The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Vivian dot com

Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002 - 7:49 pm

I�m having so much fun. I really love this whole grabbing music thing.

I�m sitting here, basically in my underwear cause it�s hot as a goat�s butt in here (well, okay, exaggeration... so what), and I�m listening to The Proclaimers. *grins big* I LOVE this song. �I Would Walk 500 Miles� Yeah, corny. But I still love it. It just feels... good, ya know?


I spent yesterday and today reading an autobiography. The story is... well... It�s me. And I think that most any woman who reads this book will also see herself in many of the subject�s scenarios. Of course, I don�t have the high-falutin job, but still... The autobiography is entitled Vivian: a novel. The subject is the woman.

I had never heard of her before my mother gave me her autobiography. But, I read it quickly and identified with a lot of the things she said.

I think about the things I wrote yesterday and I really think that her book is... uniform. That sounds disrespectful, but I don�t mean it to be. The things she says, the lessons she talks about learning, seem to be a version of what most women in their mid twenties go through. Most often, in my people watching, I see women don�t actually come out of the self-discovery phase of their lives until their late twenties to early thirties. Some sooner, some later.

But, if I were to be completely honest, I suppose I would have to admit that throughout life we go through phases of self discovery. We try on masks and costumes throughout life. We shift and fidget in our seats until we have found a way to make ourselves more comfortable for a brief period of time. That comfort and identity last only a brief time. Each new day gives the chance to be a new person.

Perhaps it is foolish for me to want to know who and what I am? I don�t think so. I think it would be more like figuring out who the base unit is. Then, I could dress up that base unit any way I wanted to on any given day. *shrugs*

Perhaps that doesn�t make much sense to those of you sharing my life at this present moment. But I understand what I mean.

One of the things that I really enjoyed about this book is that Vivian writes the way I do. *laughs* I heard myself throughout her book. I�m thinking that she is an example of a large part of the female population. We�re not all the same, but hey, we tom-boys have to stick together, eh?


I really liked the book. I suggest it to you for light, entertaining and possibly educational reading. And you guys, you might want to pick it up and give it a read if you have any interest in trying to figure out women. *laughs* Yeah, who am I fooling, there�s absolutely no way to figure out women. We�re a mystery and we�re confusing. And we�re weird. Very weird!

I�ve been thinking about continuing from yesterday�s entry, but I�m just not into writing at this precise moment. I want to sit back and relax and enjoy life. I want to go out and sit on the swing and enjoy the sunset. Unfortunately, the sun won�t set for another hour and a half.


Oh well, For the time being, I�m going to log off and go watch a little TV. Law and Order is on in a little bit and I�d like to see it tonight.

Peace unto thy hearts, my friends.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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