The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

The Mysterious BiouxTai

Thursday, May. 02, 2002 - 7:03 pm

Ya know, I figure that I've been putting off this entry too long. *rolls her eyes* It's been a hell of a busy week and for what? What did I accomplish? Nada.

Well, okay, that's not quite true. I did a lot of work on my new novel/RP. But still, I didn't post the entry about Bioux like I've been intending to. Heh. So, finally, here it is.

In a nut shell, I will never, ever, ever look at the Smurfs in the same light.

Bioux was not at all what I expected, visually. Strictly because I was expecting someone... Older. Heh.

And why was I expecting someone older? Because his self-given nickname is "The Professor". Despite what I already knew (that he was young) I still pictured, in my head, a man in his mid to late 50's in tweed, replete with pipe.

What I got was a late 20-something man with a funky and almost evil looking goatee with shaved head and a grin. The voice was the same, the opinions and attitudes were the same, but the visual overlay in my mind just didn't match up.

Initial impression upon Bioux's entering the restaurant:

That's gotta be him. Is that him? That's gotta be him. Yeah, that's definitely him. But... Damn, cool goatee.

Yes, that's my mind. *grins*

I'm sorry to say that Bioux does not remind me even a little bit of myself. The hedonistic part of me would love to think that everyone is just a junior version of myself. This isn't true, of course, but I'd like to think it anyway. Heh. A world full of "mini-me"s. (No, I still haven't seen that movie.)

A few of our opinions differ as far as religion is concerned. I'm not sure if that's due to personality type, duration of religious experience or denominational association. I think it's a combination of personality type and duration of religious experience.

If I'm not mistaken, Bioux has been a "Christian" for around three years or so, give or take one or two. I have been a "Christian" for a little over thirty years.

===I put "Christian" in quotes not because of Bioux or myself, but because I don't hold to the exact same standards of popular Christianity. I don't believe in trying to convert people or telling them whether they're wrong or right. Many Christians (not all) believe in both of those things, but specifically, they believe in converting non-Christians. I don't want to be lumped into that group and I try hard not to lump others into that group.===

As far as the personality type thing is concerned, I think that Bioux might be more inclined toward absolutes. I am not. I know that there are some things which are considered absolutes for many, but I just don't agree.

I personally believe that life is a matter of perspective. Reality, too, is a matter of perspective. I don't think that Bioux truly subscribes to that specific philosophy.

Bioux has very definite opinions about the Bible and what the Bible means. That's wonderful, in my opinion. I wish him to experience everything the Bible has to offer.

There are many areas where our understandings of Biblical scripture don't mesh. This, I think, is the result of our different personal perspectives. Again, it comes down to the absolutes vs. no absolutes thing.


Bioux has a great mind and he's willing to give away a little bit a room, however, he's not as open as some. Oh, he is friendly and kind and he's a gentleman, but there are parts of his life, his mental space, which are off limits to others.

For me, there isn't a whole lot within my head that I won't show anyone who is interested. There might be three or four areas which are off limits to all but those I trust most implicitly. All in all, however, I'm pretty open. (In my opinion. Ask Lee and Karen and Bioux if that's true. Sympatico and Charles too.)

Bioux and I only had about three hours or so. It would have been much better if we could have spent more time together. I think that it's entirely possible that I would have been granted a little further access to the dark reaches of the Professor's mind.

Of course, it's entirely possible that I'm talking about nothing here. This would not be a new concept. *grins*


All in all, I think Bioux is a great man. I am impressed that he is a gentleman. I still have a little difficulty putting the biker-badass look in place where my mind says the distinguished professor image should be.

And, I did get to tag along on a few memory trails. *grins*

And seriously, I will never, ever, ever look at the Smurfs in the same light. *grins*

It's up to Bioux to explain that if he so desires.

Peace unto thy hearts, all.

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How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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