The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Psychic Lunchboxes

2000-10-17 - 20:56:02

I have a few friends who have different religious practices than do I. Some are involved with magic, some with Wicca, some with Satanism, some with Budism etc. I have no animosity or ill will toward these people... but I don't feel comfortable discussing religion with them. I have had some really, really, REALLY bad experiences with a few Wiccan individuals so my memories sort of insinuate themselves into the forefront of my mind whenever a friend talks about anything having to do with magic, fetishes (magical/spiritual/shamanic), spells, drawing, storing and dispersing power... things of that sort with a slightly occult caste... they make me really, really nervous.

So, what I'm actually saying here... I"m sorry, hon, for shutting up and withdrawing as we were talking today, if you noticed that... I don't deal well with talk of auras, shamanic symbolism and the like. I get a real bad feeling settling over me and I can't deal with it... so... Anything else you wanna talk about, talk to me..... but, much as I love ya... please don't discuss that stuff with me. *smiles tendelry*

I have such a sensitivity to things of a spiritual nature, and I fully believe that there are powers and principalities I know nothing of... I had a realy, really fuckered up experience and ended up being hurt fairly severely because I was receptive to some shit I just didn't know anything about. So, I tend to shy away from conversations of an occult nature. Or pagan or whatever.

I don't mean to be exclusionary, I just know what I don't wanna get messed up in. And I'm too sensitive, too receptive, to deal with too much stuff along psychic lines. I get overloaded way too easily.

So, I'm sorry that I shut up and withdrew... I just couldn't handle any more.

So, this is day two of listening to nothing but this CD that educated-virgin made for me. I think I've listened to this CD 35 times already..... maybe not that many, but very, very close to it. I Have rarely been blessed by such a wonderful and truly amazing gift. Thank you, so very, very, very much, Russell. You ROCK!!!

I guess I can talk about this here. Since Charles is so busy with his current life and all, he doesn't get to read this diary every day like he used to. So, I'm gonna tell bout the present I got him.

You folks remember seeing the movie Working Girl? With Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford and Sigourney Weaver? Well... at the end of that movie, Harrison Ford gives Melanie Griffith a "back to school" present... a lunch box with various food stuffs and "milk money". *grins* Well, I'm doing something similar for Charles. He's getting all sorts of "back to school" supplies. *smirks* Pens, pencils, glue sticks, erasers, paper, notebooks, peechees... the whole schmere... BUT, the piece de resistance... and the part I've been searching for for two months... A lunch box.

*laughs softly* I don't mean one of those new-fangled POS rubbermaid or cloth "lunch contaier"s. I mean, one of those OLD, Metal snap-closed lunch boxes. *grins* The kind they had when I was a kid in public school. (Kindergarten through fifth grade)

Ya know, the kind with barbie, or WonderWoman or Batman or Spiderman or something. I looked for two, almost three months, for a damned lunch box. NO ONE had them. There were plenty of the POS lunch containers and plenty of tupperware things.... but I didn't want anything "mature" or "responsible" This is supposed to be a FUN gift. something to take your mind OFF the stresses of changing your life after you thought you had it wired. *chuckles*

So, I got him a lunch box today. I was down in Seaside, Oregon with the 'rents. We stopped off at this specialty shop... (remember folks, I HATE shopping) and I went inside, looked around at the lunchboxes they had, evaluated them and, five minutes later, I had the one I wanted. They didn't have a huge selection, but they had a good choice.

I saw one I really liked, but it was a fake-replica... *rolls her eyes* I hate those. it's not an authentic nostalgia piece, but a modern fabrication of something that might have been at one time. The design was cool... Something from Lost In Space (any of you remember that show? NOT the movie) But, it's not like the commemorative stuff they had for Ms. Monroe or the Coca-Cola stuff... this was obviously a reproduction fake.

It's not the fakeness that bothered me... but the 25 dollar price tag. *rolls her eyes* Uh uh. Ain't gonna do it. YES, this is a fun gift, but it's not worth ANOTHER 25 bucks. I"ve already...... well, we won't go into that financial part. That's rude. Suffice it to say, I was NOT going to pay 25 bucks for some 6 X 6 metal lunchbox. Empty no less. *chuckles*

BUT, I got the good one. *grins* And it too is a fake nostalgia piece, but still... it was far more reasonable and it looked like something of my grade-school "era".

So.... I feel successful. *grins*

For the time being, however, I have other things to do and wild places to post. Or something.

Love unto thee mine dahlinks.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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