The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Um.... stuff??? Plugs and the like.

2000-05-02 - 18:56:24

Uncle Bob likes me...

Well... My day has been the epitome today. Uncle Bob plugged me on his diary. *grins* I feel like some stupid, hero-worshipping, teeny-bopper. And I love it.

Uncle Bob is my hero. He's actually getting paid for being a writer. That's way cool in my opinion. But Uncle Bob also has this sense of humor that I gravitate toward.

Uncle Bob just rocks my world, folks. As if you couldn't tell. If you haven't read Uncle Bob yet, please do. There's a reason he's got a large following. He's just the coolest.

Out of all the diaries in diaryland, at the risk of alienating friends I've had for years by not picking their diaries first... Uncle Bob's diary is the best. He's entertaining, informative and interactionary. Hell, some of you folks who know how to do coding and shit... one of you NEEDS to create the new "Uncle Bob Interactive CD Rom". It slices, it dices, it splits your sides.

Okay, Yes, I am a little plug happy here, but in my opinion, the best form of praise for someone like Uncle Bob, is to plug him, and plug him, and plug him, and plug him again!!!

And, knowing what an egomaniacle man Uncle Bob is, he's just gotta love all these plugs.

Anyway, enough with my obsession with Uncle Bob. We'll move on with this entry. *chuckles*

I posted the rest of the written history of Tiger on her diary... Tig's diary.... However, there were a few errors that I never bothered to fix, basically because I'm a lazy fuck, but partially because I just couldn't remember to do it...

I WILL get around to fixing the history, but because few people go to my website anymore, I'm not in a major hurry.

Once I get my business site up and running, I'll have more time to get the "not so important" things done. My apologies in advance for the cold and callousness of that comment. I don't mean it to sound like the character accuracy is unimportant. I just need to have some income, ya know. I think it's more important for me, at this time, to focus on the income, rather than the fantasy.

Anyway... There was more I was going to say, but I can't remember what it is, cause the pup is scratching at the door. He really wants out. I try not to deny him things like that.

So, a few plugs before I go.

Uncle Bob





Da Nerdy Girl

Tanto's pal

And last, but by far not least........

Peace unto thy hearts...


Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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Who is the Fatal Tiger look somewhere else spread my words get your own