The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

BS 5/31

Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 - 1:27 pm

5 31 03


John 20:24-31

This passage discusses �doubting� Thomas. After Jesus was resurrected, He appeared to many of the disciples but Thomas wasn�t with them. The disciples told Thomas about Jesus� resurrection and he didn�t believe them. I understand. It�s hard to believe that someone is alive when you�ve seen them die, seen them buried and mourned their loss.

Besides, I�m not so sure that Thomas didn�t have previous experience with practical jokes; you know, being the butt of jokes. Perhaps he�d even been considered gullible. Regardless, he didn�t believe that Jesus was resurrected and he said as much. He said he wouldn�t believe until he�d seen it, proved it to himself by touching the wounds.

But then Jesus appeared to Thomas and told him to touch the wounds and prove to himself that Jesus was indeed resurrected.

The part of that which is so impressive to me is that Jesus knew some people in this world would need to be convinced. There are some people who need more proof that someone�s word.

I suppose what I want to say is this:

Many Christians use this passage as a reproof against those with less faith. Many Christians choose to view these verses as evidence that those who believe Jesus was born, lived, died and was resurrected all without having actually seen Him � or in our time, without having seen miraculous proof that the Bible is true � are more special than those who require proof.

I, on the other hand, believe that this passage is here to prove that Jesus loves us so much, that He will give us the proof we need. Yes, it is wonderful to believe in Jesus� resurrection without having it proved. It�s wonderful to believe in the Majesty and Glory of God without needing miracles and awesome deeds. However, if you do need miracles and awesome deeds, they will be provided in order that we may be sure of Jesus� resurrection; in order that we may believe that what is written in the Bible is true!

Isn�t that cool?

I think it�s awesome that God loves us so much that He will expend extra effort to provide us with everything we need to believe Him. Yes, it�s wonderful, and those who don�t need the extra effort are indeed blessed, but He wants everyone to believe and because of this, He will give us the proof we need.

If you need the dew on the sheepskin and not on the ground, He will make the dew fall on the sheepskin alone.

Awesome, Awesome God!

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Temporary Apologies (sort of)
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