The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

My A to Z thingie

Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003 - 11:27 pm

Hey there� I am alive. Cool, huh? I have two things I want to talk about today. I�m going to post something that I stole from Don, then I�m going to discuss some of the realizations I�ve come to since starting to read a new book. (I�ve been reading quite a lot lately� something I enjoy quite a bit.)

So, first things first�

All right, I stole this from Invisible Don who stole it from someone else and on and on. Just figured it would take up space, thus make for another entry. That�s always good, right? Yeah well, okay� whatever.

A to Z of the Fatal Tiger

A -- Act your age?
Rarely. Usually I behave older than I am. Sometimes younger. Once in a great while I�ll actually act my age.

B � Born on what day of the week?
Thursday. At 1:23 in the morning. *grins* Had to research that one.

C - Chore you hate?
Hmmm, cleaning. In general. Specifically, I�d have to say cleaning my room.

D � Dad�s name?
Heh. My �dad� is Bill. My Biological Father (previously referred to in this diary as the �sperm donar�. The relationship has been repaired, though, so he�s no longer addressed by such a disrespectful title.) is Charlie.

E � Essential Makeup Item?
Heh. I almost never wear makeup, but when I do, the one thing I usually �have� to have is mascara.

F � Favorite Actor?
Hmmm, This one is difficult as I have to actually, ya know, think. There are so many actors I like. Gabriel Byrne always makes me sit up and take notice. But so do Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Tom Skerritt and Dustin Hoffman. For actress: Sandra Bullock, no questions asked.

G � Gold or Silver?
Gold. Definitely. No questions asked. No holds barred. Gold is the way to go. Real Gold. Gold gold, not that white gold or pink gold, but real Gold. 24k stuff. Or better.

H � Hometown?
Hmmm, I was born in Cleveland, Ohio. I�ve lived throughout Western Washington from the time I was three years old until now. The place I call home now, however, is the beach. Long Beach to be exact.

I � Instruments you play?
Piano, Guitar and a little flute. Very little. But voice is my strongest instrument. And, as soon as I get past this next six months without smoking, I�ll have my voice back. *grins big*

J � Job Title?
Uh� freelance writer? Actually, I�m a light bookkeeper. But I do lots of stuff.

K � Kids?
Nope, none. But, someday.

L � Living arrangements?
I live in the basement of my parents� home and have every intention of remaining here until I get married. I�m sort of old fashioned that way.

M � Mom�s Name?

N � Need
Uh� I suppose the only thing I need is a little more self-discipline. I�m working on that one, though.

O � Overnight hospital stay?
Yup. The wreck with the KenWorth required three weeks plus a little in the hospital. Not all that pleasant. Also, when I was about 18 or so, maybe 19, I had an overnight in a hospital in Puyallup (Good Sam) due to an asthema attack.

P � Phobia?
Erm� I have a fear of heights, but only if I�m unprotected. I�m not keen on that whole nothing-to-hold-on-to thing

Q � Quote you like?
Hmm. I�d have to say, �Be nice. Be nice until it�s time not to be nice.� -- Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse

R � Religious affiliation?
Uh� Christian? I believe in and on God and I believe that Jesus existed, lived, performed miracles, died, died for me (and everyone else who wants to take part in the gifts) and through doing so, gave me the ability to use His Holy Spirit, to live by it etc. And, I believe He loves me completely.

S � Siblings?
One adopted brother I grew up with, one step-brother and step-sister from the step-paternal parental unit, two half-brothers and a half-sister by the biological paternal parental unit and a newly adopted brother who just happens to be a Seargent in the Marines (adopted through a local program to support our troops). OH, and an avian-American sister. (think about it, it'll come to ya) *grins big*

T � Time you wake up?
Depends largely on when I sleep, but usually between 5:30a and 8a.

U � Unique talent?
Hmmm. I can growl like the alien bad guy thing from the old Schwarzzenager movie Predator

V � Vegetable you refuse to eat?
Heh. Avacrapoes. They suck, man. They�re green death of the worst kind.

W � Worst Habit?
Procrastination, but I�ll get to that later.

X � X-rays you�ve had?
Right hip, right leg, pelvis, back, arm (don�t remember if it was right or left, I was very young) teeth (dentist stuff, ya know) legs, hips, pelvis repeatedly. (about two years worth)

Y � Yummy food you make?
Heh. White chocolate cheesecake, Lasagna, beef roast, beef enchiladas, nachos, chicken noodle soup, burn-the-house-down chili and the piece de resistance, Great-Grandma�s Chicken Popperkache with Spatzle.

Z � Zodiac sign?

Whew, got that done. *pants*

Okay� I was going to write up the other part, but I�m tired right now so I�m going to close this for a bit. I�ll be back to write more later.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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