The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Bitching about that which is thrust upon me

2001-05-27 - 12:41 a.m.

I'm pissed off right now. Not for any logical and rational reason.

I moderate an Email list which I created a little over two years ago. This has been a discussion list where people could talk about issues and discuss opinions and such.

The list has never had a huge following, but it's been a way for myself and my friends to communicate and discuss things without face-to-face confrontations and the like.

Well, for the past few months, there's been one subscriber who has absolutely flooded the list with his poetry. Not like one or two poems a month, but like two to five a week. Without any other comments, just flooding the list with his works.

No one else comments anymore (not that there was much activity before) and though I have written to this person repeatedly off-list, he hasn't responded to any of my querries.

Atop that, he doesn't just flood my list with his poetry, but he spams his work. He sends to aproximately 50 group lists at the same time, possibly more.

I don't have anything against his poetry, tho it's not my style. I do, however, have great irritation that he refuses to comment, he doesn't actually SAY anything, he just spams his poetry.

I hate people who brag all the time!!

Anyway... this is a copy of the most recent letter I sent on-list. I figured that since he wasn't responding to my private requests, even to tell me to fuck off, that I'd make it public.

However, I tend to believe that he doesn't read any of the lists. Hell, I don't even know if he is actually subscribed. Monday, when I get back, I"m going to delve through the list and all and see if he's actually a real member. And, if he is, he will be given one last chance, then deleted permanantly.

I hate it when people brag. Without giving a damn about common courtesy or respect.


I'm still pissy.

This is the letter...

A couple things...

First, Hello again, Mark, it's been a while. Anyway, if you want to

unsubscribe, simply send a blank email to:

[email protected]

Secondly, if any of you readers would like to discuss topics, I have one up for discussion.

What is your standpoint on teen violence? What are the "causes"? Are these violent kids simply "bad", or is there a deeper reason? Did the way they were raised have any effect on their negative activities?

Give your opinions and speak your mind.

(for that matter, speak your mind about the following rant)

And finally... To Quinn specifically...

Do you ever read the few messages on this list? You post your poetry to

this list, not with the intention of sharing something with a select few,

but with (by the absolutely amazing number of other lists you CC to) the

sole intention of showing off your work.

Have you never heard of moderation? Have you never heard of courtesy? Let me put it this way, Quinn... I seriously have nothing against sharing something someone has written with other people. I have no problem with you showing off your poetry. But, I do have a serious problem with you completely comandeering this specific list, posting your work three, four and five times a week without saying anything.

It really pisses me off (I'm tired and have been frustrated today, so I am sending this out without censoring my own opinions) that you would show such a careless lack of common courtesy. You have refused to comment to my direct questions to you. You have refused to acknowledge the off-list Emails I have sent, you have refused to comment on any of the various topics I have suggested over the past year and some.

I have saught the counsel of friends. Three, specifically, who have been a part of this list. I've held my tongue in "public" (meaning on-list) and I have requested privately that you cut back the showcasing of your poetry and start speaking about list topics. However, your distinct lack of communication has resulted in this "public" diatribe.

Quinn, you are showing disrespect to me, and to the other people who

subscribe to this list, by so aggressively posting only poetry. And, it is a personal affront to me that you spam your work. Choose another way to display your poetry. Submit only to lists you read. Exhibit some respect for those you thrust your numerous works upon.

There definately is such a thing as too much.

Jennifer: list creator and moderator

anyway, I'm out of here for the night. ANd I won't be back to post again til Monday night.

It should be an interesting entry when I get back.

Peace unto thy hearts.

PS: If you would like to subscribe to the list (I won't try to sell you anything, and I will not EVER sell the Email addresses) feel free to do so. You have a copy of the most recent topic suggested for discussion. [email protected] Check it out and comment.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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