The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

just bitchin in general

2000-04-18 - 00:30:50

Where oh where have my Emails gone...

Where oh where could they be....

Okay, no more stupid nursery rhymn plagerism...

First off... METHY... I've sent four different letters to my dear, sweet MethyBeth but she hasn't gotten them. *pouts* This isn't fair.

I've also sent letters to other people using the Diaryland Email system, but I think there's a glitch somewhere. *pouts more*

I'm feeling about five years old.

I was reading a few diaries today... specifically Crack Baby's and Rizzn's. Just figured I'd plug em. Sometimes it seems that people go through the same rises and falls at the same time. Kinda like there are a buch of different ships. All those people who are having bad days, are all on the same ship.

*rolls her eyes* Nevermind, I'm too mushy to think coherently, let alone type.

I've been working on some HTML code tonight and it's driving me nuts. *chuckles*

You see... Yesterday, I was working on code. I was starting up that webring that you see below these illustrious words. Or should that be lackluster?

Regardless. I had been doing code on about five different projects at the same time. I'd been working for three hours solid. And, my father decided to move a table.

In the move, he jerked the phoneline from the wall. wonder of wonders... three fucking hours of code GONE. obliterated. Deceased.

And THEN, after i'd gone out, driven around a bit, cooled down, I came back and started again. Worked on it for an hour. Saving my work every twenty minutes or so. But then I got caught up in the coding, was going for about 45 minutes or so and BOOM, mother fucker had to move the table AGAIN and ripped the fucking cord out of the wall AGAIN.


So, I tried starting on the coding AGAIN tonight. I've been running it. I'm tired and fussy, so I'm through for the night.

that's it

no more

i'm done

And, I'm ending this entry. So there.


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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