The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Absolutely nothing of importance

2000-04-28 - 18:43:57

1 times 1 is 1. 2 times 2 is four...

There are a whole lot of stupid, trivial factoids running through my brain. Except none of them make any sense. For instance. When you add cold water to hot water, it becomes luke warm faster than if you're adding hot water to cold.

If you place a dog in a tub of luke warm water, it will shake more quickly than if you put the dog in a tub of hot water.

If you've been waiting all week to watch a specific show on TV, as soon as you sit down to watch it, all hell with break loose, negating any and all possibility of watching your show.

If you have promised to clean your room on a specific day, preparing everything to do so, your friend will show up and walk in an hour before you begin to clean.

If you are in a relationship with someone else, you will have misunderstandings.

If you see Kathy Bates on your way down a dark alley... skeedaddle on out of the way right quick.

Let sleeping dogs lie. They simply don't know how to tell the truth.

I don't like children. For one reason specifically. They're short.

Very short.

I trip over them.


I really hate it when I put forth the effort to both wash AND condition my hair and the conditioner doesn't do jack shit but leave my hair all snarled and tangled.


I really hate this. In my personal opinion, the best physical feature I have, besides my eyes, is my hair. Long, red, most often quite silky. I use Pantene, just cause it smells wonderful.

But, this morning I had a wild hair and decided to use conditioner. I must not have washed it all out. *shakes her head* Or, perhaps it was the fact that I dashed out to the car, driving around with the sunroof open, the wind rustling through my hair... Maybe that's what tangled it all up.

*shakes her head again*

I hate it when there are tangles in my hair, it takes a minute to rake my fingers through my hair, unravelling the nasty old tangles. *pouts*

Of course, if I actually used a comb on my hair, it would take what little bit of curl out. *sighs quietly* So much for vanity, eh?

More truths I have learned.

If you have an appointment, your car will act up and cause trouble just to irritate you.

If you don't know what you want, how will you know when it's dropped in your lap?

never drive too far when the red oil light is on.

If you're dressed for sunny weather, it will rain. If you're dressed for rain, it will be bright.

It's a hell of a lot easier to handle fame when you're the fan of someone else, than when people are thinking you're famous.

There isn't a single person in this world who can not sing. There are some who shouldn't. But not a single one who can't.

My life is much more complete when I have a pet to love, who loves me. Joey has just made a huge difference in my world. I feel very lucky to have him.

This entry is much, much too short.

I was thinking about taking Uncle Bob's challenge about the 24 entries in 24 hours. But as I was contemplating the idea... I realized, that means I"d be writing for about 14 hours out of one day.

The stipulation was to do one typical entry per hour for 24 hours. Well, good luck. Sometimes I spend up to 45 minutes writing my entry. Of course, that's usually because I"ve got people talking to me on Yahoo Pager and chit.

Regardless... my hat's off to Malkilicious. There's no way in hell I would agree to that much writing. Specifically because I'm long winded enough as it is and to write 24 entries??? Figure the odds.

Flowers come

in many colors

blocking out

winter's tears


of the soul

cancels out

my deepest fears

~~~The Daily Plug~~~

from the psychosis of the week

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own