The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Another good day.

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2001 - 11:38 pm

Just had a very good day today.

Started with work, and though I was really, really draggin by the end of my work day (usually about 3 1/2 hours, today 6 1/2) it was good nonethless.

Then, I got home, let Joey out and relaxed for about half an hour when Mom called. Seems that Lord of the Rings was playing here in town, she got two hours off work, so she showed up at the house and we went to see it, opening show, opening day. Woohoo.

That makes two movies I've seen opening show, opening day. I did see Star Wars on opening day, but it was the third showing, not opening show.

Anyway, I liked it. I thought it was good. It's long, but worth it, in my opinion. And, the physical representation of the heroes matched, pretty closely, my own visualizations from when I read the books.

However, for those who are upset when the movie doesn't follow the books... I think you might be happy with this one. I don't know for sure though, as that's never really been a big deal to me. I liked it though. I liked it a lot.

I really thought Legolas was great. As was the Ranger. And Gandalf, *grins* He was perfect in my opinion.

I won't say anything else about it, as I don't want to tell all the good stuff for those who haven't seen it. Though I don't think there are too many who don't know how the story ends. *chuckles*

Anyway... the best part of my night just happened a little bit ago. I woke from a nap just half an hour ago or so. Yes, you heard right. A nap. Waking at 11pm. *chuckles*

I had a very pleasant dream. Very short, but so very nice. Nice in that kind of... ya know, one of those kinds of nice that are reserved for hot chocolate before the fire while watching snow dance outside. Not romantic, but warm.

I was talking with a friend, dunno who it is, but the dream figure was a friend. Then, I saw someone I had harbored some interest in for quite a while. I excused myself, went to this friend and tried talking to him, but couldn't make the words come out.

Finally, I just shook my head a little, raised up on tip toe and kissed him, gently, almost nervously. *smiles softly* He kissed me back, just as gently and hesitantly, but it grew a little deeper. Not passionate, but that kind of warm, tender, gentle sharing kind of kiss. *blushes, smiling softly* That was it.

*shrugs a little*

I liked that. Very short, very tender, very soft. Nice.

So, take that and enjoy your night, friends.

Peace unto thy hearts.

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Temporary Apologies (sort of)
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