The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

The King of Rock and Roll is a Knocked-up Marmoset

2000-10-16 - 21:23:38

Well, I really have only one thing of importance to say today. But there are a few different ways I could say it.

I could begin with a list as to why someone special is so very special to me.

I could try to find a picture that would illustrate my point and make it possible for the picture to speak a thousand words.

I could write a song.

I could...... dunno. But there's probably a bunch of other somthings I could do. Instead, I've decided to do this.....

And then I could say something about how there are 14 musical reasons he rules. Such as...

Circle -- BHTatM

Perfect Water -- BOC

Who Wants To Live Forever -- Queen

Iris -- Goo Goo Dolls

Far Behind -- CandleBox

Everything You Want -- Verticle Horizon

Uninvited -- Alanis Morissette

Pray Your Gods -- Toad (Toad The Wet Sprocket)

Stories I Tell -- Toad

I Will Not Take These Things For Granted -- Toad

Low Man's Lyric -- 'Tallica (Metallica)

Unforgiven II -- 'Tallica

Soft Serve -- Soul Coughing

Coffee Song -- Soul Coughing

See? His it possible for him to NOT be cool, eh?

So, I guess you're wondering exactly why I'm so very proud of Russell today, eh?

Well, a little while ago, he was gonna make a couple CDs for me. So, he put forth all the work on them, and mailed them out, but the USPS (United States Postal Service) lost them, so I never got the discs.

Well... I asked him last week to make a CD for me with specific songs that I listened to all the time and in a specific order. He agreed.

And, I got the disk today. WOOOOO FUCKIN HOOOOO

So, I'm thrilled to bits, as you can tell by all the gifs and jpgs and chit.

Now that I've peaked, I'm going to press the headphones to my ears and zone.

Ya know..... he's just so fuckin awesome. Everyone should have a friend like this. He used the TigreFatalis JPG down at the bottom of the page. The one that Learynfra made for me, as a cover sheet, used a jungle-esque background type thing for the backing sheet and...... *shrugs, amazed, absolutely amazed* He fuckin put a white tiger on the disc itself.

This is like..... so incredibly cool. There aren't words.

So, Go visit Russell and tell him that I said he rocks. He's just the bestestestestestestest in the whole world. Or something.

Russell just rocks my world. I think everyone should pettittion him to be their new bestest friend. Serious.

Love to you, mine dahlinks.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own