The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Lions and Tigers and Bears have nothin on me tonight...

2000-11-11 - 23:05:05

===Coming from the headphones... Sentinel: Steve Porcaro===

Good evening. I was in D-land chat this morning... just for a few minutes... And the conversation took many twists and turns. Most of which I can't remember now cause my head is so thick and pounding at me that I couldn't tell you what my name was. So, for those of you who were there and don't get a link... forgive me... I'm sick. Mental condition not withstanding.

===Coming from the headphones... Pull Me Under: Dream Theater===

Anyway, from my cracked and chapped memory, I'm pulling a few people... it's entirely possible that I'm making up conversations and topics and conversants... but I think this is roughly who was there.... *chuckles faintly, staring sort of dumbly at the screen for a moment*

MBE is now the Grammar Cop
Petra has a thing for Grammar cops...
Adam went to lunch with his boss and the tip alone was enough for him to live on for a week... and he updated
ck277 is a sad, sad, sad, sad man/woman/thing... wasn't really sure on that... and he/she needs to write with actual paragraphs or something... I was fading pretty quickly by then
Sympatico wasn't in chat, but we talked via pager and he made me a cyber bowl of soup before I totally zoned out.
someone else was there and they were talking to me, but they were new to D-land chat so I can't remember and my brain was fried by then so, sorry to whomever you are/were
Kaff was trying to figure out what she was going to write on a term paper which would make up 20 percent of her grade and it's due like... Tuesday for a mythology class... or was that mythological class? whatever..... I told her to write on the similarities between Uncle Bob and like... Zeus or something
And there was somone else there too... from Scottland. They kept asking Kaff if she was called Katherine or something..... I think. Maybe I made that one up.... I can't remember.

===Coming from the headphones... River Of Tears: Eric Clapton===

All in all it was an interesting and primarily forgettable event. On a typical day when my eyeballs were not trying to simultaniously harden into rocks and leap from my eyesockets, I'm sure that I would remember a few more details. Like Petra's full name..... and Paper's full name... Paper was in there somewhere..... add the link there.... do some psychic ossmossis thing. And, I"m sorry MBE, my dear Grammar Cop, but I don't have spellcheck or I'd use it. You think I like getting letters from my Mother pointing out what I"ve misspelled and whatnot?

Wait a minute.... I have a mother?

*looks around her, grinning stupidly*

My sister brought over something for dinner... but I haven't the foggiest idea what it is, nor do I want to venture downstairs to find out. Joey is downstairs playing with his "cousins"....... cmon, he's my kid, so he's their cousin. Hell, he's Mom's granddog. Regardless, Anyway, I am not going to thump-drag my ass downstairs cause I'm tired and sick and don't have a working computer down there and I have to interface with people instead of of interfacing with screens. And I'm feeling extremely petulant.

And that made absolutely no sense to me. I'm addlepated. Those of you old enough, might remember hearing your grandmother's use that word. Personally, I remember my great-grandmother using that word. My gramma wasn't... well... hmmmm...

Gramma doesn't get addlepated. Gramma and Tiger are a lot alike.

===Coming from the headphones... It's My Life: Bon Jovi===

At least I know how Tig's gonna be when she gets old. My Gramma. Prefering to stay alone rather than get hurt ever again. Meddling in every one elses lives but only if they don't know she's doing the meddling. Dropping off little info-bombs with her kids... 30-second tips for what to and what not to do. *chuckles*

Or something like that.

===Coming from the headphones... Circle: BHTatM===

Tig's pappa (Adian Chiron, her GrandFather) is leavin in the near future. She can feel it comin and she doesn't like it. Even if he's gone a lot, he's a tremendous source of help to her... he's her support and her defense in a lot of different ways. She's gonna miss him a lot.

*shrugs* But we each have our paths to walk, neh?


That little two-word reference was all in honor of Flatline Thank you for playing Obscure References Unlimited. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

===Coming from the headphones... Perfect Water: Blue Oyster Cult===

Demmit, this writing thing is getting harder.

Did I talk about this in chat this morning? Was it this morning? Fuck me... erm, no... don't.

--Okay, Jen... think a moment. Get your bearings.--


*gets her bearings*

*thinks some more*

*plays a few games of Freecell*

===Coming from the headphones... I Wish It Would Rain Down: Genesis===
===Coming from the headphones... Miracle: VH===

*lost a bunch of games of freecell so gave up*

*is singing in her hoarse, cracked voice...*

Doesn't everyone love being sick?

Hey, when I switch up the fonts and stuff... do any of you see the changes???? Do any of you see that there's a difference, or do you just see a blank space or somethin? I mean, like... here... I'm now typing with the font "Air Cut". Can you tell that, or does it come up as whatever yo have your browser set to, or what? Is this all just a blank space?. I mean... like, if all that was just blank or something... then... well... then, I'll pout.

===Coming from the headphones... Best I Ever Had: ===

You knwo... I have to ........... *looks at that* K n o w, even *then continues* I have to practice my site reading stuff. Obviously, I have to also practice my touch typing. *chuckles* But, musically speaking, I have to practice my site reading as I'm going to be meeting up with Preston at GulfWar and I'll get to hear him and visit with him in person. That's like... just so cool.

I"m so looking forward to Gulf War, folks. I know that I"ve talked about it a lot lately... but currently, it's the only coherent thought in my head which won't get me botted out of all polite society.

*smiles sweetly*

I"m not kidding here, folks. I've got some really bizzarre pictures floating through my mind. It's cool, but at the same time, It's a bit frustrating.

===Coming from the headphones... Give You Back: ===

You seriously want to know? Okay, fine... but you asked for it. I have pictures of leashes and handcuffs in my mind. Not for any of that kinky stuff really... but they're dancing and singing in a musical aria about how these simple items are so abused by the BDSM culture. *shakes her head* I'm dead serious here, folks. I have the picture of a leash... a leather leash, standing before a microphone, singing about how he (dunno how I know it's male, but????) is never given the choice of binding someone or jerking them off their feet.... That the leash is so mistreated cause he's really a nice leash and would rather be there to keep a beloved animal pet safe.

*shakes her head*

I don't know WHERE that came from, but I promise you... It's funny as hell. There's a part of me that's being very entertained by my bizzarre imagination. Very, very, very bizzarre. The handcuffs make up the chorus, by the way... they sing about how they used to be Cuffs of Glory and now they're just used to humiliate and hurt others... how they have feelings too and no one cares about that.

===Coming from the headphones... Finding Me: ===

I wish I could honlestly say that I got that from watching TV or something... but it's completely out of my addlepated mind.

You should see the soft shoe routine.

And my mother thinks that I am damaged cause I'm happy in this room. *chuckles* Little does she know that I have a full menagerie of play-things wandering unhindered through my brain. Dancing and singing leashes... A chorus of cuffs... Don't get me started on the rest of it. *chuckles*

I was involved, sorta, in the BDSM cutlure for a while. I know a few things about the individuals who choose that particular lifestyle, buth from the Dom side and the sub point of view.

===Coming from the headphones... Shackled: ===

Woah... is that appropriate or not? *chuckles*

But really... I"m not against the BDSM lifestyle it's just not my gig. I have other things to do with my time. *chuckles*

*zones out on the song*

===Coming from the headphones... In The Air Tonight: Genesis===

Okay... I'm just going to listen to music. I"m tired of trying to create an entry when I have the choriagraphy for a musical about BDSM tools and toys rampaging through my head. This is simply too much to try to concentrate around. I"m gonna veg. Hell... maybe Andrew Lloyd Webber will want to produce this musical if I actually write it. *chuckles*

And the part of the singing dildo will be played by Tim Curry.

Couldn't think of any better celeb to do that bit. *chuckles, then slides away into the nothingness which is her lambada-dancing brain*



Remember, the word of the day is... Addlepated.

===Coming from the headphones... Fur Elise - techno: Beethoven===
===Coming from the headphones... Who Wants To Live Forever: Queen===
===Coming from the headphones... You Don't Love Me Anymore: Wierd Al Yankovic===

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own