The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

RP and such

2000-11-15 - 16:45:18

Well, I was lazy last night. Did ya notice? *chuckles* So, I'm posting this now... giving you an additional like.. 15 hours or so to wait with baited breath for my words of wisdom.

Or is it that you wait to see what massive blunders and mal-contentedness is going to come from this bizarre diary?

I posted a new entry to the SPTG diary last night. I'll be putting it up on the site today. Also, today I get the mailing list thing set up for that letter. I might even go with the Notify List thing I have to figure out the capacity and such tho.

And I'm basically thinking aloud. *chuckles*

You know, that's something that my Mother inspired. I would be riding with her somewhere and I could see the intense concentration on her face. She'd be thinking about something really hard. And she would shake her head, her lips would move every once in a while... nothing freaky, just enough that you would notice if you were paying attention...

And I would ask her what she was thinking about.

But, I dubbed that physical representation of her thinking as "thinking aloud". It was like I could actually see her chewing the thoughts.

Yes, I know... totally worthless and pointless words thrown together.

You know, Dawn and I were talking last night about people who use big words. Like Erudite. *chuckles* But about how in the Role Play worlds, there are so many people out there who only want to bitch and whine and complain.

See... She's only been in RP for about 4 months or so. Possibly a little less. She's seen a lot of folks who frequent Ayenee (the RP "world" in Yahell's Entertainment and Arts section. It used to be the Arts and Entertainment section... thus A & E... thus Ayenee) Regardless... she's been there for just under 4 months and she's been bitched at because she doesn't RP "correctly".

*rolls her eyes*

Trust me, folks... If you don't find a good place to settle in in yahell, your introduction to RP will be totally fucked. You'll see all the immature, whiney, pissant little peons who don't know their brains from the empty TP roll.

*smiles sweetly*

Erm... I might have a strong opinion about that.

Anyway... About 2.3 years ago, since there was a lot of fighting in the role play areas of Yahell, Killendil started a guidelines page for those new to RP, so they would have a source of reference... so that the people new to RP could read up on what would generally be expected and accepted in the Realms.

(The Realms are the broad expanse of the internet. There are RP groups in Lycosia Vanda, MSN chat and various other servers. I've only availed myself of the RP in Yahell, Lycos, MSN. A friend of mine created Vanda.

I understand the reason she created it, but I don't agree with it. *shrugs* Same reason I understand but don't agree with Luc's propositioned plan to create another RP area and such...

It's great to have private and exclusive role play areas... more power to ya. I just don't like that kind of thing a whole lot.

Regardless... getting to the point...

Killendil had a great idea... the desire to put some foundation, or at least a few markers so that the newer folks would have some idea as to where they were and what they were doing.

However, over the course of the past two years, the "guidelines" have become rules and there are so damned many rules that regulate how you're supposed to behave, how you're supposed to walk, talk, eat, shit and die.... it's pathetic. The whole fuckin system of Ayenee is based on who wins.

RP isn't about winning or losing. It's a different kind of game. It's not about getting the most points, it's not about getting the highest scores. It's for sure-as-hell not about getting more skill-level points so you can raise your power... *rolls her eyes*

So, if you're going to venture into the wilds of the role play areas... this is what you need to know to play in Ayenee...

***Every person in Ayenee is more powerful, more deadly, faster, smarter, sweeter, more gorgeous, more evil, more violent and more perfect than you or your character could ever possibly hope to be.

***If your character kills another character, whatever your character did was wrong, illegal and doesn't count.

***If your character was killed by another character, whatever the other character did was legal and right and the kill is accepted... hope you have powerful friends who can res ya.

***If you are new to RP and are a little confused, everyone will point out the fact that you are a "newbie" and that you have no rights, are not worth their time and you will be ignored almost immediately.

***If you have been RPing in Ayenee for an extended amount of time, but you actually concentrate on your role playing, rather than bickering about who has the bigger dick in a "cranky cock fight", you will be called a Newbie and ridiculed and shunned for your violation of the breathing laws.

***When you create your character, you will be subjected to ridicule, pissy opinions and abject hatred by the most vociferous of the population of Ayenee.

***All of Ayenee is under attack. There is some war, either the Blood War, Inter-Dimensional War, Rifts War, Shifters War, Vampires War, Dragon's War... *sighs* Everyone's fighting, and for nothing but a single glove.

If you want to read the rules for Ayenee then check out this page... Ayenee Rules Page But, I got it from Sympatico After Killendil's suggestions were taken over and the whole Ayenee thing became this big BS power struggle, I haven't been back. The original rules were somewhere else. I have that URL up on my page somewhere, but I"m not willing to go look for it now. So there.

As a disclaimer... I don't fault the people who are trying to organize Ayenee for trying to organize it. However, I do think that when you have a group of more than 200 12-16 year olds making up the majority of RP, no matter what rules you come up with... there's going to be hell to pay.

*rolls her eyes again*

So, most of you will realize that my own "rules" for Ayenee are in jest... are semi-seriously frying ayenee, but are not serious comments for those interested in RP.

My serious comments for those of you interested in finding out about RP are these...

***Once in Ayenee, head North West a little until you find the Lair. It opens around 9 or 10 pm Pacific time.

***Make your way to the bar and introduce yourself OOC (out of character) to BurntTiger, Chance_Tempter, Catherine_Steele, Tristania_Cor_Dalimar, Corrin_le_Beaux, Buck_Patton, Adian_James, The_MysticBeyond, The_Stetsonman, Carrisa_Morgan, Morgan_Zara or pretty much anyone at or behind the bar... Tell them you're new to RP and would like to be welcomed.

***Sit back and watch for a while, get a feel for the flow of the Lair and her guests... the regs and the occasional visitors.

***Check out the Lair sites... The Lair description and floor plans and The Lair rules and description of "the Realms" so that you know where you are, what the place looks like and what is to be expected of you. comportment and the like.

***Enjoy yourself. Seriously... have fun. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun, so have fun. Play. Dive into the fantasy for a few hours.

***DO NOT call anyone else a newbie. There is never anything wrong with people who've never RPed before. And most of us in the Lair have been called newbies so damned many times that it's pathetic. It's a meaningless insult, and if you call someone in the Lair a newbie, we'll make sure to thank you appropriately.

===Usually, when Jess, Russell or I are called newbies, we show our old, ratty and ragged "Newbie" shirts to the person raggin on us. We have Newbie pride. Hell, I've been a Newbie for nearly 3.25 years. I'm sure I"ll get the hang of it sooner or later. *smirks*===

***Don't bring some poor, lame excuse for a flippin character super saiajin goku gohan tenchi ryoko bullshit char into the Lair unless you can actually play the char with maturity and skill. I don't put up with the puny, 12 year old population which thinks that pokemon is God's gift to the Universe.

And, for information sake... a whole heard of pokemon AND a pair of SSJ-whatchamacallums attempted to completely destroy Tig's Lair a few times. She doesn't like either Pokemon or SSJ-whatchamacallums (that super saiajin3,4,5,6,7,8 etc bullshit... and what the fuck is up with those tails? Ya want me to go around acting like the Road Runner? Atually RPing the Road Runner? Meepmeep)

Erm... so, the point... Tig doesn't like the SSJ shit or the Pokemon shit or the Tenchi, Ryoko turds either... And she's far, far, far more opinionated about it than am I.

Look for the Lair, if you're going to RP in Yahell, do your damnedest to skip Ayenee... certain taverns are okay... but they're filled with the stupid, brawlin crowd.

We try not to let that happen in the Lair.

I had a tie in, but I"m tired and my eyes hurt, so I'm just gonna close this, post it and log off.

Peace unto thy hearts, friends. May your every positive wish come true and very soon.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own