The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry, Sheesh!!!
Enough with the guilt already!!!

2001-04-28 - 11:00 p.m.

Okay, okay, okay.... so my previous entry was all about how I hate Tom Green. Fine and good and all... Then I read Sympatico's entry from last night.


Damn it. Why'd he have to go and do that and make me take a step back?

*sighs again*

If you like Tom Green... like Tom Green. I don't have the right to push my beliefs or thoughts upon other people.

I still detest everything Tom Green stands for. I detest him and his "comedy" and I think there is absolutely no comedic value in anything he has ever done.

BUT, that is MY opinion. And I have no right to force my opinion on other people.

It's kind of a live and let live kind of thing. I guess. Kinda.

This is WHY I don't like Tom Green.

his comedy teaches people that being disgusting, cruel, mean, offensive and foul is funny. Thus, people learn that it's okay for them to be disgusting, cruel, mean, offensive and foul. We then breed an entire generation of people who have absolutely no respect, class or the ability to control themselves.

That, too, is merely my opinion.

But, it is MY opinion and this is still my diary, therefore I post my opinions here.

I do not have any respect whatsoever for Tom Green, but I don't have the right to think less of someone else because they do. They have the right to enjoy, laugh and be entertained by whatever they choose to. It is not my responsibility to control them.

Or, as Sympatico so adroitly pointed out in his message to me tonight...

(this is a direct quote, used without permission)

" In a related story, Jennifer Davis, self proclaimed queen of the world, has outlawed breathing in air because she felt like it. When going to question her, this reporter blacked out from holding his breath on the way to her island castle off the coast of Washington."

*grins* Yes, I do tend to think much more highly of myself than I should.

Sorry, Sympatico, for being such a judgemental bitch.

BUT, I still think Tom Green is an asshole.

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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