The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Woohoo, two entries in one day

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 - 1:36 am

Again, I�m writing with Kim. Have I told you how wonderful she is lately? Yes, I did, just a few minutes ago, in fact. Regardless, she really is very cool.

Kim has this ability to be intriguing, encouraging, spiritual, competent, smart, intelligent and resourceful all at the same time. She has a great sense of humor and brightens my day quite a bit.

But you know what the most amazing part about this is? She�s female. I actually have a female friend. And I think she�s great.

It�s been so very long since I�ve had a female friend (other than my Mother and no one will ever take her place) who didn�t make me cringe. Usually the females I meet are filled with talk about boys, make up, hair and how fat they are or aren�t. That kind of thing really bores me.

I know from fat. I don�t care about impressing Mr. Man and I really don�t care about fashion or anything associated with it. I�ve never been one to worry about whether or not my hair was done well enough, nor do I particularly care about make up tips.

I�m just not a girly-girl and I�ve never been interested in conversing with Girly-girls. But Kim� She�s just so damned cool. We mesh on quite a few levels and that�s really refreshing to my spirit.

So, Thank you, Kim. Your presence in my life has eased tension, relieved stress and brought much joy and peace.

Now, on to other topics. Of course, that means I would have to come up with a topic. Hmmmm.

I�ve heard a lot of people talking about this impending war with Iraq. The majority of conversation has been against a war. I don�t share that view.

I don�t have any �proof� or any �reason� for my opinion here. I�m not trying to convince anyone else of my opinion. I simply think that sometimes the only answer is war. I personally think that we, as a Country, have been reticent to get involved in war-like matters since the Vietnam fiasco.

Before any of you start getting uppity, let me state that I know almost nothing about Vietnam. I simply have never been interested in anything associated with war. I don�t like hearing about soldiers being killed. I don�t like hearing about killing or destruction or anything like that.

I�ve often said, in conversations about fighting, to Charles that he can do the fighting, I�ll make cookies.

Woah, that sentence came out all sorts of wrong. Let me try this again�

In my conversations with Charles, when we would talk about various kinds of fighting, I would often say that he could do the fighting, I�d make cookies.

Yes, that looks much better.

Anyway, I do believe that violence should be reserved for those times when nothing else works, but I think that many people put off violence too long. There is a time when violence of action is necessary. There is a time when words no longer work, when threats and implied violence simply don�t work anymore.

I believe that such is the case with the situation in Iraq. The time to act came more than a decade ago. And we acted, but we didn�t do quite enough.

Personally, I think that Saddam Hussein is a liar. I believe that he has been a liar and an evil man for many, long, long years.

I don�t know, maybe I�m taking too much of an Old Testament position here, but I just think that there has to be a forceful and final, violent answer to this problem.

I say Old Testament here, because I am reminded of Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed the cities, powerfully and finally, because of their sin. He gave them the opportunity to be saved when Abraham asked Jesus to spare them if there were even ten righteous people found within.

I�m not trying to say that the Iraq situation is the same, I don�t believe that there are fewer than ten righteous people in the whole of that country, but I do think that there are an awful lot of not-nice people there. I don�t begin to think that I know how to proceed with this, nor do I think that I have any great solutions to all the world�s problems.

I will say this, though. I believe, whole heartedly, that President Bush is walking the path God has set out for him. I believe that he prays for guidance and makes choices based on what God tells him to do.

I believe that God has chosen President Bush for this position. And, I believe that if he continues doing as God instructs, we will come out of this difficulty victorious.

I don�t know what the future holds. I don�t know what will happen tomorrow, let alone in the coming months. But I know that I trust President Bush to lead this country as God wants him to. I believe that Bush has been appointed to the presidency by God.

Why do I believe this? It�s a feeling. It�s faith. I don�t have to know why, I just have to know. It�s that kind of thing.

Hell, I don�t know if that makes any sense, but I�m working on it.

I suppose what I�m really trying to say amid all this rambling, is that I believe President Bush is being led by God and that where President Bush leads is right. I could be very wrong. Hell, I�ve been wrong before. I think, however, that God is more involved in the direction of this country than many people suspect. Though many people out there would say that�s a bad thing, I personally think it�s about damned time.

I�m sure I could ramble on for a while longer, but I�m starting to get a little tired. And, I don�t know how many more ways I can come up with of saying that I trust President Bush. *chuckles*

So, until I come up with something else to ramble about, this is it.

Coming up next Tuesday, by the way, is my three-year anniversary at Diaryland.

Whatcha gonna get me? *grins*

*wouldn�t mind a gold membership*

Anyway, until next time, my friends�

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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