The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Healing: Miracle or Natural Cause

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003 - 2:58 am

It is my opinion that the body is designed to regenerate. Why do I think this? Well� it�s a matter of healing. I�m sure there�s a specific scientific term for this, but I can�t remember what it�s called right now. Basically it�s the whole returning-to-the-natural-state thing. Ya know, a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Man, the science class I took was such a long time ago that I just don�t remember much of it.

Suffice it to say, I believe that the body�s natural state is good health; Ya know, all systems working at optimum.

I also think that there are two different kinds of healing for the body. I know that many have heard of those truly miraculous healings. Things like the man who was crippled from birth being told to rise and walk� and that same guy doing exactly that.

I don�t think you can get more miraculous than resurrection, yet it happened three times in the Bible. Lazarus, the jailor�s son (I think it was a boy� Can�t remember and I�m not searching for it right now) and Jesus.

I think that in this day and age, societally we have come to expect miraculous recovery to be that instant form� when someone is crippled, suddenly they aren�t anymore. Blind seeing instantly. Etc. etc. ad nausium.

I think, though, that many people who believe in miraculous healing completely discount the most common form of miraculous healing. I believe that people in general forget about the body�s natural healing ability.

I have experienced both instant healing and long-term healing. When I was little� less than 10, I believe� I was run over by a car as was my brother. We both sustained some pretty severe injuries. I had a broken collar bone, internal bleeding and a possibly punctured lung. My brother had a broken arm, broken pelvis and something else I can�t remember now.

When we got through with X-rays and stuff like that, neither of us had anything worse than a few, minor scrapes. That, to me, is miraculous and instant healing.

I believe I�ve spoken about my Dog, Pepper, before. I believe she was resurrected. That, to me, is pretty miraculous and instant.

But I�ve also had long-term healing. When I was in the wreck five years ago, I sustained some pretty severe injuries and it took a couple years before I was really healed from that. I think that�s miraculous by design.

I believe that my healing of depression was an instant miracle. It took me a while to realize it, but one day I was depressed and the next I wasn�t. And for those of you who don�t know me or haven�t read all about my sordid past in this long-ass journal, my depression wasn�t one of those �oh woah is me� kind of things. I was so depressed that in order to be suicidal I would have to have been UN-depressed. I was existing, not alive.

And then, one day, I wasn�t depressed anymore. There was no bleakness, no emptiness. It was just gone. As I said, however, it took me a little while to realize that. I realized, rather suddenly, that I wasn�t depressed, but I had to actually think back to how long I had been not-depressed. It wasn�t a gradual thing. Just instant.

Well, I�m thinking about this in regard to the people around me who keep praying for healing. One of our close friends has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He seems resigned to the fact that he�s going to die. He�s depressed and saddened about it. But, he�s also qualified for an experimental program which will provide all medical care for him for ten years plus follow-ups for the rest of his life. This is a study through Oregon State and Washington State Universities and if I got my facts straight, there are less then 100 people who qualify for this treatment study.

In my opinion, going from bare-bones medical insurance to complete coverage for ten years is a miraculous gift from God. We have prayed over this man including laying-on of hands and all that. I believe that he�s been anointed too.

I�ve lost my train of thought. I think I�ll have to come back to this tomorrow. It�s now 3am and I have to be up for work in about four hours or so.

On a side note, spent most of the day today driving Mom�s van from mechanic to tire shop. After a day of driving, walking and waiting, I have used my right leg more strenuously than I usually do and my calf and thigh muscles have been cramping. I expected this, but it still irritates me.

I�ve given it enough time that I think I�ll actually be able to sleep now. I�m hoping so. I really don�t like laying down at midnight and tossing and turning for two hours. C�est la vie, non?

I�ll go on with the healing thing at another time. Right now I�m wiped out.


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