The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Cartoons and Bitterness

2000-03-20 - 01:40:13

Analysis of a Cartoon...

When I was a kid, I never was one for watching cartoons. I could handle the occassional Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck. But of course, my favorite was Daffy, because of the damne lisp. I can still immitate that lisp perfectly. That'th dethpicable.

Regardless, it wasn't until I was almost 25 that I realized what my favorite cartoon was all about. I mean, I used to love the Wyle E Coyote cartoons. I loved them so much. And I never knew why. Even to this day, if there's a Road Runner's Meep Meep heard from a distance, I get a cheerful smile across my face.

Anyway.... if any of you would actually think about it, you'd notice that the Wyle E Coyote cartoons were all about Male/Female relationships. Wyle E was the Male, of course. And Road Runner was the female. I mean, hell, have you seen a road runner in actuallity? Think about it. in the cartoon that road runner had really long legs and a huge chest. *chuckles*

Regardless, the point is this... Wyle E did everything he could to get that Road Runner's attention. He didn't just want her attention, he wanted to eat her. *smirks* What man do you know that DOESN'T want to eat the female he's persuing....

The point, convoluted as it is, Wyle E did everything he possibly could to get that bird's attention... he tried amazing products, all from Acme, of course. He tried the Tarzan thing, he tried bird seed (taking her out to dinner) And every time he got close to getting laid... every time that damned bird would slow down for even a second, he'd flub it up somehow.

That's how a lot of young men are today. Most older men grow out of that. But the young men? No, they are Wyle E Coyote incarnate. They try tricks and treats and dates to get the female's attention. And guess what? She just sucks it up, then spits it right back out.

She takes the presents and gifts and attention that he lavishes in his clumsy way, and she shits on it. She runs away, yet again. And it doesn't matter that Wyle E spent his last dollar to make her comfortable, to make her happy, to provide her with everything she could possibly desire.

All she sees is that he didn't quite do it fast enough, well enough, strong enough... whatever. That is just wasn't enough. So she figuratively drop kicks him on his ass yet one more time. Builds him up then drops him down.

And each time she builds him up a little more... He climbs to a higher cliff, or shoots farther, or spends more, or whatever.... Each time he puts forth the effort, takes the risk, makes the jump, she's there to hold out her arms to catch him, then lets him fall. It's like the Lucy and Charlie Brown thing... Each time he tries to kick that fuckin football, she pulls it away. EVEN AFTER he's made her promise she won't pull it away. But he goes back.

Is he gentle and kind and trusting inside? Or is he really so stupid as to think that if he allows her to humiliate him ONE MORE TIME, she'll actually give in, drop trou and let him fuck her?

*rolls her eyes* Dunno, this started out as a light, comical comment, but turned into a bitter, biting remark about men and women. I know about 15 males in this world that I hold in high esteem. But all the rest? They're pathetic little dick-driven horn dogs. And the women? I know three women I would hold above reproach. None of them is me.

The rest of the women out there, that I know, are mean, cruel and heartless bitches who want nothing more than to see the utter destruction of every last ray of hope in a man's life.

Hmmmmmm, Maybe I"m bitter?

Naw, couldn't be.

I think I'm hanging up now.

And I'm sure that I'll have something else to say tomorrow to cover up this blistering, nasty, mean and bitter side of me.

Ya think?

So, here I am... the Queen of all bitches... the nastiest woman on the face of the earth. And so very desperate for some man who actually gives a damn and is willing to look through the rage, anger and bitterness... a man who will just hold me and hold me and hold me while I cry so hard I think I'll never stop......

But I don't cry.

C'est la vie, non?

E'lanima con me partiro


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own