The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Mother's Day stories and adventures

2000-05-14 - 22:52:05

Well, hello folks.

Don't you all wish you were me??? Definately you would today. I mean, really... think about it. I live on the ocean, six blocks from the water's edge. I have a computer in my room that works... most of the time. *smirks* And, a dog that loves ME most.

AND, all weekend it was gorgeous. I mean, absolutely gorgeous. It was in the low 80s today. Warm and bright and a clear, blue sky.

The rugrats were over with their mother (the adopted brother's ex wife), my sister. We had that whole Mother's day thing going on. Breakfast with eggs and bagels and the like. *shrugs* I'm not all that keen on the food thing... but having the fam over was nice. For a little while. And then I did my "Hunchback of Notre Long Beach" immitation* and escaped to my room where I logged on to the 'Net and checked my Email and the like.

BUT, because it was so hot, and my comp has a decidedly unfriendly streak, it kept threatening to shut down on me. *pouts* That was a pain in the butt.

So, I logged out, took the pup and my latest Marcinko book (Task Force Blue, fourth in the series) and drove on up to the lake.

Joey had a blast. He jumped into the lake, swam around, chased all sorts of little bugs, floaty-thingies and butterflies and, in general, was totally at home.

And ya know how I know??? *smirks* He's white, brown and tan in color, a Tri-Color Cocker Spaniel. His belly, legs and sides are predominantly white.

After his romping? They were a darker brown than his brown fur. *laughs* AND, they were sopping wet. *grins* I loved it. He loved it. It was a very good day.

Then, we scampered on home and hung out with the TV for a while...

You know what it feels like to have an energetic puppy jump up onto you, as you lean back in the recliner you're sitting in? He perched half across my chest, half across my shoulder. And every time someone went by on the road, he'd bark and growl and wag his tail.

When I'd laugh, he'd look at me as if I were laughing AT him and then he snuffle my ear and nip at it. *smirks*

Damn I love having Joey in my life.

I told my Mother a few days ago... she was remarking about the difference in me. The vast difference in my attitude and behavior. I told her that the difference was due to having Joey. That having someone who loved ME was something necessary for my life.

I don't mean that to sound so damning, or boastful or whatever... but I have discovered that for me to function, I need to know that there is someone/something out there who loves me more than anything else.

When I was 10, I got Pepper. She was that being. She loved me most and proved it on a daily basis. Now it's Joey. He's perfect and fills me with joy and licks my face and barks and tries to protect me and all that other stuff.

He's wonderful.

And ya know what folks?

I love the person I am. It's taken me 29 years to get here. Hell, almost 30. But I love the person I am. I really do. And it's nice to be surrounded by someone who loves me.

*smiles tenderly*

I am fulfilled.

Peace unto thy hearts, dear friends.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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