The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Floundering for a topic
My Man should be...

2001-05-12 - 4:50 p.m.

Okay, I started two seperate entries while I was out today. Neither of them are worth repeating. *chuckles*

The first was yet another bitch session about love, what love really is and why love-at-first-sight is such a bogus concept deployed by people who run greeting card companies.

The second was a series of questions regarding what I should do for my Mom for Mother's day.

As I said, both ideas just sucked major ass. So, I have to come up with something else to rant about.

That is, if I have any readership left after yesterday's particular ranting. *smirks*

I figure, for lack of a better topic, (and believe me, I've scoured my brain to find one) that I will describe what, EXACTLY I'm looking for in a spouse. This aught to be interesting.

Or, perhaps you can print this out and use it for fire fodder. Either way, I'm just going to type. *chuckles*

So, what do I want in a mate? Superficial things first...

I want a man who is taller than me, even when I wear heels. That means, he's got to be at least 6'3". I think there's at least one or two tall men left. I'm not all that keen on professional sports stars. They seem to, in general, have too much of an attitude. AND, if they're pros, that means they're competitive enough to beat out the rest of the wanna-bes. Therefore, I'm not all that interested in having a man who has to compete for everything.

I want him to have a thick chest. Barrel chest, almost. I really like that. Big shoulders and big arms. I want a man who looks like a bear, without as much hair. *grins*

I want a man who looks solid and thick. A man who, if need be, can support me physically without breaking in half.

If at all possible, I'd like a man who was less than 80 lbs overweight, but the whole weight issue isn't a big one for me. I've seen some very fat men who keep themselves clean and groomed.

To me, the weight isn't the problem. It's the sloppy, slovenly look that bothers me. Hell, I myself can clean up pretty well. I can look decent, even tho I'm 150 lbs over what I'd like to be.

I'm no where near as impressed with muscle definition as I am with good proportion.

I really want a guy with thick legs. I don't have the foggiest idea what it is, but those guys with thick thighs just.... *shrugs* Dunno. They're more physically attractive to me. I really don't know why, but it's something I noticed in a sort of "Huh, isn't that peculiar" sort of way.

I want a man with not-so-rough feet. I know it sounds silly, but I really don't like the feel of sandpaper on my legs and my ex was the kind that would put his cold-ass feet on my legs while he was sleeping. It wouldn't have bothered me nearly as much if they hadn't been so rough.

Hey, I never said I was normal.

I'm more than willing to help with the not-so-rough feet thing. I'll do foot massage with non-scented lotion to smooth the skin a bit.

I want a man with big hands. I want my hands to be the same size, or a little smaller than his. I have very large hands with long fingers and I want our hands to fit. Strong hands too. I want to hold hands with someone and not worry about whether or not I'm going to break his fingers if I squeeze. *chuckles*

I want a man who is visually stronger than me. That might not make sense, but it's one of the reasons I like thick chests and broad shoulders. Hell, I look a lot like a line backer at times. I want a man who fits with me.

I don't care at all about the ass. Nor do I care about the "package". With the last experience, the size was not the issue. The style was the issue. So, size really doesn't matter to me.

I want a man who does NOT say, in regard to my size, "more cushion for the pushin". I hate that phrase. I really do. It's so... *shrugs* High School. *rolls her eyes* I wasn't into that High School lingo when I was IN High School.

I want a man who will arm wrestle with me and let me win. I want a man who will laugh brightly, warmly and often. I want a man who will let me cheat, knowing I am, and laugh about it. In most cases.

I want a man who plays by the rules, but will let me get away with stuff when it's unimportant. And I want a man who will stop dead still in his tracks just to watch me walk, talk, sing, move or simply "be".

*laughs softly*

I want a man who expresses love in two specific ways. Both by written word, and by physical touch. I'm not talking sex here, or even sensual contact. I'm talking about a man who will reach his hand out and brush his fingers against my shoulder, just to let me know that HE knows I'm there.

I want a man who will write silly little notes and leave them in various places around the house.

I want a man with a warm and bright sense of humor, combined with an intense intellectual side. I want him to be able to laugh at Billy Crystal and Robin Williams, but also be able to abandon "common sense" and laugh at Pauly Shore too.

I want a man who thinks that stupidity is indeed, stupid, but will deal with it. I want someone who thinks that Tom Green is a pathetic attempt at childish acting out, rather than honest comedy.

I want a man who likes to receive massages and will attempt to give them, but who doesn't instantly go for the deep-tissue massage on my tissue-paper skin. *rolls her eyes* I hate massages for that very reason!!!

I want a man who looks at me with his tender and expressive eyes and can make my heart skip a beat just through that contact. I want him to look at me like that often, showing me with eye contact alone, that he would choose me again and again and again and again.

I want a man who is incapable of thinking about another woman in a sexual manner. I really hate that aspect of many men... that they can be with one person and be dreaming of/hoping for another.

I want a man who thinks that pornography has absolutely no place in our relationship. Including magazines, movies, or erotica. And, I want a man who will not masterbate unless it is a specific part of our marrital intimacy.

I want a man who respects and honors family above nearly everything else. His, mine and ours.

But, the most important thing I want in a man... absolute most important... He must consider God to be his Father, Christ his Brother and honor Them above all else. They must be first and foremost in his mind at all times. And, as an extension of that, he must believe that marriage is a sacred promise made by two humans to God the Father. His wedding vows will be made to God, not me!

Okay, I think I've taken up enough space for the time being. There are a lot more things I"d like my husband to have/be, but most of that is really up for grabs. Right now, the most important things to me...

Taller than me, intense, loving eyes and soft-spoken voice. And, God comes first. I want him to have similar spirituality. Similar, very, very similar beliefs.

OH, and he HAS to like my voice. *grins*


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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