The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

My defense of Uncle Bob

2000-06-09 - 01:46:38

I was thinking about two main things today...

1) The rude, snide and petulent column Uncle Bob posted yesterday and this morning -- Uncle Bob wasn't snide and his rudeness is completely justified in my opinion...


2) Bryan, my feelings for/about him and how to deal with them.

First, let me say my piece about my dear, beloved Uncle Bob.

Any of you who have read his diary for at least a week know that I'm practically fanatical about my Uncle Bob. Those of you who don't know, well, read back a few times, you can see how often I plug him, how often I point to his comments or questions, etc.

Now, reading his column again yesterday and this morning, he posted the scathing "critique" someone did of his diary. I read the "critique" a few times through, trying to find merit and value.

I believe each person has the right AND responsibility to draw their own conclusions and to formulate their own ideas and opinions -- Therefore, I do not condemn whoever it was who wrote the "critique". I do not condemn what they wrote for the most part. Not everyone will love, adore and cherish the same things.

However, that critic made some allusions which, in my opinion were rude and out of line. Some of the comments were defamitory, slanderous and libelous.

Uncle Bob is a public figure in his home town. He has the respect of his peers and supperiors and great love for his wife and soon-to-be-born child.

The comments made by this critic could, indeed, cause nasty waves and ripples in his offline life.

Uncle Bob does not fit the profile of a pedophile, and the allegations to his pedophelia are very damning. I have not seen any comments from Uncle Bob which are lewd or lascivious in relation to kids, Nor does Uncle Bob slam, tear into, or "dis" other people's diaries and efforts.

Uncle Bob did not ask to be popular. He attained popularity because he writes well, clearly and humorously. The Critic's comments in regard to Uncle Bob are insulting (again, in my opinion) to those of us who read him because:

1) They insinuate our lack of intelligence

2) They imply we are as mindless as sheep

3) Intimating we are drawn in to feed Uncle Bob's ego

4) Stating (indirectly) that we would flock to the feet of a pedophile

5) Stating that we are all immature children here to make Uncle Bob feel more mature...

Reality check...

I know of three people who read Uncle Bob regularly who are less than five years his junior. I know of two who are more than five years his senior. I know of at least eight people who are mature, married with children, adults AND, I myself am mature enough to choose who I do and do not support, appreciate, cherish and admire.

Now, My irritation and indignation are aimed at this critic for one specific reason... the allusion of Uncle Bob's being a pedophile.

I tried to go to the critic's page to read the information for myself, but as of 8 am Pacific time, this morning, the Critic's entries, all of them, were erased. Gone, deleated.

The critic's comments were spoken in such a way as to seem angry and spiteful, rather than pointing out perceived eroors and incongruities. The comments were made in a hurtful and antagonistic manner.

I am really angry about the allusions to pedophilia. If you want to know about pedophelia, either get the text book Sexual Exploitation of Children or check out NAMBLA. Those are pedophiles.

That's NAMBLA, which means, North American Man/Boy Love Association. That's real pedophilia. It's a completely different mindset.

And, don't even joke about pedophilia. it is a serious problem and even jokes carry very serious repercutions.

Uncle Bob is not low class, crass or disgusting. He is not immature, nor does he pander to his reader's whims (very often). Uncle Bob may be the most popular among fellow diarylanders, but hits-wise, there is another diary pulling in nearly 400 hits a day.

Finally, Uncle Bob is not a pedophile or even a cyber child molester or statutory rapist. Nor does he joke or tease about pedophilia.

I've said my piece.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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