The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God


Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2001 - 11:12 pm

I am angry. I am extremely angry. And why? Because someone has been pushing my buttons. Why has this person been pushing my buttons? Because I encroached on her territory.

I was invited, by a friend of mine, to start posting to a certain board. I've been doing so for a little while. She has been getting increasingly more territorial and pissy. And I mean quite extremely.

There was one instance where her boyfriend... sort of (long story) made one harmless and completely joking flirtatious remark toward me. From that point, she has been out to piss me off, humiliate me, cow me. I don't like that.

I have far more worth than to be bullied around by some faceless pixel grouping.

Her boyfriend Emailed me and apologized for her pissy and nasty attitude. Two other people from the same board wrote me, apologizing for this woman's behavior. *shakes her head* And I'm tired of this.

The recent to do was all about a simple comment I made regarding relationships. Her position was one of control. It was necessary for a female to know exactly who was in control (implying that the female was in control) and to keep the male subservient and in his place. And, if he got out of line, it was the female's responsibility to set him back on track.

I don't agree with that approach. And I said as much. I stated that to me (and yes, I put that qualifier in there) it was necessary for respect, communication and equality to be there between the partners. That if an asshole needed to be dealt with, his own actions would bring about his demise and it was not my responsibility to rip him "petal from petal".

(her phrase was "peddal from peddal")

Another girl, this one 17 responded in agreement with me, that she wanted a man with whom she could share her life and that the partnership was more important than either party's superiority.

The BIQ (bitch in question) then responded with a sardonic wish of luck stating that both the girl and myself would need it because we were so stupid (implied, not actual word) as to believe in equality. the BIQ stated that equality was a myth of the femenist movement and could never truly exist and that until men and women understood their roles, they would never have successful relationships.

*sighs, rolling her eyes*

So, then I responded, saying that I did not mean that men and women were physically, emotionally or mentally equal. I stated that it was obvious to me that there were many things that most men did better than most women and vice versa. I also stated that I was not speaking for some false sense of equality, but that what I meant was that a relationship can be equal. Meaning, each party is equally responsible for the success or failure of the relationship. Sometimes a man is a better homemaker and sometimes a woman is a better breadwinner. That doesn't mean that the husband has to work because that's what's expected of him.

In order for a realtionship to work, both parties must be working for the same goal. A relationship where each person has the same strong points and weaknesses is more likely to fail. One needs to be committed to someone who can pick up their slack. Where they are weak, the other should be strong and vice versa. That's what makes it equal.

Arg... I'm tired and pissy, so my words aren't coming out clearly.

Suffice it to say I explained myself and was agreed with by a few different people on the board. the BIQ came back with the snippy comment asking if I was ever wrong. *rolls her eyes*

Yes, of course I'm wrong. I have been wrong many, many times.

However, when I am speaking about MY opinions and MY hopes for a good, strong relationship... when I am talking about MY beliefs as to what is right and wrong... they are MY opinions, believes and hopes. Therefore she has no right to judge them.

However, the final straw for me... this argument and picking from the BIQ has been going on for about three and a half weeks now... the final straw came tonight when she stated that the Bible condones sexual promiscuity.

I asked her what version of the Bible she was reading.

She replied by saying that if I told her what version of the Bible I read, she would prove she was right.

*shakes her head*

I have been reading the Bible for about 28 years now, since I was old enough to read. It was read to me before that. It's very possible that she has been reading a version I don't have. And it's equally as possible that she has interpreted something different than I have.

BUT, I have not, ever, not even once, read, heard about, interpretted nor been told that the Bible has in any way condoned sexual promiscuity!

So... why does it bother me so very much that she would state such?


Because, to me, the Bible and Christianity is sacred. To me, when God said that no one should add to or take away from His Bible, I believe that meant everyone.

To play devil's advocate, so to speak... am I more upset because she slandered and in essense blasphemed against the Bible? Or am I more upset because there's a chance she could be right?

I don't like that thought.

So, I'm going to go to bed now. I will think about this more and I will share with you my opinions after I have done so.

Perhaps something will come to me.

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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