The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Circle II

2000-10-01 - 08:05:46


Okay, so I just posted another entry not half an hour ago... so sue me. *smiles softly*

I'm sitting here on my bed, staring at my computer screen, thinking about choices I"ve made in my life... thinking about things I"ve done which have resulted in specific actions...... It doesn't help that I'm innundating myself with music which makes me think of things I don't have.

ON the play list tonight, or rather, this morning since it's 3:30am... Circle, from Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Perfect Water from Blue Oyster Cult and Soft Serve from Soul Coughing.

I started re-DLing these songs at about midnight-thirty. So, about three hours for me to listen to these songs. I also DLed a Steven Lynch song, but that's not part of the over-saturation tonight.

The Lyrics at the end of the last post are from BHTatM's Circle. It's worth it. BUT, I highly reccommend taking the time out of your life and DLing one of the larger file versions. IF you're not sure you're gonna like the song, go ahead and DL part of it, listen to it as you're doing so...

*shrugs* Gah, my words aren't coming out the way I want them to.

I'm really bothered by the site discussed in the last post. And I'm thinkin that perhaps I shouldn't be so bothered by this situation... I mean, how much of this feeling is me and how much is lack of sleep...

Does that make any sense?

Regardless... IF you're looking for some new songs to DL... take BHTatM's Circle and Soul Coughing's Soft Serve... they're good songs... different styles, but an interesting flow. Perfect Water from BOC just seals the deal.

This is not an ideal weekend for me. Charles isn't online... Luc isn't online... Russell isn't online. and Melly's gone too. Those are the four people I speak with most often. All four of em are gone from me at this time. Hell, they're probably (all except Charles, of course) sleeping.

Joey is sleeping here by my side. Snoring every once in a while. And I'm staring at this screen dissatisfied with my diary entry because there are things I really want to say, but can't...

*shakes her head*

And I know that if I would just log off and go to bed, all would be fine in the morning.

But I don't want to miss the chance of seeing someone... and if I log off that person might log on... and I'm not making any sense at all. Gah, I need sleep. I hate this. I'm sounding syruppy and weakwilled.

I'm sounding like some fricken jr high teeny bopper. At age 30 that's not an attractive trait.

I feel like reaching out... like if I stop typing, there's going to be some great enigma revelation halted.

I took down all my analyzer pages... so if you find them from somewhere else, don't put messages on them. I don't go to the Analyzer's anymore.

I talked enough about that last time.

And now we know exactly why I rarely post this late at night and almost never without serious editing the next day.

*chuckles softly*

However, this isn't getting any editing. None at all. Just like the one previous.... so... erm...

Awwww hell... I need sleep. I'm not gonna be worth any conversation at all. Hopefully I"ll see my friend on tomorrow. I hope so.

Night, folks...

"All life is is really just a circle... You are the only one I want. You are the only one I want. You are the only one I want. You are you are you rare you are you are you are you are you are you are... if I run to you... will you let me donw... what I'm askin you... is to turn around... rise and fall - turn the wheel - cause all life is - is really just a circle"

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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