The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Personal responsibility is a bane for some.

2001-04-15 - 1:18 p.m.

So, more bitching and ranting in store...

What am I going to bitch about today? How about something everyone has been exposed to... This whole I'm-so-poor-cause-I-had-a-bad-childhood thing.

Of course, I owe this in part, to Dennis Miller. In one of his rants, he was talking about these people who blame their problems on the way they were raised. I don't remember the exact quote, so this is a paraphrase... "I wish, just once, I could hear somebody say 'my mom was great, my dad was great, I'm just a shit.'" I love that. And I agree with it completely.

I am so damned tired of hearing people bitch and complain about how they're in the position they're in because of someone else.

For instance, I hear females complaining about how they're preggers and the guy runs off and they're so abused and were lied to, etc. Tough shit, chika.

I don't even allow that excuse for rape. YES, rape is bad. YES, rapists should be hung from the genetalia while their pubic hair is plucked with tweezers and THEN they should be killed... And YES, I believe that those who were raped should be allowed to exact said justice.

However, I don't believe that rape should be grounds for absolution of responsibility.

Now, before you get all bitchy and out of sorts with me, let me continue. I do not subscribe to the idea of "she asked for it" I don't agree with that. I don't think any person, male or female, asks for rape. (except in those cases where it's a "game" between lovers... a fantasy being played out *shudders*)

However, there are some situations that occur just because the person isn't paying attention. Where they aren't taking personal responsibility... not thinking about the position they're putting themselves in.

Specifically, I'm talking about walking through bad parts of town, a dark alley, deserted park... things of that sort. Taking personal responsibility would mean that someone would think before they started off in a dangerous direction... realizing that it could, indeed, be dangerous and perhaps they shouldn't go that way.

Really, that's what I mean about personal responsibility in the case of rape. There isn't really a way to bitch too much in that instance... I mean... I do NOT believe that anyone asks to be raped forcibly. I do not believe that anyone makes a conscious choice to go through something that nasty, foul and disgusting.

Anyway... There are so many people out there who bitch and complain and wail about how their lives would have been so much better if something hadn't happened to them. The key phrase here is "happened to them". It completely takes all the responsibility away from the person who was actually involved in the activity.

There was a bumpersticker that gained a hell of a lot of popularity. I don't know if it was just a saying first, or if the bumpersticker came out first, but the saying is thus... "Shit happens". Well yeah... sometimes time and circumstance happen to everyone. But, there's another saying that was borne of the first. "Shit happens: When you party naked". I like that one too.

I don't know what the original intent was, whether that was supposed to mean that stuff goes on when you ask for it/seek it out, or if it was just supposed to be some cute, kicky comment about getting it on.

The point that it drove home to me, tho, was that when you're doing something that might land you in trouble... most often, you'll land in trouble. This is what I really wanna bitch about.

How come is it that people see fit to complain and bitch about their lives, about choices they made, about situations they find themselves in, when THEY made the choice to get into that situation? Why, huh?

And, furthermore, why does it have to be someone else's fault that they got into the situation in the first place? "Oh, Joe made me..." Or "it's not my fault, David, he..." *rolls her eyes*

This is such an issue with me, cause during the time I was growing up, My brother used this excuse all the time. If he was late for school, his comment was something akin to... "Well, Jenny, she didn't move fast enough." Or "Jenny, she couldn't find her shoes." *rolls her eyes*

He would say that so often, as preamble to his excuses, that one of the running jokes in our family was "Jenny, she." I want to know, I really, really want to know, how my not moving fast enough was the reason my brother was late. He and I NEVER walked together. He would take off and do his thing. I'd do my thing, no sweat.

And, whether or not I could find my shoes didn't matter either. He was generally out of the house before me anyway. How could I possibly be slowing him down????

But, it didn't stop there. My brother would blame many other people for the things he couldn't/wouldn't/didn't accomplish. There was an instance when he was in school, pulled the fire alarm bell and everyone flew from their classes. He was being questioned about this and came up with the excuse that someone had dared him to do it.


So what if someone dared him to do it. My Mother asked him if he would jump off a bridge if someone dared him to. He didn't respond.

Of course, that could have been a foreshadowing of future events, cause the next year he DID jump off the overpass cause someone dared him to. *rolls her eyes* He broke his ankle. Amazing, neh? He told the 'rents that he'd been pushed.

My brother always had such a "cute" way of looking at life. *chuckles*

But, I've heard these things from more than just my brother. Hell, there's a friend I know who was complaining about her situation... she has stated that she wouldn't be in the situation she was in, if the guy had been able to control himself.

*shakes her head* I've been quite vociferous about that situation. I've told her on numerous occassions, whenever she brings that up, wailing and moaning about how her life sucks and how she's been saddled with children and lost her freedom, etc... I tell her this simple thing... "You're the one who spread her legs, honey."

For some reason she doesn't appreciate that.

I just don't understand why. *smirks*

Now, I do understand the whole concept of making a choice based on what someone else has said. For example, sleeping with someone because they promised to be with you forever.

BUT, the other person's promise is not a good-enough reason to bitch about the resultant child, even when the promiser jets out, thus breaking the promise. Yes, the situation sucks. And yes, it's a bitch and a half when someone lies, intentionally or unintentionally. That doesn't, however, excuse the promisee's responsibility.

To exemplify that... I fucked my ex before we were married. I believed that when he said he loved me and would never, ever cheat on me, he meant it. And, I'm sure that at the time he did mean it. But, it's not HIS fault that I married him. It's not HIS fault that I believed him.

I made the choice to believe him. I made the choice to marry him. I made the choice, here folks. ME. It was MY choice. Therefore, I have absolutely no right to bitch and complain about anything that happened after that.

Now, if only I could actually convince myself of this. *grins*

It's really easy for me to bitch and complain about how other people don't accept their own personal responsibility... but ME? Do I really HAVE to accept responsibility for my actions? Can't I just blame it on my brother? Yeah... Danny, he. He was a bad example to me. That's why I didn't stay married.


Okay, so that doesn't work. That works about as well as my complaining about other people.

perhaps I should turn all this bitching energy into muscle energy so I can finally get my room clean? Think that would work?

Yes, I spent two hours cleaning my room today. It looks worse than when I started. Granted, I spent about an hour and a half cleaning my mattress. (with the carpet shampooer thingie) So that kinda took up most of the time. AND, I still can't put stuff back til the mattress is REALLY dry... but still... it's not like that factors in.

Eh... I have absolutely nothing to talk about, as has been made completely and totally obvious by this entry. *grins*

I'm in a good mood. Happy, cheerful and positive. I don't really bitch well when I'm in that mood. AND, I'm not listening to my Ozzy, so I don't really have the aural energy to clean. I think I'm gonna take a nap. *grins* That's a good solution. Oh, damn, I can't do that. My matress is still a little damp. Well, shit happens.


Maybe my room looks more messy cause I brought my TV back in, and I have the carpet cleaner in here. *nods* Yup, that must be it. And all my bedding on the floor. *grins* Yeah, okay, so I know I'm bizarre. I start cleaning my room by negating the use of the one flat surface in my room. *chuckles*

C'est la vie.

I'll think of something.

Peace unto thy hearts, mine dahlinks. Thanks for continuing to slog through these silly entries.

And, I love you. I really do. Promise. I'll be here forever. *winks*

PS... Yes, I had intended a more hard-hitting entry, but just totally lost the steam about five minutes into writing. Thus you got this bolixed attempt. Maybe later I'll try "bitching" again.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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