The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Awesome Experience

Saturday, Aug. 03, 2002 - 10:10 pm

I just got back from a foray out into the wilds of Long Beach. Mom and I were out trying to find something to eat. However, after 9pm, unless you want to eat a bag of chips or something equally as interesting, from the convenience store, you�re SOL.

We stopped at the Lamplighter. it�s that place where I used to sing Karaoke all the time. It was much fun to go there times past, but I haven�t been with any regularity since about August of 2000.

Anyway, Mom and I wound up there because their kitchen is open until ten. We walk in and sit down and who is singing a new Karaoke song? Cmon, guess.


*grins big*

It was so very hilarious to me. Duncan is up on the dance floor/stage area and his table of companions is completely occupying the restaurant. He notices me after about half way through his song... and then... *grins big* He started singing the song to me. *laughs* It was just so totally cool. The line that stuck out (I haven�t heard the song before) was, �And she�s always there before me.� or something close to that.

It was just so damned cool to see him; to hear him singing; and to hear him singing to me. He was looking right at me. He pushed his voice, trying to show off for me. *laughs softly, grinning*

His bed-mate saw me and turned her nose up. Debbie turned her nose up for a moment, then got up out of her chair and sauntered over to his bed-mate while he was singing and started talking about me. Debbie�s mother saw me and smiled... toothlessly.

*laughs again*

When he had finished his song, I applauded for him. I watched him throughout the song and I had this bright and cheerful smile upon my face. He came over to me and asked me to sing Amazing Grace. I told him I wasn�t singing and he looked disappointed, asking me why not. I just smiled as his bed-mate snapped her head in my direction. He moved back to his table saying that I really should sing Amazing Grace.

*laughs hard, shaking her head*

That�s when Mom decided we needed to leave. She wasn�t comfortable staying there with that entire family. I said I was fine with it, but she wanted to go, so we left.

I suppose I should explain a little about why this is so funny to me. Hell, it was a tremendous ego boost.

Suffice it to say, I was there for a little less than three minutes. In that three minutes, two people got pissed off. My ex husband sang a song to me and I became the focus of attention. That entire table will be discussing me for the next hour. *laughs*

Duncan�s bed-mate (Patricia) has gained about 80 pounds or more. Debbie has gained at least 80 pounds. Duncan has gained at least 50 pounds. The entire table looked like they were from the wrong side of the tracks. They literally looked like a bunch of hill-billy rejects. Complete with missing teeth, ill fitting clothing and women who looked like men.

*laughs hard*

I walked in in heels, good clothing, nice hair and a wonderfully healthy look about me. I wasn�t beautiful in magazine-cover-girl style, but I looked good. I looked healthy and happy. And that was such an ego boost. To see the hill-billy rejects choking and shocked about my entrance. And then to see and hear Duncan singing to ME!!! *laughs*

It was so very awesome to be in that room.

It was like going into a world full of enemies and knowing that none of them can touch me.

As soon as I walked in, I could feel the hatred from Patricia and Debbie. I could feel them growling within their minds. I could feel the negative vibes shooting off of them. And ya know what? Every negative thing hit a wall bouncing back to them.

I had every right to be there. I had every positive thought on my side of the wall. I had poise, grace, inner beauty and joy on my side of the wall. And they had nothing but seething anger, rage, ugliness and fat. *grins*

This was such a tremendous ego boost.

Thank you, God, for showing me this scene tonight. I really needed it. I needed to see these people and know that I really have come quite a ways in the past four years. I have accomplished more than I thought. I have become happy and peaceful and cheerful. I have left all the negative, disparaging, angry and spiteful feelings behind.

I have life.

And that is so amazing to me. Thank you, So very, very much, God, for giving me this gift.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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