The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Bible Study 8/13

Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003 - 7:48 am

8 13 03


Acts 7

This chapter covers the last speech and stoning of Stephen. He re-tells the history of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt in an attempt, in my opinion, to wake up his audience. In my opinion, he was reminding them of what happens when one chooses to follow their own desires rather than do what God says. But, they didn�t like that. What�s more, they didn�t like it so much that they bodily took him outside the city and stoned him to death.

How�s that for job security? Heh.

But, how many times do we ignore the warnings we receive? How often do I ignore the warnings I get? Pretty often, I must admit.

I wonder if the Israelites would have had to go into slavery if they hadn�t volunteered. You see, back when the famine was on the land and Joseph was working for Pharaoh, the Israelites were so in need of food they sold off their possessions, animals, land and finally themselves for food. I wonder what would have happened if they had truly relied on God to supply their needs way back then. Of course, we wouldn�t have the grand drama of the Exodus, but�

Well, this brings to mind a few things really. First, I wonder what would have happened if the Israelites would have had faith in God. I think maybe they wouldn�t have had to be Egyptian slaves for four hundred years. Secondly, I realize that when they were in the desert, God gave them yet another chance to learn the lesson provided by the famine in the first place� they were in a place, though, where they couldn�t enslave themselves to another people for their food support. And what happened? God gave them manna� He made it fall from the sky.

Finally, I think about the Israelites as an example of both what not to do, and God�s great mercy. I mean, really� think about it. Throughout the Bible we see God�s people continually ignoring His warnings; continually choosing their own path rather than His. And yet, He rescues them every time.

This makes me wonder how many times I will have to be rescued from my willful (also known as ignorant) disobedience. And, how often do I kill the messenger? Like Stephen?

Makes me think that I�d better listen up. I don�t want to be pushed out into the desert before I listen.

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