each of the "good ones" impressed me and had good judgement. Therefore, I realized that if these people who would NOT have shit as friends had me as a friend, I couldn't be shit. *grins*===

Karen: Excellent. She is a woman of upstanding character, clear motives and loving, lively energy. I still have no idea where she gets all that energy. I think Lee is channeling his energy into her. I'm not all that sure that if I spent more time with her, I wouldn't lose a lot of weight. Just by watching her energy. She is a truly wonderful woman and one of the few women I actually like. I enjoy her muchly and I am very honored to have been gifted with her presense in my life.

I get to meet the prof next week. I'll give you my tell-all report about him too. *grins big* Are ya scared, prof? *laughs softly* I have every expectation of wonderful and lively conversations with him. I've had the opportunity to speak with him over the phone.

I'm alive, people. I'm really alive. I haven't felt this good about life and myself in general for more than a decade. I'm alive. And I wake up more every day.

Life is very, very good.

Enjoy, friends. This is yet another wonderful day!

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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