The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

too tired

Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002 - 8:31 pm

Music? Oh yes. A veritable plethora of Yankovic. Lots and lots and lots of Yankovic. And some other stuff, including Clapton, Staind and BHTatM; with a little Dixie Chicks thrown in for spice. *chuckles*

I highly recommend that you all download Your Horoscope For Today by Weird Al Yankovic. Even if you don�t like Yankovic... It�s funny. Fast, up beat, kinda No Doubt-ish. Very Ska. But it�s really funny in my opinion.

Yankovic is music that I listen to when I want to be happy but don�t have a specific reason in mind. I just can�t help but grin at his lyrics.

I really like this arthritis formula pain stuff. When I take the pills two at a time, they do a decent job of knocking the pain out. It�s not completely gone, and I still have some stiffness, but I�m not whimpering anymore. *chuckles* This, in my opinion, is a good thing.

Anyway, Mom and I went out to KFC for dinner tonight. It was decent eats. But not the absolute best. The guy behind the counter didn�t seem to be dealing with a full deck, but he was a nice guy. I brought home treats for Joey, of course. He always gets some kind of treat when I�m out.

I�m having a little difficulty concentrating right now. I think I�m going to go and come back to this in a moment or two. Maybe I�ll take another pain pill... drink some water.


I was talking with Mom about Grandpa today. On the way home from KFC, I was thinking about him and shared my thoughts with her. She agreed with my assessment. That Grandpa was the embodiment of a cowboy. So, what was it about him that makes me say such?

He had that cowboy spirit, a sense of independance. He would be just as comfortable sitting before a campfire with his guitar as he was operating the backhoe. He built up many different companies in his life. He made quite a handsome bit of money in real estate in Southern California before he finally settled in Victorville. (Apple Valley - About an hour south east from San Bernardino, if I remember correctly)

From the time I was about 6 or so, he had started his last business, Aardvark Pumping and Septic, or something like that. I�m not sure about the arrangement of the words.

Regardless... he was soft spoken, gentle, quiet. He didn�t speak unless he needed or wanted to. I like to think that I take after him. Man, I miss him still. Very much so.

*shakes her head* Sorry, folks, I�m really tired. I can barely keep my eyes open so I�m going to catch a nap or something. If I sleep the night through, that�s just as well. I may be back in a few hours though.


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How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

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Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

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- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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