The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

quotes and ramblings galore

2000-04-08 - 20:12:27

I was conversing with a friend...

We got to talking about labels and such and there are a few quotes from the convo that I'd like to share with you. Most of them mine.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never define me."

I like that quote. Unfortunately, I only have the self confidence to back that up about once every four days. *chuckles*

Also, in our conversation he was being slightly contrary. Ya know, just to be argumentative. I'm not the argumentative type. I really, really, really don't want to have to fight with anybody, and I do my best to avoid fights if at all possible.

However, once in a while, I actually get pushed too far and I go off. I would like to compare myself to that one female on Designing Women... played by Dixie Carter... For the life of me I can't remember her name...... Oh wait... Julia Sugarbaker...

Anyway, when Julia has had enough, she gets revved up and goes off, verbally, on whoever pissed her off. *chuckles* I would like to compare myself to her, but I'm not that good. *grins* I'm SO bad at being confrontational, that even when I AM brought to the point of being pissed as all hell, I can't be as cutting and cold as I'd like to be.

(which is good in the long run, because of my own hyper-active guilt complex)

But anyway... the quote is an example of my NON confrontational attitude.

"When you accept what I feel, it's easier for me to move on and deal with it myself. When you (one) don't accept, then I feel like I have to justify myself and that's a fight I just don't have the energy for."

But, I just found out, via Messenger that a friend of mine is in need of Tiger. She's gotta kick some ass in RP. *smirks* So, until next time, dearies...

Da Tigger is a bouncin...

*rolls her eyes* Don't try to understand. I sure as hell don't.

Okay, so I took too much time talking to you. I figured I"d give you a little hint as to what lead up to that last quote. This is the convo, name omitted to perserve privacy...

Him: That sounds uninterested

Me: *shrugs* It's not uninterested, it's self preservation. I've been hurt a hell of a lot, especially recently. sometimes it feels like I'm nothing more than a bloodied pile of shredded flesh.

Him: Naw

Me: That's how I feel tho.

Him: Thats not you

Me: But it's how I feel, [censored].

Him: I'm sorry to hear that. . .There isn't much I can do about it though

Me: *nods* You don't have to do anything about it hon. You just have to accept that I feel that way. When you accept what I feel, it's easier for me to move on and deal with it myself. When you (one) don't accept, then I feel like I have to justify myself and that's a fight I just don't have the energy for.

Him: *nods, not in understanding, but humouring you regardless*

Me: *shakes her head* Sorry, I'll just shut up now.

I hate it when I'm not understood.


Anyway, I have to jet out for a few. I'll be back with another entry soon.

By the by... All of you who read this diary, you MUST, if you haven't yet, check out Uncle Bob's diary. He is a god among diarists. And everything he says carries with it that touch of intelligence and witty reparte which has become obsolete in so many conversations.

Also, please check out Crack Baby's diary. It's simple and to the point, but so very humorous in my opinion. Might not be your style, but it's great. And review him.

Anyway... Give my regards to broadway... or something

Love and all to you and yours...





The person who wrote this schtuff...

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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