The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Andrea Bocelli

2000-03-31 - 19:36:33

Mmmmm, Andrea Bocelli...

You knew I'd get around to this sooner or later. My ideal vocalist. If there is an ounce of passion in your entire body, as soon as you listen to Bocelli, your world will be forever different.

Andrea Bocelli is the most incredible vocalist in the entire world. He is incredible. You don't have to understand a word of Itallian. You don't have to like classical style music. All you have to do is close your eyes and allow Andrea to push his rich, baritone voice into your soul, the notes dripping slowly from ear drum to soul, filling your entire body with the sensual, rich tones which push every bad or irritating thought out of your mind......

Okay, so maybe his music means more to me than it does to the average listener... but let me tell you a little story.

About a year ago, maybe 11 months ago, I was sitting down to dinner with my folks. I'd been divorced for nearly six months. The depression I had been swimming in for almost ten years was finally lifting, just a little. The numbness which permeated my life, engulfing me, wrapping around me during the entire time I was listening to my husband fuck his girlfriend...

Regardless. I was sitting down to dinner with my folks. Mom put on a CD of some guy... I was sitting there in my numb little vortex of self-pitty accompanies by a healthy dose of self-loathing.

From the speakers came the most pure and perfect sound I had ever heard. This voice... rish and deep... pure, unadultrated. And he sang to ME. I listened to the first two minutes with no problem, not really hearing it. Then, something snapped inside me and it was like a switch was thrown, my ears suddenly open... for the first time in..... well, since I left college the last time.

For forty-five minutes, I sat at the table, bite of steak on my fork, eyes closed, tears streaming silently down my face. Litterally... 45 minutes. Three-quarters of an hour.

I didn't see anything but him. I didn't hear anything but him. I felt him, I smelled him, I heard him and I was him. The music slid into my body and took over for my lungs and heart. I wasn't breathing on my own. I wasn't pumping blood on my own.

With my eyes closed, tears pouring from my eyes, I heard every promise Andrea Bocelli had ever made. I heard every desire he ever had. I was every woman he had ever touched, ever loved, ever wanted... I was his ideal. And you know what? I knew him. I could feel him through that music. Through that pure tone.

I didn't understand a word that he said. But I understood everything he was saying. I felt it.

When the CD was over, I dropped my fork onto my plate, stood up and went outside. I didn't say a word.

Folks, you may never have had anything affect you so strongly. You may think I'm making this up and shit... Not quite.

His music moved me to tears. And even now, when I choose to turn off all the lights, light a candle or two and close my eyes to really, honestly, whole heartedly hear the music... I cry.

Folks, I really, really recommend Andrea Bocelli's Romanza disc. Trust me on this one. If you care even at all about passion, music, or life... you will feel something when he sings.

You may not understand the Itallian. hell, I don't know Itallian. But I swear to you, Bocelli is the most incredible. He is, hands down, out of 30 years of listening to music, singing, being music... Bocelli is the absolute best.

But the kicker.... Yes, you knew there would be a kicker...

I used to sing like that. Before I gave up. Before I allowed myself to give in to depression. I used to sing so purely that my music brought people to tears. I still have a very strong voice, but it's nowhere near as wonderful as it was.

*smiles softly*

However, the wonderful thing about the voice.... when you damage it... if you work to repair it, you can. Even tho I've smoked for 6 years, if I stopped now... the damage I"ve done to my vocal chords could be repaired. And I could sing again with that delicate power which pours through the soul.

That's what a true soul-singer is, folks. Someone who, when they sing, draws the heart and mind toward them... sends their music out to all who will listen in such a way that those who listen can't help but be drawn toward the singer.

Just listen to Andrea Bocelli, please.

And know that I will be that good again.

And, know that I will be singing with Bocelli in the future.

*sighs softly*

Peace unto thy hearts.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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