The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Healing Hearts

2000-03-20 - 18:41:05

The Desire of my Heart...

I was once asked what I want most out of life. I didn't have to think too long before I had the answer to that.

I want to heal hearts. The ideal would be to take the pain and hurt away from everyone I meet, leaving peace and tranquility in their place... However, reality doth rear it's hoary head.

Regardless, I want to heal hearts. I want the people I deal with to feel refreshed and more peaceful after having dealt with me. Those who have been insulted and injured and wounded in emotion, mind and spirit... I want to provide them with some peace and understanding.

I believe in the value of human life. So much so, that even those who have hurt me deeply... for them I wish peace and tranquility as well. I don't like to hear of anyone hurting. I don't like to think of anyone in pain... any kind of pain.

Tho personally, I know that pain is what makes us the people we are. Enduring the pain of life is what forms our character. Without the pain that I personally have endured, I would not have had the courage to break out of a marriage that was killing me. And, without breaking out of that, I wouldn't have the courage to forge on with life, to make it through, to perservere.

But the thing that's most important is that without people to listen, there is no use in talking. Thus one can't work through the pain. That's the thing I've learned which stands out so strongly.

Because of that, I have sort of made it my own personal crusade to listen to anyone who needs an ear. To offer a shoulder for those who need comfort and peace. To offer kindness and gentle spirit to those who have been so badly wounded and bruised.

Years can be lifted from a person's soul when someone takes the time to listen to them. Just think about it... What IS it to heal hearts? What does it take?

A gentle touch. A kind word. A spirit of kindness and gentleness. And the willingness to listen without judgement. Perhaps that's the most important factor of all. Perhaps listening without judgement is what makes the difference.

I appreciate and admire everyone I've ever met in some way. I can find something worthwhile in every person in the world. And, ya know what? I like that about me. I really do.

I've counseled (listened to) people who have had any number of problems. From sexual indiscressions of the worst kind, to broken hearts to bad grades in school. Each person feels the sting of their own failure or loss. And for some, getting a B rather than an A would be nothing. yet to some, it is tantamount to the death of a family member.

Each person in this life has their own level of pain. I think one of the things that is most important, in having the ability to listen, is to realize that fact.

I think that's where I'm going to end this for now. Hmmmmm.

Peace unto thy hearts, friends.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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